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débile... complètement débile.


Yup, it's a great project! :highfive:


Any project that makes a university campus more livable, more urban, and more pedestrian-friendly gets an A+.


Pedestrians are the lifeblood of the city and i won't shed any tears for lost parking spots. As cities across the world subscribe to smart growth and transit oriented development, we will see less and less multi-lane roads in city cores and more pedestrian and bike routes.


Don't get me wrong, roads are important, i myself am a huge advocate for completing A-30, A-25, extending A-19, etc.


Cars just don't have a place in the city core!

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and thats where you are completely wrong.


In a few years, when suburbs have completed being self sufficient, I won't shed a tear for all those day dreamers like you who will cry the emptying (already happening) of the city center. It's already happening, look i will be doing my third university semester in a suburb, I almost don't shop downtown anymore, movies downtown are a thing of the past and the first chance i will get to work close to my home (or home) I will take it without even blinking.


Hopefully you will understand the importance of roads one day, inside and outside of a city.


Cars don't drive by themselves, consumers, workers, students, families, handicapped, tourists are on board... and most of the time its because of a lack of alternative not because people love getting their car trashed or wasting money (time and gaz) idling in traffic downtown.

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You may not agree with me, but stating that i'm completely wrong is being a tad arrogant, man.


Surburbs are already largely self-sufficient. Also, the city center is currently growing, and is projected to continue to grow over the next 20 years minimum.


Your personal lifestyle away from the city center doesn't mean everyone else is like you. "Hopefully i will one day understand the importance of roads" is damn condescending Malek. Shame on you. Shame on you for deleting a post yesterday that was disrespectful and now turning around as administrator of this forum and being disrespectful yourself. I expect your apology to come tomorrow in the form of a buying me a beer!


I just spent a month in the United States. I did 10,000km on the road. I saw the importance of roads to urban structures that rely on roads. Cities like Houston with extensive highway and road networks that only encourage sprawl. Malek roads are crucial to economic development. I know this... and you insult my intelligent when you say i don't understand the importance of roads. I just spent 20 hours making a design-proposal for a new Champlain bridge!


Roads are partly responsible for bringing people to and from the city center (alongside the train, bus, metro, etc.) I don't call for the total removal of roads - that would be absurd. I am, however, in favor of slightly reduced road infrastructure in the very city core at the expense of improved public transportation.


Countless studies have shown that liveable pedestrian-friendly spaces supplied by public transportation networks are just as conducive to economic growth as city centres dominated by roads and cars. In fact, moreso, in most cases!


The one point in your post i agree with you is a "lack of alternative" - if you're suggesting like i think you are that more investment in public transit is required, then i agree wholeheartedly.


You can't have a system that relies exclusively on automobiles, and you can't have a system that relies exclusively on public transit. Both are part of the urban equation.

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In a few years, when suburbs have completed being self sufficient, I won't shed a tear for all those day dreamers like you who will cry the emptying (already happening) of the city center. It's already happening, look i will be doing my third university semester in a suburb, I almost don't shop downtown anymore, movies downtown are a thing of the past and the first chance i will get to work close to my home (or home) I will take it without even blinking.


Hopefully you will understand the importance of roads one day, inside and outside of a city.


Cars don't drive by themselves, consumers, workers, students, families, handicapped, tourists are on board... and most of the time its because of a lack of alternative not because people love getting their car trashed or wasting money (time and gaz) idling in traffic downtown.


Ton argumentation ne tient pas route. Tu ne sembles considérer que le point de vue de ceux qui habitent en banlieue et utilisent leur voiture pour se rendre en ville. Toutefois, une pluralité des gens qui magasinent et travaillent en ville vivent dans la ville et n'utilisent pas leur voiture. Pour eux, c'est donc une perception positive de l'établissement de mesures de contraignement du trafic qu'ils auront, ça fait moins de voitures pour les embêter. Et fort heureusement pour eux, les gens qui travaillent dans les commerces de proximité qu'ils fréquentent habitent près de ces commerces. Ils ne sont donc pas dépendant de la voiture.


Les routes sont nécessaire pour l'acheminement des matières premières et des produits finis. Mais d'autres options s'offrent pour les citoyens.


Les banlieues sont déja, en majorité auto-suffisantes. La moitié des gens de la région y habitent et beaucoup y travaillent aussi. On y trouve tous les services et certainement une qualité de vie que plusieurs apprécient.


Toutefois, ce n'est pas fait pour tout le monde, et certainement pas la majorité si on regarde la situation. Plus de 1,5M de personnes habitent un endroit à moyenne ou haute densité dans la région de Montréal, et je serais prêt à parier que la grande majorité ne le font pas seulement pour obligation, mais plutôt par choix. Certains apprécient d'être à une distance marchable de tous ce qu'ils ont besoins et apprécient le fait de ne pas avoir à posséder une voiture ou du moins à ne pas avoir à l'utiliser la majeure partie de leur temps.


Tu peux toujours aller vivre dans une banlieue de deuxième couronne si tu le veux, de toute façon c'est meilleur pour la santé d'apprécier son milieu de vie. Mais de là à dire que la ville va crouler sous l'exode des citoyens, on charrie!


Plus que le nombre de voies sur ses rues, c'est l'attirance culturelle de Montréal qui la rend attirante pour ceux qui restent autour. Oui, la banlieue attire les jobs. Mais même si plusieurs grandes entreprises vont s'établir à Newark, on va quand même visiter New York et non ses banlieues.


La production de culture est faite en ville par des gens qui aiment la ville (ou apprenne à l'aimer). Il serait donc surprenant que tout disparaisse au profit de la banlieue. De plus, jamais Montréal ne s'est mieux portée depuis que l'on prend des mesures en faveur de la densité et des piétons.


La ville de Montréal ne subit pas d'exode massif en ce moment. De plus en plus de familles vont d'ailleurs s'y établir année après année.

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You may not agree with me, but stating that i'm completely wrong is being a tad arrogant, man.


Surburbs are already largely self-sufficient. Also, the city center is currently growing, and is projected to continue to grow over the next 20 years minimum.


Your personal lifestyle away from the city center doesn't mean everyone else is like you. "Hopefully i will one day understand the importance of roads" is damn condescending Malek. Shame on you. Shame on you for deleting a post yesterday that was disrespectful and now turning around as administrator of this forum and being disrespectful yourself. I expect your apology to come tomorrow in the form of a buying me a beer!


I just spent a month in the United States. I did 10,000km on the road. I saw the importance of roads to urban structures that rely on roads. Cities like Houston with extensive highway and road networks that only encourage sprawl. Malek roads are crucial to economic development. I know this... and you insult my intelligent when you say i don't understand the importance of roads. I just spent 20 hours making a design-proposal for a new Champlain bridge!


Roads are partly responsible for bringing people to and from the city center (alongside the train, bus, metro, etc.) I don't call for the total removal of roads - that would be absurd. I am, however, in favor of slightly reduced road infrastructure in the very city core at the expense of improved public transportation.


Countless studies have shown that liveable pedestrian-friendly spaces supplied by public transportation networks are just as conducive to economic growth as city centres dominated by roads and cars. In fact, moreso, in most cases!


The one point in your post i agree with you is a "lack of alternative" - if you're suggesting like i think you are that more investment in public transit is required, then i agree wholeheartedly.


You can't have a system that relies exclusively on automobiles, and you can't have a system that relies exclusively on public transit. Both are part of the urban equation.


Don't flip flop on me, your last sentence was very clear, you said that cars don't have a place in the city center and now you say total road removal is absurd. Make up your mind and let me know what is your final word.


Comments like these are self-righteous and "je pète plus haut que le trou", si c'est pas arrogant, je voudrais bien le savoir.

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do you even like cities, malek, or just driving around?


But to answer your post, my city is a whole and extend much farther than your plateau (or mile end), my city includes its suburbs and its clout over the neighboring rural regions.


I see things from a macro perspective, rather than a micro perspective like most hipsters of your sort.

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