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Tout ce qui a été posté par Alexcaban

  1. Does anyone now when the 9th and 10th floors in the MB will be complete? If they would hurry up and finish them they could add more classrooms and study rooms
  2. Alexcaban

    Quartier Concordia

    Well we can defiantly use a student center and a proper lunch room. Its almost impossible to find somewhere to eat your lunch or do work in both the JMSB and EV.
  3. Alexcaban

    Quartier Concordia

    I hardly go into the Hall building but from what I saw today there are still a few floors that need to be renovated. I think there is still 10, 9, 6, 5, 4 but I'm not sure.
  4. Alexcaban

    Quartier Concordia

    Another cracked window in the MB building right now on the 15th floor staircase. Thats the second time this happens.
  5. The one at Langelier metro is being installed. For the price it costs the glass better be scratch proof
  6. Alexcaban

    Canadiens de Montréal

    What a frustrating game!! Poor Gionta! He had to sure goal F**K
  7. The new streetlight!!! Very Nice
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