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I was exactly like you guys before... ''bring it down'' until I was face to face to this building and my opinion to bring it down went away... It is stunning even if its all in decay... I know we on this forum love tall buildings and new projects, but in the defence of heritage and this marvellous house, sometimes we must protect our gems.

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Oh it still has its charms, but that isn't the point. It's a point where it would be easier to destroy the house and rebuild it exactly as it was. Have you seen the back side as Gilbert mentions? Structurally the building is not sound.

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J'ai pas nécessairement de problème avec la destruction, même si j'aimerais qu'il réutilise la devanture dans un nouveau projet. Mais si le plan d'urbanisme dit 3 étages, ben c'est 3 étages pis ça fini là. Essaye pas de faire 7 étages la rue est 3. Si on lance le message qu'on peut laisser une maison à l'abandon pour finir par avoir ce qu'on veut il est là le problème.

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Oh it still has its charms, but that isn't the point. It's a point where it would be easier to destroy the house and rebuild it exactly as it was. Have you seen the back side as Gilbert mentions? Structurally the building is not sound.


I don't know if the structure is so much "not sound" as the structure is not actually there anymore :rotfl:


It seems like a state of decrepitude brought on by the city regulations not allowing anyone to tear it down and build something on the site and repairing it not being realistic...


But anyway we need some Detroity urban ruins :P It is a nice property-value destroyer so buy the adjacent houses for yourself and then when the Redpath is finally razed and something else made, you can flip your houses at a profit since the crackheads and the eyesore will be disappeared.

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Je verrai très bien une intégration genre Au Village Du Musée ou La Villa Prince Arthur. Sauf qu'au contraire de ces projets, ici on démolirait toute la structure interne (qui est perdue de toute façon), et on garde la brique. Cela donnerait une belle vitrine sur le projet. On y intègre ensuite un bel immeuble moderne en béton-verre en arrière, il y a suffisamment d'espace (1100m2 en tout selon le cadastre). Même dans les limites d'urbanisme, il y a de quoi faire de l'argent avec. Des condos de qualité dans ce coin pourraient se vendre facilement >700 le pi2. Pas besoin de faire un bloc poche de 7 étages pour rentrer dans ton argent.

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  • 1 année plus tard...

I for one agree that it would be fantastic to see someone step up to the plate (i.e. a Desmarais, Molson, Laliberté) and buy Redpath, restore it and enjoy it as an amazing private residence literally steps from downtown. However, if you’ve ever actually been at the back of the house you will understand that the building in its current shape is not salvageable. Not only would they have to buy it from under the developer for at least $3-4M, another $4-5M and would have to be invested to rebuild from scratch. Not sure someone has the money/time/patience to attempt this.


@etienne Canderel probably regrets buying the Thompson and Sparrow manors as they have been on the market since 2008 and are now being marketed as a package deal for $13M. They are trying to get rid of both and from what I hear they would only break even (not even counting the cost of capital for 5 years). I don’t think renovating/rebuilding and flipping Redpath is a feasible solution for all parties involved.


If the developer wants to go new they should at least hire competent architects like Robert A.M. Stern; I think a building like the Edgewater in West Vancouver ( with a limestone cladding (actual limestone and not poured concrete) would fit in well (albeit with fewer stories) and the higher units would have very nice views. One can dream but let’s not forget this is Montreal. 7 floors is not out of the question @MarcoMtl, last time I checked 3495 du Musée has 6 and it is higher up on the mountain.


Then again if Héritage Montréal likes the house so much, why don’t they buy it instead of bitching and moaning? Apparently they would like to ask for an injunction forcing the owner to restore Redpath at their expense... How is that even legal?! Who knows what will happen, all I know is that the building in its current form is an accident waiting to happen (I bet the owner(s) are just waiting for it to collapse) and if I lived on du Musée I would be pissed.


Oh and BTW the pile across the street on 21K sq. ft. of land is for sale for $18M if anyone is interested ( I wonder if someone would be allowed to tear it down to make way for something else. How can one check if a building is landmarked or if there are any restrictions pertaining to its demolition?

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Last night at the council meeting, a neighbour to the Redpath was complaining about the state of the building and how this has been going on for so many years (about 25 I think)...The mayor said he would make sure the mansion is safe and ensure that the area on the grounds are fixed up. He also said that the MMFA did consider buying the building, but are involved with an expansion project on McKay.

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@etienne Canderel probably regrets buying the Thompson and Sparrow manors as they have been on the market since 2008 and are now being marketed as a package deal for $13M. They are trying to get rid of both and from what I hear they would only break even (not even counting the cost of capital for 5 years). I don’t think renovating/rebuilding and flipping Redpath is a feasible solution for all parties involved.



Bienvenu sur le forum !!!


Et oui, peut-être que Canderel regrette l'achat et la réno de ces deux superbes maisons, mais ce fut une bénédiction pour le patrimoine de la ville. Merci à Canderel ! Ils pourraient pratiquement demander un crédit d'impôt pour sauvegarde de monument à grande valeur patrimonial.

Modifié par monctezuma
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