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Source: Ville de Montréal


La Ville de Montréal avise les usagers de la route de la fermeture complète du boulevard Saint-Laurent, entre les boulevards René Lévesque et De Maisonneuve à compter du 16 septembre prochain.


Cette fermeture est requise pour permettre la réalisation de travaux de reconstruction des infrastructures souterraines au cœur de l'intersection de la rue Sainte-Catherine et du boulevard Saint Laurent. Ces interventions seront réalisées dans le cadre des travaux du Quartier des spectacles.


• Durée : La fermeture sera effective à compter du jeudi 16 septembre prochain et ce, jusqu'au mois de décembre 2010.


• Circulation : La circulation sera interdite sur le boulevard Saint-Laurent, entre les boulevards René-Lévesque et De Maisonneuve. La rue Jeanne-Mance, qui est présentement interdite à la circulation, sera accessible à nouveau dès l'entrée en vigueur de cette fermeture.


Un chemin de détour redirigera les automobilistes en provenance du sud et de l'est vers le boulevard René-Lévesque, la rue Jeanne Mance et la rue Sherbrooke et les usagers venant de l'ouest vers le boulevard René-Lévesque, la rue Berri et le boulevard De Maisonneuve. La circulation locale sera autorisée à double sens sur le boulevard Saint Laurent.

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:( Dommage que les deux projets de construction 2-22 et quadrilatère St-Laurent ne se font pas en même temps, tant qu'à déranger autant le faire une fois pour toute et qu'on accouche enfin d'un secteur retapé autant en surface qu'en sous-sol. D'ailleurs où en sommes-nous avec ces deux projets dont on entend plus parler? Ont-ils attrapé le syndrome du CHUM? Ou est-ce que le mot urgence utilisé souvent dans les deux dossiers n'a pas le même sens que dans le dictionnaire?


Si j'étais religieux je ferais brûler des lampions dans toutes les églises de Montréal pour plaire au dieu de la construction afin qu'il intercède dans les dossiers, mais dommage, je crois qu'il faudra plus que la foi pour espérer un miracle:begging:

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:( Dommage que les deux projets de construction 2-22 et quadrilatère St-Laurent ne se font pas en même temps, tant qu'à déranger autant le faire une fois pour toute et qu'on accouche enfin d'un secteur retapé autant en surface qu'en sous-sol. D'ailleurs où en sommes-nous avec ces deux projets dont on entend plus parler? Ont-ils attrapé le syndrome du CHUM? Ou est-ce que le mot urgence utilisé souvent dans les deux dossiers n'a pas le même sens que dans le dictionnaire?


Si j'étais religieux je ferais brûler des lampions dans toutes les églises de Montréal pour plaire au dieu de la construction afin qu'il intercède dans les dossiers, mais dommage, je crois qu'il faudra plus que la foi pour espérer un miracle:begging:


Pour le 2-22, ça brette à cause du fédéral qui ne s'accorde pas avec le provincial sur les modalités de versement des subventions. Pour le quadri st-laurent, le projet est retourné sur la planche à dessin suite aux processus de consultations.

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  • 3 mois plus tard...
  • 2 mois plus tard...
The city has decided to abandon plans to expropriate Café Cléopâtre, the last holdout to a $160-million redevelopment plan for a section of the lower Main.


Montreal's city executive committee voted on Wednesday to drop the expropriation procedure against the owner of the cabaret strip club on the west side of St. Laurent Blvd. below Ste. Catherine St. because the developer, Angus Development Corp., has decided to withdraw its project and devise a new one, the city announced yesterday.


The expropriation process would have taken too long with no known end date and would have cost a lot of money, Geneviève Marsan, a spokesperson for the developer, said.


Instead, the project dubbed Quadrilatère Saint-Laurent will be built around Café Cléopâtre, she said.


Johnny Zoumboulakis, who owns Café Cléopâtre and the building it's housed in, said he didn't know the city had decided to nix expropriation. The case was supposed to be heard in September, he said.


"I'm happy that the city took a decision and they didn't wait months and months," Zoumboulakis said.


"I worked very hard to build the café and they wanted to just take it away."


The city gave Angus Development a mandate in 2006 to come up with a project that would revitalize part of the city's old red-light district on St. Laurent.


The non-profit company, recognized for its successful revitalization of the Angus railway shops site in Rosemont, proposed a new 12-storey complex consisting of offices and some commercial space.


The company bought the rest of the buildings in the block that were to be razed for its project, but Zoumboulakis rebuffed its offers saying they didn't take his need to relocate into consideration.


Montreal's Office de consultation publique de Montréal, which held public hearings in 2009, was critical of the complex. It also noted that a petition circulated by an artists' coalition demanding the preservation or relocation of Café Cléopâtre had garnered 1,000 signatures.


Angus Development will come back with a new project soon, and doesn't have details to offer just yet, Marsan said. However, it's looking at building in two phases, first south of Café Cléopâtre and then north of it, she said.


"Ideally, we would have wanted to build the original project," Marsan said. "But what we want is to contribute to the revitalization of this sector so if we have do it in two phases we'll do it like that."


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  • 10 mois plus tard...

Interesting article.



Issues Broader than the Project


The Quartier des spectacles – presented as “the heart of the cultural metropolis” – is an ambitious project to develop a cultural quarter in downtown Montreal. The project raises some important issues, including the quarter’s relationship with the local arts community and how it fits into the city as a whole.


Photo : Martin Viau, Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles.


The Quartier des spectacles (QDS) really got off the ground in 2003 with creation of the Quartier des spectacles Partnership, the organization responsible for managing an ambitious project to develop a cultural quarter in downtown Montreal. The quarter, which is still being developed, lies in the area bounded by Sherbrooke Street to the north, Saint-Hubert to the East, Boulevard René-Lévesque to the south, and City Councillors to the west. The QDS project has multiple objectives: to revitalize a part of the city that was in serious decline and make it a unique tourist destination, to improve Montreal’s international branding, to provide an anchor for major festivals, to encourage the concentration of cultural organizations, etc.


The QDS is presented as “the heart of the cultural metropolis.” I discussed with Montreal artists what this means for the cultural sector and local artistic creation. These interviews were part of a study on Montreal artists’ perception of the QDS which I was doing for my master’s thesis in Urban Studies. I met with 16 artists from the local music and visual arts scene whose work runs the gamut from underground to mainstream. Below are some of the reflections that emerged from these discussions.


Photo : Martine Doyon, Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles.

Façade de La Vitrine culturelle, rue Ste-Catherine.


The first thing that became clear in the interviews is that Montreal artists feel not very – and often not at all – concerned by the QDS. “I don’t feel it has anything to do with me, even though I’m an artist who’s interested in culture and I want to explore all those questions,” said one of the interviewees. Many of the interviewees feel they are not the artists targeted by the QDS, and none of them spend time there outside of their work. Certain artists noted that there had been many creative spaces in the area but that the artists who occupied them were evicted around ten years ago. So they feel it is ironic that artists are now being asked to come back. They also said that the creative hubs are now located in other Montreal neighbourhoods (such as Mile End, Centre-Sud, Sud-Ouest and Hochelaga), so it is essential to consider the QDS in relation to all of the artistic hubs on the Island of Montreal.


However, it’s not all negative. Most of the artists I talked with recognize the QDS’s potential as a place for cultural dissemination. They believe this function should be further emphasized so as to create a cluster of cultural organizations of various types and sizes. Why not develop a quarter that would bring together as many publishers, talent agencies, artist-run centres and theatre and dance troupes as possible? The QDS also offers good performance possibilities for local musicians. The major festivals’ outdoor stages are excellent venues for reaching new audiences, and their programming is usually open to emerging musicians as well as established artists.


Photo : Martine Doyon, Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles.

Éclats de verre, Luminothérapie 2011. Créateurs : ATOMIC3 -

Félix Dagenais, Louis-Xavier Gagnon-Lebrun et Éric Gautron.


The decision to devote a large part of the downtown core to culture is also praised by many of the artists interviewed. They feel that creating the QDS confirms Montreal’s character as a cultural metropolis and recognizes culture’s social and economic contribution to society. One of the artists said that the QDS makes culture accessible to everyone and that thanks to the QDS, people now know “where to go.” On the other hand, certain artists said that cultural dissemination should not be limited to the QDS and that it is important for cultural venues to continue to exist outside the downtown core. “That’s one of the possible dangers I see for the QDS: that sort of ghettoization. The shows are always put on there and nobody thinks of anywhere else anymore,” said a musician. Among other things, it appears that small cultural venues are essential for ensuring the vitality of the Montreal scene, so it is important for them to have a place within the QDS. But they should also be able to survive in the other parts of Montreal too.


Photo : Martine Doyon, Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles.

Façade de la Grande Bibliothèque, rue Berri. Conception de l’éclairage : Lucion média.


Another issue that emerged from the interviews is that the gap that exists between the artists’ needs in their respective disciplines and the new infrastructures proposed by the QDS could contribute to a negative perception of it. A number of interviewees from both the music scene and the visual arts notably mentioned the lack of affordable creative spaces suited to their needs in Montreal. And that’s not even considering the fact that a number of creative spaces disappear over the years – another reason that action should be taken to consolidate the existing spaces. While this issue is broader than the QDS, it nevertheless points up the importance of considering the place of the QDS in the Montreal arts ecosystem.


The QDS is a complex project with a mix of cultural, economic and social objectives. While artists are not the only cultural producers, their important role in the cultural sphere is undeniable, and it would therefore be a good idea to take their perception of the QDS into account. Since the QDS is still being developed, it is to be hoped that the opportunity it affords for promoting culture will be fully exploited in a way that includes artists and all citizens.

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  • 1 mois plus tard...
  • 2 semaines plus tard...

J'aurais quelques questions concernant le quartier des spectacles:


1) Esplanade Clark devrait bien être complétée en 2012? (selon échéancier)


2) Oeuvre d'art majeure confirmée sera prête quand? et sera placée ou?


3) Le bloc central sur la Place des Festivals (celui ou l'on voit le plan géant du qds) devait être fait de verre selon les plans originaux. Ont-ils scrappé ça?


4) Les fosses à arbres au nord de la Place qui ne servent plus à rien vu que les arbres prévus ne seront jamais planté vont-ils être retirés? Ça fait pic-pic en ce moment.


5) Le nouveau toit en pente de l'entrée de la Place des Arts qui a été tout scrappé par des skateux l'été dernier est toujours magané. Ont-ils l'intention de le remplacer?


Probablement que personne n'a de réponse, pas même ceux qui s'occupent du projet du QdS...

Modifié par Rocco
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J'aurais quelques questions concernant le quartier des spectacles:


1) Esplanade Clark devrait bien être complétée en 2012? (selon échéancier)


Effectivement, ils commencent les travaux bientôt d'ailleurs.


2) Oeuvre d'art majeure confirmée sera prête quand? et sera placée ou?


3) Le bloc central sur la Place des Festivals (celui ou l'on voit le plan géant du qds) devait être fait de verre selon les plans originaux. Ont-ils scrappé ça?


Effectivement, deux oeuvres sont prévues, soit une au Parterre (le parc face à la nouvelle salle de l'OSM) et une autre à la place de la carte géante du QdesS sur la Place des festivals. Par contre, aucune nouvelle récente relativement à ces oeuvres. Un article de plusieurs mois dénonçait l'inaction relativement à ce dossier et depuis, rien.


4) Les fosses à arbres au nord de la Place qui ne servent plus à rien vu que les arbres prévus ne seront jamais planté vont-ils être retirés? Ça fait pic-pic en ce moment.


Aucune idée. Je t'invite à écrire à l'organisme qui sont en charge du projet.


5) Le nouveau toit en pente de l'entrée de la Place des Arts qui a été tout scrappé par des skateux l'été dernier est toujours magané. Ont-ils l'intention de le remplacer?


Aucune idée, je t'invite à écrire à


Probablement que personne n'a de réponse, pas même ceux qui s'occupent du projet du QdS...

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