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Tout ce qui a été posté par LindbergMTL

  1. Le Skytrain de Vancouver nous permet l'accès au réseaux cellulaires, même lorsqu'en tunnel, et c'est très apprécié, surtout quand tu peux appeler ta douce moitié pour lui dire que t'arrive bientôt à la station pour qu'elle vienne te chercher.
  2. L'altitude n'est pas si prétentieux que ça. Le Pinnacle est le prochain, 48 étages! Just kidding. But who knows?
  3. Ça fait du bien de voir ce genre de projet à Montréal! Haut, haut de gamme.
  4. EA Montreal General Manager Alain Tascan has told us that EA Montreal — as part of the EA Games label — is to refocus the studio on "action titles and HD-quality products" compared to its recent history of Wii titles such as Boogie Superstar and Skate It. It's more evidence of the restructuring plan EA announced with its recent decision to make 1500 layoffs and purchase of Playfish. "The Wii market is a little bit unpredictable these days," said Tascan, "We’re going to see how Christmas is going to do and while with the Wii we have had very successful titles, we are going to focus on big, blockbuster-type titles. It doesn't mean that we are going to abandon the Wii, but as a studio we want to be ready for new challenges." Army of Two — an Xbox 360 and PS3 title developed at EA Montreal which is to be joined by sequel The 40th Day in January — is reportedly one of the driving factors for this change, as "the most successful original IP EA has had in the last few years" according to Tascan, arguing that EA as a whole isn't turning away from big-budget titles but "adjusting their direction." "This studio — our mobile division as well — is going to be very nimble and able to adapt to the market; I feel right now our label wants to focus on fewer and bigger things, and the market is going through this soft transition where people want these very high value productions on one side, which is our specialty within the games label, but also this casual, but high quality, product that they can play quickly, of which mobile is one part and Playfish is another. We’re just trying to adapt to the reality of today. I think the market is showing that if you don’t adapt fast enough then you’ll be in trouble." Tascan was unwilling to discuss if EA Montreal had been directly affected by the publisher's cuts, but stated "we have several positions open here at EA Montreal and we are planning on continuing investment. That doesn't mean there might not be more readjustments, but there are many different factors that come into a decision about how to grow and where to grow. We feel good about where we are and the local talent; the games that we've shipped and the games we are going to ship. In our division I think we play a major role in the future."
  5. LindbergMTL

    NHL news

    A Montreal businessman is the latest suitor for the Phoenix Coyotes. Steve Stotland is teaming with undisclosed local investors in a potential bid to buy the Coyotes and keep them in Arizona. The Toronto Globe and Mail reported Stotland’s interest Tuesday night. The National Hockey League also confirmed talks with the Stotland-led group regarding the Coyotes. Glenn Williamson, CEO of the Canada Arizona Business Council and a private equity investor, said Stotland was in Glendale for the Nov. 12 game against the Montreal Canadians. Stotland was meeting with Coyotes management and others during that visit. Williamson said Stotland wants to keep the team in the Phoenix market. “He’s deadly serious about keeping the team here,” Williamson said. Frank Brown, vice president of public relations for the NHL, said the league wants to resell the club as quickly as possible but would not comment on specific bids or suitors. Names of the Phoenix-area investors were not disclosed. Stotland previously was involved with the Washington Capitals and was interested in buying the Montreal Canadiens in 2000. The Coyotes are in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The NHL bought the team from owner Jerry Moyes for $140 million via U.S. Bankruptcy Court after a $243 million bid by Canadian billionaire Jim Balsillie was turned down by Judge Redfield Baum. Stotland told the Globe and Mail he plans on keeping the Coyotes in the Phoenix market. He is the latest in a succession of Canadian interests talking to the NHL about buying the Coyotes. Toronto-based Ice Edge Holdings has talked to the league and the city of Glendale, which owns Arena, where the Coyotes play. The city of Glendale declined comment on possible discussions it was having with Stotland's group. City officials did confirm earlier that they had met with Ice Edge partners. The owners of the Toronto Argonauts, a Canadian Football League team, also have shown interest in buying the Coyotes.
  6. Quelqu'un sait si l'édifice sera branché au Montréal souterrain directement?
  7. It's not official yet, but according to MLS Rumors and Its Called Football , Major League Soccer is set to announce that they will expanding again in 2012. The new franchise, called the Montreal Impact, will add another USL team and provide a natural rivalry with Toronto FC . While I believe that the Montreal franchise can be as successful as Toronto and Seattle , I have to wonder whether MLS is expanding too rapidly. Consider that this year they added Seattle, next season it is Philadelphia . Then in 2011 Portland and Vancouver are joining, and now Montreal in 2012. That is five new teams in four years. An extra 100 players playing in Major League Soccer. With this sort of rapid expansion, will the quality of the league suffer? The MLS plans reminds me of the rapid expansion of the National Hockey League in the 1990’s. The NHL added all these sunbelt franchises, but in the rush to expand the reach of hockey and become a major sport in the U.S. , the quality of play dropped as the new players added would not have been good enough for the NHL prior to expansion. My worry is that MLS is heading down the same path. What do you think?
  8. News Services Published: Thursday, November 12, 2009 Sony Pictures has picked up the remake rights to the French-Canadian hit action-comedy Fathers and Guns. The film centers on two cops, father and son, who can't stand each other. They're assigned to infiltrate an outdoor adventure group-therapy camp for fathers and sons. The adaptation will be developed and produced by Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall. Denise Robert and Emile Gaudreault, producer and writer-director, respectively, of the original film, also will produce the remake. Released in Quebec this past summer as De Pere en flic, the film gave Hollywood productions a run for their money. It took in two-thirds of the summer's ticket sales in French-language films in Quebec and outgrossed Hollywood fare by more than 50%. It's the highest-grossing French-language film ever released in Quebec and Canada.
  9. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  10. Voir video dans la section youtube. First I want to start this article thanking SCEE and Jem for letting us participate in this blog. So last week, I mentioned on Twitter that we were having a fan day in Montreal and I got tons of private messages about it! So now is the time to unveil all the details about that event. Basically, we decided a while ago to welcome a few fans into our studio, a couple of weeks before the launch of the game, and give them the opportunity to see where we are creating Assassin’s Creed 2, but also introduce them to the people behind the game! I had to say that our team was excited to meet fans, and we had a few surprises waiting for them. You are probably wondering who these fans are, and I have to say that it’s quite a mix of nationalities and profiles. We had the chance to gather people from UK, France, Italy, Canada and even Austria, to name a few. Among them were gamers, active forums members, blog writers, editors and lucky sweepstakes winners. The first time we met was the day before the event, where we all went to a restaurant together. The evening was really cool with tons of questions and discussion about the game, our schedule, but also gaming in general. However, their main request was “who is the mysterious key speaker we’ll meet during the event?” Well even though they tried hard to corrupt me, I remained silent! On Friday morning, I walked to the hotel to meet our fans and video staff. Yes, we had cameras during the event, and I mean lots of them! You’ll see why later on. So, we met in the Hotel lobby and then we took taxis to go to the Ubisoft Montreal studio. We started the day with a studio tour, which is always exciting for everyone. They loved our video studio, especially the audio recording department, where they got to play with swords! Then we showed them how we create all the cool assets and videos you guys see on Internet. We also had a surprise for them, our Dev Diary #6 was just finished the day before and they were treated to a world premiere in our studio! But that was only the beginning… We then went down to the Assassin’s Creed 2 floor, where we had prepared a huge room full of HDTVs and Playstation 3. After watching a couple of videos and trailers, we welcomed our main guest: Sébastien Puel, Producer for AC2! He was kind enough to spend more than an hour answering a staggering number of questions (and that’s exactly where the cameras became important, you should be able to see a video done with SONY on this blog and on the PSN). And then Sébastien took a couple of hours to do some one-on-one interviews with all the fans, with the help of Benoit Lambert, our Game Director, and Francois Roughol, one of our main Game Designers. After this really interesting round of Q&A, we let our fans play the game for 3-5 hours and about one hour on Assassin’s Creed PSP depending on their schedules, and if you want to know what other gamers thinks of the game just click on the following links! * * Once again, I want to thank SONY and our fans for attending, it was a blast and we enjoyed welcoming you in Montreal! Atmon
  11. <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="437" height="265" id="viddler"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed src="" width="437" height="265" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" name="viddler" ></embed></object>
  12. Confirmed: EA guts Pandemic EA Guts Pandemic Studio Update: A Shacknews report confirms that EA has cut a large potion of the workforce at Pandemic, but says that it is not getting rid of the studio, - it is consolidating it into a “core team” and moving it to EALA. Here’s what EA said officially: “Pandemic Studios and its franchises will be relocated to the EALA facility in nearby Playa Vista,” a rep for the company told Shacknews. “This move has resulted in a reduction in the work force at Pandemic…That said, the Pandemic brand and franchises will continue to live on. A core team of Pandemic developers will move to EALA and continue development on Pandemic games with a focus on quality, cost management and schedule integrity.” Original Story: Is the other shoe about to drop for Panedemic’s L.A. studio? According to this Kotaku report, citing reliable sources close to the situation, EA will lay off most of Pandemic’s Los Angeles studio at 11 AM PST. The Saboteur, the current project being developed by Pandemic will be shifted to Army of Two developer EA Montreal - also according to the Kotaku report. Pandemic’s Brisbane studio, which was developing a game adaption of the latest Batman film, The Dark Knight, was cut loose from the EA family in January of this year. Pandemic is best known for developing such franchises as Full Spectrum Warrior, Mercenaries, Star Wars: Battlefront and Destroy All Humans. If this rumor is true it means that most of the 200 people that work at Pandemic L.A. will be out of work right before the holidays, which is absolutly horrible, but a typical move by corporations in the fourth quarter. Earlier in the month EA laid off a large number of employees from its Maxis studio. No doubt EA will be making cuts across the board as it tries to hit the restructuring number of 1500 before the next fiscal quarter in March 2010. We’ll have more on this story as it develops and hopefully an official confirmation or denial from EA soon.
  13. MONTREAL — U2 is putting up $3 million to expand Montreal's former horse racing stadium so it can accommodate 60,000 to 80,000 people for a show this summer. The fact that the band is fronting the costs of building the venue for the July 16 event is a testament to its love of Montreal, according to Jacques Aube, vice-president and general manager of promoter Gillett Entertainment Group. Gillett and tour promoter Live Nation have been working on the possibility of a Montreal date for months. The biggest problem was finding a venue big enough to host the show (including the 150-foot-wide (45-metres) stage, featuring a massive, steel spider-like structure) and comply with U2's request for an open-air stadium. The Olympic Stadium's roof is not retractable, so that 60,000-seat venue wasn't viable; Jean Drapeau Park is too small and even the Hippodrome, the former racetrack, wasn't big enough originally, which led to talks of constructing a venue specifically for the concert. © Copyright © Canwest News Service
  14. Solar shingles from Dow Chemical make Top 10 tech list By Jeff Kart | The Bay City Times October 12, 2009, 2:44PM The Saginaw News A concept illustration of the Dow Chemical solar shingle. A clean tech blog called CleanTechnica has a post up on the "Top 10 Solar Technologies to Watch Out For." Coming in at No. 3: "Solar Roof Shingles, Printable and Paintable Solar Panels ... Solar shingles, by Dow Chemical, should be available in limited supply by mid 2010 and then readily available by 2011, says the company." Dow officials showed off the company's solar shingles to Gov. Jennifer Granholm in Midland earlier this month. The company launched a $53.5 million solar shingle initiative in 2008, with help from a $20 million U.S. Department of Energy grant.
  15. Don't forget Gino Vanelli! (eventhough he now resides Portland...) He did a ballad about those nights in Montreal back in the ... early 80s .
  16. Et l'autre bonne nouvelle, c'est un édifice qui ne comprendra pas trop de panneaux de béton précontraints, mais plutôt des murs de verre.
  17. LindbergMTL

    Gare Viger

    Je verrais bien un nouvel aménagement en parc et fontaine, en face de ce futur hotel. Imaginez un superbe parc à l'ancienne, genre Carré Saint-Louis, juste en face (au-dessus de l'autoroute).
  18. The moment millionaire drives his $1m Bugatti supercar into lagoon 'after being distracted by a low-flying pelican' <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Read more:
  19. Je voudrais savoir combien coutent ces projets de 3-4-6 étages globalement. Est-ce que quelqu'un ici connait la structure de financement de ces projets? Y-a-t-il un banquier dans la salle? Ou un financier, un investisseur?
  20. Coeur de Pirate Une collègue monteuse de film, d'origine Catalane, avec qui je travaille, a mis de la musique de Coeur de Pirate comme bande sonore sur le montage, et j'ai sursauté. Elle connaissait Coeur de Pirate?
  21. LindbergMTL


    L'énorme Vancouver Exhibition Centre me fait penser au pav. de l'URSS. Évidemment, j'ai fait exprès de passer la remarque sur SSP , ils n'ont pas trop aimer ça...
  22. LindbergMTL


    Quelqu'un se souvient du fameux Gyrotron? Sur la photo, vous pouvez voir la passerelle sur laquelle les sièges avançaient pour aller s'engouffrer dans une descente verticale, à une hauteur qui donnait le vertige. C'était comme entrer dans la gueule d'un monstre.
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