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Devront-on séparer le terrain  

8 membres ont voté

  1. 1. Devront-on séparer le terrain

    • Oui 4000 pc sur delorimier, 3000 sur Sherbrooke
    • Non, on doit preserver l'integrité du terrain
    • Non, trop compliqué a obtenir dérogation
    • Non, on construit dans le jardin sans séparation

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Maybe it's also because i had a date last night and it went great, but i haven't been this happy after an election since.. well, ever!

Change is coming.

From my understanding, change was not the only thing coming yesterday night !! ;)

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What a beautiful day...


Had just one class early this morning so after at 10 I walked around downtown, Sainte-Catherine to Old Montreal.. bought all the newspapers, and when i looked at the Gazette it hit me. The enormity of what just happened hit me.


Barack Obama was elected president.


I had my Obama shirt on, nodding and smiling to those who smiled back. Lots of "Yeah! Obama!" and "Fuck yeah!"s. Couple of people had Obama shirts on, high-fived one of them.


Maybe it's also because i had a date last night and it went great, but i haven't been this happy after an election since.. well, ever!


Change is in the air.


Change is coming.


Congratulations America, yes you did.

Yeah, I felt the same way in '06 after the Liberals got defeated by the Conservatives. Finally a Conservative! Finally someone from out west! And Harper's term as PM has been one of Canada's best.


Enjoy the next four years, because in 2012 there'll be another battle, and a rejuvenated Republican Party to contend with.


I'd like McCain to run again, I know he'll be 76, but he's one of my favourite republicans. I just hope that he chooses a better running mate.


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Obama has 338 and with 37 more leaning his way for a total of 375. I called 396, i'd say i'm pretty close! Georgia is the only big state i predicted to go Obama that didn't.
At moment it seems:

Obama 349

McCain 174


Only NC and its 15 electoral votes have yet to be decided (about 10,000 votes separate the two candidates).

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Yeah, I felt the same way in '06 after the Liberals got defeated by the Conservatives. Finally a Conservative! Finally someone from out west! And Harper's term as PM has been one of Canada's best.


Enjoy the next four years, because in 2012 there'll be another battle, and a rejuvenated Republican Party to contend with.


I'd like McCain to run again, I know he'll be 76, but he's one of my favourite republicans. I just hope that he chooses a better running mate.


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You know, in fairness, i like McCain. I really do. He seems like a genuinely good man who cares about his country. I just think some bad influences from within the republican party corrupted him and his campaign and sent it crashing down into an abyss of personal attacks and desperation. McCain deserved better than what he got from the people around him.. including his VP pick.

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