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Devront-on séparer le terrain  

8 membres ont voté

  1. 1. Devront-on séparer le terrain

    • Oui 4000 pc sur delorimier, 3000 sur Sherbrooke
    • Non, on doit preserver l'integrité du terrain
    • Non, trop compliqué a obtenir dérogation
    • Non, on construit dans le jardin sans séparation

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The Daily Show is Liberal !!?? Thanks for clearing that for me. That show and the Colbert Report : I wouldn't be able to describe what their political tendencies are all about. I'm confused. I never know if both are laughing at one or the other party or if they are sincere !!

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Yes, I should let it be known that I don't McCain is evil or hate him or whatnot. It's just in my opinion Barack Obama would make a better president.


I look forward for tonight's speech by Sarah Palin, this could be a big one for her and the campaign.


Although I don't think much of her as a vice-presidential candidate, she sure is pretty.

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Yes, I should let it be known that I don't McCain is evil or hate him or whatnot. It's just in my opinion Barack Obama would make a better president.


I look forward for tonight's speech by Sarah Palin, this could be a big one for her and the campaign.


Although I don't think much of her as a vice-presidential candidate, she sure is pretty.


You dont think much of her? Then imagin this: she and McCain get elected. After a year, McCain has a health problem and is incapacitated for good. Then, whe becomes president? Sarah Palin!! Sweet dreams... :stirthepot::D

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The Daily Show is Liberal !!?? Thanks for clearing that for me. That show and the Colbert Report : I wouldn't be able to describe what their political tendencies are all about. I'm confused. I never know if both are laughing at one or the other party or if they are sincere !!


Yeah, they're liberal, but they still make fun of liberals. Colbert is 100% sarcasm.

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Accor lance MGallery, son nouveau réseau d'hôtels de haut de gamme



Le groupe d'hôtellerie et de services Accor a lancé mercredi à Lyon son nouveau label MGallery, qui doit regrouper d'ici fin 2010 un réseau de 40 hôtels de charme haut de gamme dans 23 pays.



2008-09-03 00:00:00







Le groupe d'hôtellerie et de services Accor a lancé mercredi à Lyon son nouveau label MGallery, qui doit regrouper d'ici fin 2010 un réseau de 40 hôtels de charme haut de gamme dans 23 pays.



Ce concept permettra à Accor de "conquérir le marché du haut de gamme personnalisé", face à la montée en puissance d'une clientèle "exigeante" et "à fort pouvoir d'achat" en provenance de Russie, d'Inde ou de Chine, a commenté le directeur général du groupe, Gilles Pélisson.


Le coup d'envoi a été donné au Royal Hôtel Lyon qui figure parmi les huit premiers membres du réseau. MGallery compte trois hôtels en France (outre Lyon, à Paris et Marseille), deux en Suisse (Genève et Zurich), un en Autriche (Vienne), un en Australie (Melbourne) et un en Nouvelle-Zélande (Queenstown).


Ce label sera accordé à des anciens Grands Hôtels Mercure, Sofitel ou de nouveaux arrivants de petite taille (jusqu'à 150 chambres) qui se distinguent par leur design, leur histoire, leur emplacement ou encore un projet particulier de leur fondateur.


"Chaque hôtel aura sa propre identité, son propre caractère et gardera son nom. MGallery deviendra rapidement un label mondial avec des origines européennes", a expliqué Eric Lepreux, directeur du marketing d'Accor.


Le développement du réseau passera par la conversion d'hôtels d'Accor et par l'acquisition ou la construction de nouveaux établissements. Il s'étendra en Europe, au Moyen-Orient, en Asie-Pacifique, dans les Caraïbes et en Amérique latine.


Ce nouveau concept d'hôtellerie non standardisée, qui s'accompagne généralement de la rénovation des établissements, s'inscrit dans une vaste remise à plat du portefeuille des marques du groupe entamée depuis 2006 par M. Pélisson.



Mais rien pour Montréal là...

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Alright just watched Palin's speech.


I give it a B-


Her delivery was annoying, her shrilly voice drives me insane, along with her sssssssss'es. She was somewhat monotone and dull at times, but she delivered some powerful punch lines.


She basically attacked Obama for much of the speech, which was expected. What turns me off is how childish some of the attacks were. Mocking community organizing took the cake. I think a lot of Americans are going to be put off by this plastic/fakey speech riddled with inaccuracies. Granted Obama's own acceptance speech had some stretched truths; every politician stretches the truth.. but Palin came out with some outright blatant lies - lies than anyone with 15 seconds to spare can fact-check on the internet.


Overall i think the speech will polarize - people leaning Obama will be put off by this Palin speech and their support will be cemented. People leaning McCain will fall in line.


Fortunately for America, there are more people leaning Obama than McCain at the moment.

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Her speech was agonizingly painful and typical. What HS. All she did was tell me that a POW equals a good president, which is completely absurd and loony. McCain may be patriotic but being a soldier doesn't mean jack shit. Besides that she attacked Obama which childish, hypocritical and at times contradictory statements. Then again this is the Republican party we're talking about. They have nothing good to say so they just try to insult Obama. Newflash there's more people in Obama hood then in all of Alaska! The Reps used Gustav as an excuse 'cause they had nothing to say. Today they wasted half the evening airing on prime time the stupid?


I hope American's aren't going to vote for a party saying they need to restore Americans' faith in Washington, when it's them the crooks anyways.

This is the same party who sat on its ass and watched a major us city drown.


And yet people think they should be re-elected. I'm actually dumbfounded. It's beyond my grasp how you could vote republican! The worst is with all this the elections will still be hotly contested.

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You dont think much of her? Then imagin this: she and McCain get elected. After a year, McCain has a health problem and is incapacitated for good. Then, whe becomes president? Sarah Palin!! Sweet dreams... :stirthepot::D
LOL. That was one of the first thing that came to my mind. Just that alone should should scare people away.


How can she be given theoretically the 2nd most powerful position in the world is beyond me.

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