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The reality of things is that workers new to the job market are underpaid, but need to establish their family. When a couple with two incomes work and hardly meet their end, its understandable that they don't want to spend the bulk of their salaries on an overpriced 600sqf.


I don't think this is about affordability. Seriously, I barely make anything, yet I can afford to live in what is apparently Montreal's "it" neighbourhood --- with cash to spare. This is hardly an expensive city and it certainly isn't lacking in good social services.


Moving to the outer suburbs is a question of preference, not necessity. It's a lifestyle choice, just like living in the city.

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It comes down to personal preference.


I prefer a bit of a mix between "downtown" and "suburbia". In other words suburbs that were established in the 1920s to 1950s. NDG is a really cool neighbourhood for instance. It has the best features of urban and suburban areas. For me, anywhere off the island of Montreal (or the West-Island) is just too suburban (with the exception of older parts of Longueuil/Saint-Lambert).


The global warming people never seem to complain about development further and further away from the city. Dix30 for example. That was some of the most fertile land in Quebec, all ruined for a gross (it disgusts me) shopping complex. Similarly, when Trudeau decided we needed a 2nd airport, more fertile land was ruined. :banghead: Montreal really needs a green belt.

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Yes everyone can live in the city like I mentionned above, but you have to cut on everything else. And small / old flats are not to everyone's taste. I can't also imagine living without my car, how would I shop? visit my parents and friends? I can reach so many places in a fraction of the time needed for someone living in the mileend or plateau.


This morning I saw a young mom with her toddler in her bike's back seat and I was very sorry for the kid, it was so cold, why does he have to endure that because his mom drives a bike by principle.



As for the green belt, its called the Laurentians and everything north of that, i am not worried one bit that these lands will be "savagely" exploited to built a shopping mall.

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Dix30 for example. That was some of the most fertile land in Quebec, all ruined for a gross (it disgusts me) shopping complex. Similarly, when Trudeau decided we needed a 2nd airport, more fertile land was ruined. Montreal really needs a green belt.


Vous me faites rire les boys. J'ai grandi juste à côté du QUartier Dix30 prèsque toute ma vie. C'était des champs avant, de là à dire que c'était des terrains agricole fertiles c'est peut être vrai, mais ces terrains ne servais plus à l'agriculture depuis un bon bout de temps. J'allais jouer dans ces champs quand j'étais jeune.(les années 80) On se construisais des cabanes dans les arbres. et je ne voyais pas de fermier sur ces terrains!


En passant ces terrains appartenaient à trizechahn pendant les années 90. Ils ont vendu à Catania en 1998 qui lui à ensuite vendu une partie de ces terrain à Devimco.


Un autre point que j'aimerais apporter à mes chers amis Montréalais qui ne sortent jamais de leur petit île, le Quartier Dix30 est à 12 KM du C-V...c'est moin loin que St-Léonard, St-Laurent, le West island au complet, Laval et la rive Nord. 12 KM du C-V. Comparez avec d'autres endroits...Blainville 36KM du C-V, POinte-Claire est à 21KM du C-V. De la à dire qu'on construit loin de la ville c'est vrai dans certains cas. Faubourg Boisbriand... ça c'est loin(à une quarantaine de KM de la ville)!! Le nouveau centre d'achats qu'ils veulent construire à Mirabel. c'est à 50KM de Montréal...c'est loin en crisse. Mais quand on est à 12 KM du C-V, je ne crois pas qu'on peut dire que c'est loin.

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C'est bien beau le plateau et ses commerces sympatiques, mais des premiere moisson et des zone mais ca convient pas a tout le monde comme types de commerces.


Ca prend des grandes surfaces a quelque part, mes electro j'irais pas acheter ca chez Ameublement Elvis, mais je vais aller chez brault et martinault ou Corbeil (ca doit tomber dans les grandes surfaces ca aussi je suppose)


Puisque dès que quelqu'un propose d'ouvrir un magasin de ce type en ville, ca crie au meutre, alors ils vont la ou ils sont bienvenue, ce qui veut dire en banlieue.

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I don't think this is about affordability. Seriously, I barely make anything, yet I can afford to live in what is apparently Montreal's "it" neighbourhood --- with cash to spare. This is hardly an expensive city and it certainly isn't lacking in good social services.


Moving to the outer suburbs is a question of preference, not necessity. It's a lifestyle choice, just like living in the city.


Ouch... we are screwed then. We are headed for donut Montreal if people leave the island by choice. I was under the impression that a large portion were motivated by the financials.


And Malek, I think you most likely have characterized me well! :yes:

Except you got to replace trendy pub by trendy restaurant and loud music by cool jazz beat. But that is indeed what I like to do; nothing finer than an

excellent meal with my wife and/or friends. And despite what they say in the ad, I have not found one restaurant worth the trip to Laval.

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Ouch... we are screwed then. We are headed for donut Montreal if people leave the island by choice. I was under the impression that a large portion were motivated by the financials.


financials do play a large role, maybe less important for a single person or dinks, but for families, you have the choice of raising your children in a small condo/appartment on the plateau, if your wealthy enough a small rowhouse, or move to the suburbs, have a nice house, a yard, streets where you kids can play with their neighbors...

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financials do play a large role, maybe less important for a single person or dinks, but for families, you have the choice of raising your children in a small condo/appartment on the plateau, if your wealthy enough a small rowhouse, or move to the suburbs, have a nice house, a yard, streets where you kids can play with their neighbors...


Exact, c'est facile à faire pour les gens qui ont 0 ou 1 enfant, bien plus compliqué pour 2 enfants. Pour 3 enfants, ou des enfants avec un grand-parent, oubliez ça, de vastes maisons à 500-600 000+ à Montréal-centre ne valent pas la peine pour la grande majorité de ces familles.

D'aussi vastes maisons se vendent à peine 300 000 $ à Laval (sûrement à Longueuil et West Island aussi?), et encore moins dans la couronne nord (la banlieue de la banlieue).

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And Malek, I think you most likely have characterized me well! :yes:

Except you got to replace trendy pub by trendy restaurant and loud music by cool jazz beat. But that is indeed what I like to do; nothing finer than an

excellent meal with my wife and/or friends. And despite what they say in the ad, I have not found one restaurant worth the trip to Laval.


so why would it be hard for me to take my car and drive down an evening to that restaurant? Of course nothing beats the fact that if the said restaurant is right under your place.

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so why would it be hard for me to take my car and drive down an evening to that restaurant? Of course nothing beats the fact that if the said restaurant is right under your place.



But that's the point for me though; if 9/10 of my life is downtown, where would I live anywhere else?


Note to others:

As for raising kids... people were raising kids before suburbs existed.

Actually, having a city population with kids call for more public infrastructures such as parks, arenas, walkable areas, etc...

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