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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Wow! Rocco actually contributing with a picture instead of .... you know what! Good work, keep 'em coming.
  2. June 14th 2014 -- looks like we've got ourselves another crane, boys
  3. June 14th 2014 -- sewer work for Roccabella and second TDC tower crane.
  4. According to this PDF, Gramercy is requesting a "delai de realisation" extension. Presumably that's one extra year?
  5. > On est parti en voyage une fin de semaine, je pense. Lorsqu'on est arrivé, nos serrures ont été changées. On est chez nous! Nos serrures ont été changées, on n'avait plus accès à notre condo WTF
  6. June 10th 2014 A new deck for the hot summer ahead.
  7. I think Archambault deserves a break here. Their employees have endured so much bullshit over the years. So many drug dealers around. I avoid the area completely personally.
  8. You guys are experts at derailing threads.
  9. I'm surprised at how far in the back they put the crane. Don't these usually turn out to be the elevator shaft down the line?
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