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Another empty statement. Prove this. There's more investment in Toronto from Europe then there is to Montreal by a substantial margin.

While I agree this is probably an empty statement, this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

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Les prochaines trois mois seront la preuve pour tous ceux qui ont cru et croit a la région de Montréal est sur un relancée de voir a quel point beaucoup des gens ont travaille fort .Des annonces majeurs de location d'espace de bureaux (3) et 5 investissements majeurs industriels region CMM . + une autre annonce hôtelière majeur. Ces que moi j'ai vue passe il en a peut t'être plus. Moi je croit vraiment que Montréal va renaitre et que nous aurons des tours de grande qualité dans notre prochaine vague de construction . Je croit sincèrement que Montréal sera dans les top 10 des villes mondiaux a tous les niveaux dans 8 a 10 prochaines années .Par contre je pense que nous avons tous un(e) role a jouée , voir quand ment ont aimée Montréal et ce que nous voulons faire pour elle . Moi je croit que Montréal peut aller cherche 10 a 15 milliards d'investissements privée par année et est capable de réduire sont taux de taxation de 1% annuel . Bâtir , investir ces ce donner les meilleurs outils pour baisser les taxes.

Ces a nous tous de mettre Montréal et sa région en marche . Une vague va passe sur Montréal et elle serait très longue, 10-15 années , embarquée ces le temps.

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Les prochaines trois mois seront la preuve pour tous ceux qui ont cru et croit a la région de Montréal est sur un relancée de voir a quel point beaucoup des gens ont travaille fort .Des annonces majeurs de location d'espace de bureaux (3) et 5 investissements majeurs industriels region CMM . + une autre annonce hôtelière majeur. Ces que moi j'ai vue passe il en a peut t'être plus. Moi je croit vraiment que Montréal va renaitre et que nous aurons des tours de grande qualité dans notre prochaine vague de construction . Je croit sincèrement que Montréal sera dans les top 10 des villes mondiaux a tous les niveaux dans 8 a 10 prochaines années .Par contre je pense que nous avons tous un(e) role a jouée , voir quand ment ont aimée Montréal et ce que nous voulons faire pour elle . Moi je croit que Montréal peut aller cherche 10 a 15 milliards d'investissements privée par année et est capable de réduire sont taux de taxation de 1% annuel . Bâtir , investir ces ce donner les meilleurs outils pour baisser les taxes.

Ces a nous tous de mettre Montréal et sa région en marche . Une vague va passe sur Montréal et elle serait très longue, 10-15 années , embarquée ces le temps.




PS: je devine que le français n'est pas du tout ta langue maternelle. Mais BRAVO pour écrire dans cette langue! L'effort est admirable. Sincèrement.:thumbsup:

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Your just a little bit off the line, Mark all but two of my statements have not happened yet , watch and see Montréal is back on course heavy time . Even the Toronto and New York establishments are looking at Montréal . Watch what is coming , be happy for you and your future here. I know You love Montreal and will not go west so preach for are city as you do evert day . Are you scared to say you and your family love Montréal, we like you and I know what you do for us , positive brings positive. :thumbsup:

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Greenlobster, thanks for sharing this. Respectfully you make a lot big statements and rarely do they come to fruition. I will give you the benefit of the doubt but I'm hoping you're not misleading anybody here.

Well, we should start to see this fruition in about three months or so, which is a nice small time frame in which to begin to see whether or not this great optimism(or bold statement anyway) is warranted. I sure hope so as I myself an eternal optimist for the future of Montreal.


Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk

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PS: je devine que le français n'est pas du tout ta langue maternelle. Mais BRAVO pour écrire dans cette langue! L'effort est admirable. Sincèrement.:thumbsup:


Merci de ton commentaire , mes enfants et petits enfants sont 100% dans la langue de Molière , l'heritage et fait et seras continue pour toujours,

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Well, we should start to see this fruition in about three months or so, which is a nice small time frame in which to begin to see whether or not this great optimism(or bold statement anyway) is warranted. I sure hope so as I myself an eternal optimist for the future of Montreal.


Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk


Need to see and hear a lot of optimists on this forum, , good news is great for all of us Montrealers.

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Your just a little bit off the line, Mark all but two of my statements have not happened yet , watch and see Montréal is back on course heavy time . Even the Toronto and New York establishments are looking at Montréal . Watch what is coming , be happy for you and your future here. I know You love Montreal and will not go west so preach for are city as you do evert day . Are you scared to say you and your family love Montréal, we like you and I know what you do for us , positive brings positive. [emoji106]

I was going to say you don't seem to be off the mark(haha get it) too often. Secondly positive brings positive is great we need some more of that when we talk about Montreal and it's possibilities. I'm sure everyone on this forum whether they say it or not is optimistic about Montreal's future they're just a little bit affraid(maybe skeptical) to put it out there in case they're outlook seems too far fetched to believe due to our recent past. But hey yesterday has happened, we're here today to build tomorrow so why not believe(and contribute) to the next steps of bringing Montreal to the top.


Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk

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Your just a little bit off the line, Mark all but two of my statements have not happened yet , watch and see Montréal is back on course heavy time . Even the Toronto and New York establishments are looking at Montréal . Watch what is coming , be happy for you and your future here. I know You love Montreal and will not go west so preach for are city as you do evert day . Are you scared to say you and your family love Montréal, we like you and I know what you do for us , positive brings positive. :thumbsup:


Do you know somethings on real information or are you just guessing based on optimism?


Don't get me wrong, I am optimistic too. But I don't know of anything concrete happening now.

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Do you know somethings on real information or are you just guessing based on optimism?


Don't get me wrong, I am optimistic too. But I don't know of anything concrete happening now.


No time to loose at my age talking about empty rooms. Great things are happing now. Major deals will be signed now or shortly . The only reason I can not talk about them are to prevent last minute desperate négociations with other global centers mostly in North America , besides one exception. Global competition at the moment is at the highest point I have ever seen . Montréal is playing it's best cards . I am talking about done deals . Watch and see the true turn around . Never forget Montreals economy is very diverse ; we are not a capital city ,neither are we Canadas top finical center . Montreal is on the move , it will take and is taking it's place as a global center in almost all fields . Never underestimate the determination of our city which has evolved very, very fast the last few years. I am not on this forum for the short run but for the long one . Hope you youngsters can keep pace and can play as team players at turning things around ; mostly by staying positive. :goodvibes:

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