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Échangeur Turcot


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il y a 19 minutes, Rocco a dit :

N'importe quoi. La voir maritime a été inaugurée bien avant l'échangeur Turcot. Rigueur, rigueur, rigueur.

ok, après vérification, j'avoue mon erreur pour la date d'inauguration de la voie maritime (1959 vs 1966 pour l'échangeur Turcot).  Mais ça ne change pas le fait que le canal de Lachine était encore ouvert à la circulation maritime, jusqu'en 1970. 

La conception aérienne de la structure principale de l'échangeur Turcot permettait au trafic maritime de continuer sans entraves, mais ça n'a été utile que pendant 4 ans, au final.

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7 hours ago, denpanosekai said:

Slow down my man. 50k zone. Thanks for the video though.

In Quebec 50 km/h zone means 70 km/h. Police will generally ignore you at up to 20 km/h over. I don't know anyone who ever received a ticket for anything under 20 km/h over. The few cases I know had other factors (driver's skin color, age, dress, look of the car, etc.)

Limits are also generally set with the assumption of this practice.

The speed in the video is actually pretty slow for that area. With less traffic cars move around 80 km/h there.

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Lachine Canal being used as waste storage area for Turcot Interchange debris

CTV Montreal 
Published Saturday, March 16, 2019 4:24PM EDT 
Last Updated Saturday, March 16, 2019 7:44PM EDT

Part of the canal is being used to store waste from the Turcot Interchange, which is concerning environmentalists

Environmentalists are concerned that debris from the old Highway 15 South are being dumped into a drained section of the Lachine Canal.

Transport Quebec is calling it a snow wall, meant to contain the waste from the Turcot Interchange’s demolition during winter.

The provincial agency says that the debris should be removed by the end of March.

“First they build a snow bridge, and then they put metal plates, and then they put a geotextile mat over the snow,” said a spokesperson for Transport Quebec.

Environmentalists, however, feel that the risk of debris polluting the canal and, by extension, the St. Lawrence River, is high and will get even higher as the snow starts to melt. 

“It means that you will have more contaminants come to the St. Lawrence River,” said Daniel Green, Deputy Leader of the Canadian Green Party. “There’s a lot of fishermen that fish in the St. Lawrence. It’s also a source of drinking water.”

The canal has a reputation for being heavily polluted.

In 2017 the federal and provincial governments announced the second phase of their 15-year plan. 

The Turcot project shouldn’t be hindering progress, according to Green.

“It is disappointing, I think, that in this day and age, you would let a government-controlled construction project to dump in the Lachine Canal because it’s convenient,” he said. “It goes against common thinking.”

Despite their concerns, Transport Quebec said that there will be no environmental impact from the dumping.

“When they have finished the work, they will remove everything and make sure that if there is snow that is contaminated by the work, the snow will be removed,” said Transport Quebec.

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Pour de l'acceptabilité sociale principalement.

En très résumé, les personnes sur la rue Cazelais ne voulaient pas se faire exproprier. Le MTQ a pris les règles pour les routes nationales pour rendre la 720 un peu moins larges, donc il n'avait plus besoin de faire des expropriations sur cette partie du projet.

Après, sa fait joli de dire qu'on enlève une autoroute du réseau, même si dans les faits, on reste avec une autoroute de 4 voies de chaque côté. Juste un numéro qui change...

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