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theodore123abc last won the day on July 13 2018

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    Ile Perrot
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    Hockey, Architecture, Engineering
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    Mechanical designer, R&D

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    Maison unifamiliale / single family home

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  1. @SameGuy dropping your name in here because you asked in the Livmore thread a few months ago about second phases. I drove by yesterday and this project now has the crane up for the second phase/tower! Would be nice if this is the new norm where we actually see the second phase of projects through to completion in Montreal.
  2. Depends what industries you follow, companies like Transforce has been eating up US companies for years.
  3. Our provincial governments have spent a good part of the last three decades focusing on the wrong things (subjective I realize), catering for the popularity of the loud minority's feelings (oddly ironic in this case) and not the needs of the overall population. Would be refreshing to have a government that works for the well being and rights of it's people and not focusing on dividing them.
  4. Not about defending so much as standing up for rights. The successes of minority rights in the past have hinged heavily on the majority. Gender equality, racial equality you name it, if the argument was simply, defend yourself because know one else will, that quickly spirals into essentially anarchy. Historically Quebec has been a leader in this domain, standing up for the little guy, though it seems when it comes to language, we just can't be the bigger people, at least on the political level.
  5. Funny enough this response is right in line with the current governments philosophy. It's not about being the better person or society, it's about protecting ones pride and dignity. What we're (by that I mean our government) is doing weaponizing French, to penalize Anglos who want to be here, in retaliation of those anglos who are not is hilariously off the mark. The parliament likes to preach "protect our heritage", "Protect our heritage of language" , the english community and the institutions therein are very much a part of our history, and in many cases, like McGill are our origin stories of success. Who cares that Torontonians aren't bilingual, we're the place that is and should be better. Shooting your left hand won't fix your right hand, nor will it give you another right hand. We keep this crap up of being on the attack about French to protect it we will but achieve the opposite.
  6. yes, roccabella
  7. There was talk as far as I'm aware (I'll see if I can find it), there is also this one planned further west which will be helpful. Also, no need to be rude about the west island. https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/content/dam/ctvnews/en/images/2022/10/19/cycle-foot-bridge-in-kirkland-1-6116446-1666213016286.jpg https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/new-pedestrian-cycle-bridge-to-link-rem-and-rev-in-kirkland-crossing-hwy-40-1.6116421
  8. Guys, that's not the only relevant metric for a countries wealth, their median income is 30K!! (40K roughly in CAD, in Canada it's roughly 56k). So what they have significantly more rich people, we all know that, their country is built on that philosophy of self over others.
  9. For sure, we've always taken our time and had more hurdles, and there's been more red tape for ages. We've also have a huge Nimby problem for a long time, however, that was not the facts you claimed, your point was about recovery from the pandemic specifically that we are lagging both behind other major cities and our pre-pandemic levels, I was simply stating through actual tangible facts that this was wrong. We're in record breaking times for real estate investment in residential, commercial and industrial, had the fastest jobs market recovery for major Canadian cites and highest GDP growth of major cities. that's the recovery part. Where you'd be right (if the point was brought up) would be keeping more of our immigration, keeping our university students after graduation, better interprovincial migration (this year was the first time in a long time Quebec has had a positive migration with Ontario, which is finally the right direction [to be seen if this happens again]), income growth to bring Montreal to on par and exceed the national average, larger overall growth, shrinking the gap with TO and New York, sure these are all things to work on and in many ways we're behind in that (possibly still moving further behind) I wasn't and I don't think anyone else was arguing that. "Just to clarify, my previous comment was about reaching pre pandemic levels. MTL is still very slow in the recovery. We aren't on the same podium anymore either, that was 5 years ago. T.O, NYC, Miami, LA, Seattle, etc.. are building much more now. Covid slowed us down and we're very slow to the recovery so far."
  10. Perception based on what you see is not what necessarily is. If you took the time to quickly research any metric you would soon realize you are in fact incorrect when it comes to your observation. The simplest of metrics would be, value of construction permits issued per quarter/year and quantity of units starting construction also on a quarterly or yearly measure. CMHC's website has a ton of information for all markets in Canada divided by towns, cities CMA's , provinces and total on up to a monthly basis so if you are interested to see the stats it's very accessible. One quick excerpt I'd just like to leave you with, from an article in November, so a few months ago. And for context, 2019 was the previous best and was 25k units, (avg pre 2019 was 21k per year) housing starts are only expected to "slow" to 27k in 2022 just based on soaring costs so that slows the demand, yet is still higher than pre-pandemic.
  11. Dude, over 99% of anything anyone does ever is something someone else does. I wouldn't say this is plagiarism, they didn't say it was a unique idea and they didn't steal a song, they simply borrowed a concept.
  12. Not so, Brocco bought the lot they're building Victoria and National bank on for 100m 4years ago https://renx.ca/broccolini-buys-100m-downtown-montreal-development-site/
  13. Half the lot is fenced off and they've driven piles in nearly around the hole fenced off lot. Digging should begin shortly I would assume, I'll try to take pictures next time I drive by.
  14. Haha, yeah a couple of things. Since the viaduc de concorde, they likely close things for safety (like Dorval circle) waaaaay before other places would take such drastic measures because of previous events. I would agree however with your point that the construction industry hasn't changed much since then though. Like you said the government should hold them accountable and limit any future contracts, black list etc in these situations much more quickly and not let companies make the calls. But yes, all that aside, the MTQ should have done some thorough inspections years ago and planned to not let a complete shutdown happens, huge waste of our taxes due to horrible leadership on their part (they knew we would be replacing the bridge for years so ffs make sure until then traffic can stay flowing). To be brutally honest just about every decision they've made in recent history (at least those of which I've been aware of) makes them a complete joke, makes our province look like a bunch of fools and they should be held legally accountable for their inaction. As for the CAQ they made it to power in spite of the metropolis of the province, so they're making sure to benefit those who got them into power to keep themselves there. They definitely are making sure to push people and keep people out of the province, it's depressing, we have so many things to love and be proud of here in this province but as long as there are those in the government who make us look like fools we're fighting an uphill battle. I'd love to know where my taxes are going, regularly I hear people saying in election season, "oh we need to spend more on road instead of (choose a flavour of the month, lit Cartier, stones in on Mont royal etc) but I know (as do many of you) that Quebec spends more on it's road than any other province and what do we have to show for it? Something needs to change.
  15. They had a foreign real estate boom just like Vacouver , Toronto and now us, but a decade earlier. It began earlier in places in Australia and New Zealand due to proximity to places like China. When they became overly pricey interest spiked in places like Canada's west coast and moved east.
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