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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Cool, tant mieux! Rien d'extraordinaire mais ça bouche un trou et ça densifie! Good!
  2. C'est "ok" comme design. On est habitué de voir ce genre de chose. C'est rien d'inspiré, mais ce n'est pas si mal. J'aime le dernier rendu. En tout cas, c'est de la densité alors... tant mieux!
  3. Interessant! C'est bien de voir que les citoyens appuient le projet! En effet, il y a quelques groupes de pression qui font du bruit, mais ils ne representent qu'un petit pourcentage de la population. La majorité des gens sont POUR ce projet! Il faut que ça passe en chantier!!
  4. Cataclaw

    2010 World Cup

    Sucks for the Netherlands, they deserved to win more than Spain. Ah well, evil defeats good.
  5. I've been to Atlanta every year for the last 4 years, and i spent 2 weeks in Houston 2 years ago. Aside from that i've been to 41 U.S. states and almost every major city. So what i'm about to say is not something random and unfounded -- it is based in experience: Lots of sprawl-cities like Atlanta have excellent little downtown areas that are pleasant and livable. The problem is, these core areas are incredibly small. You walk in any direction for 10 minutes and you've left the core and suddenly you're surrounded by parking lots, fields, highways and single-family homes surrounded by large fences. Once you exit the core, you're in a different world entirely: one where you must get around by car or you'll be walking for hours. In Montreal you could walk from the beginning of Sherbrooke in the ouest all the way to the industrial areas in the east and still be "in the city". You'd still be walking on shop-lined streets with bustling activity. Not so in Atlanta and other cities. You might point out that NYC has an even crazier urban intensity but they have tons of highways and roads there too. Well, the key is balance. NYC metro has a population in the 8-digit range. There are tens of millions of people living there, and over 8 million in city-proper. Over a million alone on the tiny island of Manhattan!! When you consider the huge density, the number of highways they have is actually modest. NYC's per-capita highway density is actually fairly low. So again, it's about having a balance. Too many roads and you end up with an unsustainable and sprawl-prone city like Atlanta, too few roads and your economy suffers along with tourism, just the right number and your city prospers. Please understand that i've never been an anti-car advocate. I strongly support the construction of A-30, A-25 and even the A-19 extensions. However, that being said, there is a very strong logic behind maintaining an ideal balance. People have been studying roads and cities for decades (and even centuries) and the consensus is that an optimal balance is necessary. You just can't have too many roads and you just can't have none either. Period. I leave you with an example of a city that unquestionably has a road problem, one that has a good balance, and one that has too few roads: Too many roads: Rochester, NY. This city has a ring-road built to autoroute standards surrounding its core. It's the periphery road with the shortest radius in the world! 500 meters! Can you believe it? You walk 6 blocks and you're already at the other end of the loop! This road has placed a huge grip on downtown Rochester, which is suffering badly. The road itself is virtually unused (i've driven on it, i've seen it for myself). Such a road is simply unnecessary. As a result, city officials have laid out plans to tear down the loop starting with the eastern part in order to let the city breathe. Possibly too few roads: Vancouver. I know many people would disagree with me, but hear me out first : I feel that mass transit, though it is good in and around the core, i find it somewhat lacking in other parts. I think Vancouver has two options to correct this problem: Build more transit, or build an extra highway. At the moment, they're building a lot of extra transit with plans on the table to expand their network even more, so an extra road might not even be necessary if they continue like this. Time will tell, but Vancouver is experiencing solid population growth and issues might yet arise in the future. Just the right balance: Montreal. And the proof? Look at our city. We have vast stretches of pure urban fabric. Look at a satelite view of Montreal then look at a satelite view of Pittsburgh. Montreal is continuous mass of city in all directions. Even our suburbs are fairly urban. Take a walk in many parts of Longueuil or Brossard or Laval and you'll notice a distinctively urban vibe going on. Our sprawl is very modest by North American standards. Now, i'm not saying our network is perfect, there are certainly improvements to be made (such as A-30, A-25, Turcot, adding lanes to the 15/20 between Turcot and Champlain, holy crap) but our huge offering of transit options is what gives us tremendous success. Road, bike, foot, metro, bus, train... we have all of these options in relative abundance. Go Montreal!!
  6. Cataclaw

    2010 World Cup

    Although Portugal loves their Iberian cousins, when it comes to football, not so much ;) Also, i just didn't like the way Spain beat Portugal. Very boring passing game. Then again, C.Ronaldo just plain sucked so I blame him just a little too. Spain are the New Jersey Devils of association football.
  7. C'est le weekend, je vais faire du shopping. J'amene mon bike pour ne pas avoir a chercher un parking. Je vais m'acheter des chips.. j'ai hate!
  8. Cataclaw

    POM - 10 étages (2011)

    L'Altitude serait mon premier choix, mais bon. POM c'est pas si mal que ça, selon moi. T'es quand même à 850m du marché Bonsecours, 200m de Sainte-Catherine et 400m du métro Berri.
  9. Cataclaw

    POM - 10 étages (2011)

    Super projet. Si j'avais le cash, j'irais vivre là (ou bien au Lowney... ou le Solano... ou le Louis Bohème... ou l'Altitude!) Le revêtement est correct. Rien d'extraordinaire, mais ça devrait ressembler au rendu.
  10. Wow, c'est rare : on augmente le nombre d'étages pour un projet! (Bon.. je sais que ce n'est plus le même projet, mais tchhuuuuut!!) Mais sérieusement - c'est un emplacement parfait. Maisonneuve continue sa progression! Sans parler du fait qu'on va enfin cacher une des deux façades laides de l'hôtel de la Montagne!
  11. Cataclaw

    2010 World Cup

    I don't like David Villa, plus Spain knocked off my Portugal, so... yeah. I'll root against the team that beat mine. That's my reasoning I know Spain hasn't won... ever... and it would make for a great story if they did win, but too bad. I'm still rooting for the Netherlands
  12. So that the 2-22 get canceled altogether and we end up with an empty lot for 20 years?
  13. Summary for those who don't want to read all that: Government pledges money and then dicks around, doesn't cough up the money. What's so f'ing complicated? Give them the damn money to get this project going. This is a priority project, stop handling it like it's not important!
  14. The idea is to have legal places so that Graffiti artists/taggers will leave other walls alone. I don't think that people will generally be arrested at these legal walls, since the whole idea is to set up a legal place to do it. In the case of Blaze, i think it's an exception since the guy vandalized an esteemed public monument, which is much more severe than just tagging an old wooden fence in some derelict part of town. It's like if you created an area where it was legal to smoke weed. Some drug lord responsible for 10,000 deaths shows up to smoke some weed, and you catch him. A trap? Yes and no. The intent of the area is not to deceive crooks and trap them, but in this one exceptional case, it worked out like that, and for the better! But i understand what you're saying, and i agree. If the idea is to have a legal place, we can't start arresting everybody on suspicion of having tagged elsewhere. (Unless it's a major thing, like the monument, which i think is a fair exception.) People have to feel "safe" at these public Graffiti walls so that they'll do their business there and not on public property.
  15. I don't think this is meant to be a trap at all. Unfortunately for Mr. Blaze, in his particular case, it worked out as so. And too bad for him. I hope he/his parents pay up for the damage they've done. Maybe the guy will learn a lesson too.
  16. Wow! Merci Francely! L'autoroute 30 entre A-15 et Kahnawake sera ouverte cet automne!! (Source : )
  17. Immatriculation, non. Policiers sur les artères de vélo, oui. J'aimerais ça que la police commence à faire de quoi avec les épais qui roulent sur le trottoir, à contre-sens, etc. Quand ça m'arrive d'être sur un troittoir et qu'un cycliste approche vers moi, je ne me tasse pas et je dis "get off the sidewalk" en lui obligeant d'arrêter pour me laisser passer ou de finalement aller sur la rue. Si t'as tellement peur de rouler sur la rue ou bien la piste cyclable, le vélo n'est pas pour toi. À moins qu'un magasin en particulier se trouve à être ta destination et que tes en approche pour aller stationner ton vélo, aucune excuse pour rouler sur le trottoir.
  18. En effet les victoriennes sur Laval sont vraiment belles! Ca serait catastrophique de toucher à ces édifices. Mais le projet en question touche aucune victorienne mais bien l'immeuble sur le coin. ? En passant les photos sont vraiment belles! Merci!
  19. Here's how i'd arrange everything. I think this design is safer, more efficient, and it even takes up less space! This is basically a standard stack interchange combined with a trumpet interchange. There are several other instances of interchanges like this in the real world, so there is precedent for this design. The main disadvantage is that the structure would be a 4-level stack, which means it would be a bit higher than it is now. However, if some of the roads pass at ground level/trench, then it wouldn't be too tall. This is a preliminary rough draft!!
  20. Franchement là, il est pas si mal ce projet. Je l'aime de plus en plus. Je donnerais pas plus qu'un 7/10, mais quand même, c'est pas si mal. Avec le 900 en place, wow, ce coin va être beau et dense!
  21. Cataclaw

    2010 World Cup

    That's fucked up. That's taking sports way too personally. I hope karma owns the guy who did that to you. Amazing performance by Germany over Argentina!! I think i'm rooting for Germany now that Brasil is out.
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