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The sad part of the BMO report is that it will go straight into the wastebasket


Avec votre attitude défaitiste, ce n'est certainement pas sur vous que l'on va s'appuyer pour changer les choses. Vous ne vous concentrez que sur ce qui ne marche pas et inventez le reste par des affirmations gratuites et fortement biaisées. Il n'y a pas que des idiots au Québec comme vous le laissez entendre, et que vous le vouliez ou non ce sera la majorité qui décidera démocratiquement en ce qui a trait aux grandes orientations.


Quant aux affaires, nous avons des gens intelligents qui justement présentent des rapports intéressants et fort pertinents qui font leur chemin jusqu'au pouvoir politique. De toute façon je n'ai pas lu grand chose de brillant de la part de nos détracteurs professionnels sur ce forum. Du chiâlage et encore du chiâlage de gens frustrés et toujours insatisfaits. Quelle misère!

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I personally know 2 people who could have been part of this poll. They do not know each other.


They are both homeowners and university educated. The reason they both gave me is that they are fed up with provincial government policies, and the religious symbol legislation was the last straw for them.


One has lived here for over 30 years, is retired and receives a government (provincial) pension. He is thinking of moving to Ottawa.

The other is a young couple (both professionals, one is a doctor) with a young toddler. They are putting their 'very nice' home on the hill up for sale now. They want to be mobile in case they decide to move quickly. They have just appllied to immigrate to the States, but haven't definitely decided if they will go if their apllcation is accepted.


I must admit, I was schocked when they both told me their intentions, all this in the last 3 months...I have never personally known people who considered leaving the province for political reasons. I am also an anglophone, born here, survived the referendums, and not thinking about leaving.

Modifié par IluvMTL
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My two best friends - have moved away from Montreal in 2013. Educated and trained in Quebec, making high salaries in Toronto.


Oh THATS why you want Montreal to be like Toronto, you miss your friends and you want them back haha


. Seriously, jobs have moved to Toronto, smarter and richer have moved to Toronto because of the better career prospects. So what do we do now to get them back? Will they want to live here, in a province where they would lose half of their earnings? Lower taxes then? Then who is going to compensate? the 40% of the population that doesn't pay any taxes? Pas facile.

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yes - i'm grumpy because top talent is leaving Quebec for Toronto.


Clearly you don't give a shit ;)


Oh yeah, I give shit. I just don't spread it like a disease on an internet forum where 99.9999% of the population won't read it.

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S'ils croient trouver le bonheur, la fortune , la prospérité et tranquillité sous d'autres cieux... Eh bien! grand bonheur leur fasse! Mieux vaut vivre heureux que malheureux . On ne retient personne. Après coup on bâtira avec ceux qui ont choisi ou qui choisirons le Québec. Y a quand même une limite à crier aux loups. Voilà!

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Bien oui bien oui! scénario 1) L'île de Montréal va être en feu, il y aura une inondation et en plus ce sera la troisième guerre mondiale. scénario 2) Ceux qui sont venus nous dire qu'ils nous aimaient ,vont venir nous porter une soupe et du pain ......... Oh p'têt même que ce sera la fin du monde après tout . ;-)

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The sad part of the BMO report is that it will go straight into the wastebasket


Exactly what I was thinking! Unfortunately you are right. Some group comes up with this kind of report every five years, we talk about it for a couple of weeks and then nothing changes! That's what we only seem to be good at!!! Talk, talk, talk and no concrete action!

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