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Devimco playing politics already...

why would they state they believe the land could be worth $150 million before they’ve even acquired it ?   Clearly trying to position themselves against the Bronfman group and any possible transfer of land.  Nice buzz words like job creation and family housing, not exactly Devimco’s priority on their prior projects.  


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il y a 29 minutes, Exposteve a dit :

Devimco playing politics already...

why would they state they believe the land could be worth $150 million before they’ve even acquired it ?   Clearly trying to position themselves against the Bronfman group and any possible transfer of land.  Nice buzz words like job creation and family housing, not exactly Devimco’s priority on their prior projects.  

I am inclined to believe them, as the land is obviously very attractive.


Nice buzz words like job creation and family housing, not exactly Devimco’s priority on their prior projects.  

On this I agree; they're not exactly Broccolini. I am not even sure if I should believe their sketches; they might update them to beige boxes once they start to develop.

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33 minutes ago, Exposteve said:

Devimco playing politics already...

why would they state they believe the land could be worth $150 million before they’ve even acquired it ?   Clearly trying to position themselves against the Bronfman group and any possible transfer of land.  Nice buzz words like job creation and family housing, not exactly Devimco’s priority on their prior projects.  


The problem here is more with the future owners. How could they not know Devimco wasn't interested and has been after the land for two years? What is their game plan if he has a 30% land buy option? 


7 minutes ago, Decel said:

I am inclined to believe them, as the land is obviously very attractive.

On this I agree; they're not exactly Broccolini. I am not even sure if I should believe their sketches; they might update them to beige boxes once they start to develop.

That is not the point. In a game of politics, which both sides are clearly playing, who do you think will win in the current political landscape?

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il y a 10 minutes, peekay a dit :

That is not the point. In a game of politics, which both sides are clearly playing, who do you think will win in the current political landscape?

I know it's politics and both are in it to win: Devimco with pure profit and Bronfman with the free land (payed by others).

With current political landscape I don't know who's going to win. Plante doesn't seem to want to take a decision on anything unless it looks like a pink metro line, and Legault is a huge question-mark in my eyes so far.

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16 minutes ago, Decel said:

I know it's politics and both are in it to win: Devimco with pure profit and Bronfman with the free land (payed by others).

With current political landscape I don't know who's going to win. Plante doesn't seem to want to take a decision on anything unless it looks like a pink metro line, and Legault is a huge question-mark in my eyes so far.

I think Legault doesn't realize that FTQ and CDPQ are involved with the Devimco project. In the end, political votes and ROI is all that will matter. 

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il y a 24 minutes, peekay a dit :

I think Legault doesn't realize that FTQ and CDPQ are involved with the Devimco project. In the end, political votes and ROI is all that will matter. 

CDPQ is not exactly involved however:


Le Fonds FTQ a confirmé son intérêt. Ivanhoé Cambridge garde la porte ouverte. « Nous sommes toujours à l'affût d'opportunités d'investir dans des projets structurants au Québec, a fait savoir Ivanhoé Cambridge. Cela dit, nous n'avons pas pris d'engagements à propos du projet en question. »

It's the Devimco spindoctors that insinuated that they were.

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15 minutes ago, MartinMtl said:

Valérie Plante a dit qu'elle était pour un nouveau stade dans ce secteur, mais à condition que le projet soit exemplaire et qu'il s'inscrive bien dans le contexte urbain. C'est ça qui fait d'elle "un moron" ?

Non. Relis mon commentaire.

Si tu n'as pas d'autres points pertinants sur le sujet, passons sur d'autres points svp.

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Rappelez-vous comment Serge Goulet a particulièrement tendance à s'avancer un peu trop loin et à omettre des points importants quand il est question de mousser l'un de ses projets à un journaliste...

Mais tant mieux pour nous si les deux groupes bonifient chacun leur projet par cette compétition pour développer le lot. Claridge(Bronfman) semble quand même beaucoup plus près de la CDPQ, avec notamment les annonces sur leur fond immobilier commun. La réplique risque d'être intéressante!

La dernière fois qu'il y a eu un projet de stade de baseball à MTL le marché n'était tout simplement pas là et la SIC a ensuite rapidement accepté de céder le terrain aux Albertains de True North pour une offre et un projet qui font évidemment pitié..


Modifié par JayDee
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