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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Quoique le look est important, c'est beaucoup plus important que nos villes aient une bonne structure et un bon dévelopement en densité pour favoriser le transport en commun, sauver sur les infrastructures, etc. Je dis pas non plus que j'accepterais n'importe quoi, mais bon. Ce projet, même s'il est "laid", ne sera pas "si laid" que ça, une fois terminé. Il est certainement comparable à plein d'autre apartements partout dans la région.
  2. Une fois peinturé je crois que ça va être moins pire.. je ne cache pas que c'est relativement laid, mais c'est plus important pour moi sur un plan urbain qu'il y a des constructions en densité, que le fait que c'est laid. Donc ça reste une bonne nouvelle pour moi.
  3. 9 Octobre 2008 Des nouvelles photos du "Bunker". Au moins ça fait moins pire avec des fenêtres...
  4. Debate #2... Honestly, i thought both candidates sucked last night. With all the debate rules being broken and the relatively flat enthusiasm, it was somewhat drab. That being said, Obama came out on top, though ever so slightly. McCain needed a knockout punch and didn't land it.
  5. Catastrophe... Outrageous... Let's go M. le maire, M. le premier ministre, faits de quoi et vite!
  6. Trying to get you going? How so? Oh i'll openly admit Palin exceeded expectations -- by a wide margin too. This might help solidify some of the GOP base. But most Americans don't care about media expectations. If you look at both performances without the media expectations, Biden came across as presidential and confident, and Palin came across as cutesy and nervous at times. I find Hillary far more appealing than Palin. She seems like a strong, professional, role-model kind of woman, whereas Palin is a bit of a backwards kind of younger but "cooky" sort of ditzy woman. Anyway i'm a democrat you're a republican we each have our own views, but at least we can probably agree that this debate will change absolutely nothing in the race, (even though 4 snap polls have Biden winning, one by a 2:1 margin )
  7. Cataclaw's score card: Biden : A- Palin : B- Overall Biden did what he had to do and did it well. He was confident, direct, didn't gaffe and was presidential. Caribou Barbie did what she had to do -- prove she isn't a total moron. While she managed to accomplish that, dodging questions she knew nothing about only points to a severe lack of experience and understanding. Also what the fuck is with "nucular" and her other redneckish lingo and facial expressions. "Shout out to my peeps!" *cringe* Nothing will change from this debate, even though Biden performed better.
  8. Tu reves en 4 dimensions.
  9. Malek est-ce que des messages ont été perdus? Pourtant dans ce fil j'avais posté une douzaine de photos du Blu Rivage maintenant en construction... ???
  10. When Biden gaffes, it can be subject to interpretation. When he slips, you know what he really means, what he intends, but he phrases it poorly. When Palin gaffes, she just sits there with an empty dumfounded gaze and scrambles to assemble a coherent sentence out of whatever words she can find.
  11. Wow...The McCain campaign, under pressure to expose Sarah Palin to the media and stop preventing her from adressing the media and the country. She speaks up. This is what we get. The woman is an idiot. She's embarassing. How can anyone in their right mind vote for her?
  12. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    Some escalators are purposefully turned off at certain times of the day for some reason that i don't remember now. I think it had to do with sparing them from excessive load or something, i don't know.
  13. Chose certaine, si une guerre nucléaire se déclenche, je sais ou me rendre pour être en sécurité...
  14. Cataclaw

    Quartier Concordia

    There's a Tims in the food court on guy/ste-cath, there's a starbucks on Ste-cath a block away too, three Second Cups, 2 Java Us, etc... At least they know what we uni students need - caffeine and lots of it
  15. Je sais ben, mais comme j'ai dis dans le fil de la phase 1, il n'est pas si laid que ça... de loin.. sérieux. Mais plus qu'on se rapproche et qu'on réalise que c'est "cheap", plus il est laid.
  16. 23 Septembre 2008 2 étages de plus sont (partiellements) recouverts de vitre depuis mon dernier update... ça progresse bien!
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