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Bell investing $854 million in Montréal to bring the fastest broadband fibre technology directly to homes and businesses across the city


Et 2500 jobs direct et indirect. Genre de nouvelles qui devrait faire la une partout...mais cela arrivera pas dans la province du négativisme médiatique..

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Montreal-based Inocucor, a company producing sustainable biological crop products, has just closed a $38.8 million Series B round. The first close is led by TPG Alternative and Renewable Technologies (TPG ART), a late-stage capital venture vehicle focused on companies reducing environmental impact and promoting resource efficiency.


Inocucor uses a patented fermentation process to make soil and plant optimizers that are safe for people and the environment. The products are meant to improve crop yields, shorten growing periods, and create healthier, more resilient soils for farmers and greenhouse growers.


The funds will go toward opening a US-based headquarters and commercialization office, increasing manufacturing capacity at Inocucor’s Montreal R&D facility, and adding managerial and scientific expertise to Inocucor’s staff.


Inocucor’s president and CEO Donald R. Marvin said that the specialty agriculture sector has a need for sustainable ways to help growers improve their crop yields.


“Our corporate strategy includes staking our claim as a market leader in this emerging segment by growing organically with our own proprietary microbial consortia technology, while also pursuing strategic acquisitions and product development partnerships in North America, Latin America, and Western Europe,” said Marvin.


In June 2016, Inocucor raised $6 million in its Series A round. Several of the same investors participated in both rounds, including Cycle Capital Management, a Montréal cleantech venture capital fund which made its first investment in Inocucor in 2013; Desjardins Innovatech, another original investor; and Philadelphia-based Closed Loop Capital, which invests in agriculture technologies.


“Inocucor has come a long way since our first investment. It has products on the market, being used by growers who are experiencing positive results. The promise we saw in those early days is coming to fruition,” said Andrée-Lise Méthot, founder and managing partner of Cycle Capital Management.


Inocucor is developing new products including bio-control formulas that combat diseases which significantly affect the economy, such as in strawberries, tomatoes, and potatoes.

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C'est à Laval mais c'est bon pour la région métropolitaine.


Le PDG Alain Bouchard explique que les effectifs passeront de 300 à 500 personnes et que l'édifice sera agrandi.


Depuis qu'il a réalisé l'acquisition de la chaîne de dépanneurs Circle K aux États-Unis, en 2003, le groupe Couche-Tard enregistre l'essentiel de ses revenus à l'extérieur du Québec et du Canada. La forte expansion internationale du groupe profite toutefois pleinement au Québec, où Couche-Tard est en train d'agrandir de 40 % la superficie de son siège social à Laval et prévoit y embaucher 200 personnes au cours de la prochaine année.


« Il y en a qui disent que ce n'est pas important, un siège social », souligne de façon très ironique Alain Bouchard lorsqu'il me reçoit dans le nouvel édifice que Couche-Tard a fait construire en 2011 à Laval, un beau siège social éclairé, à la lisière d'un boisé, mais où on se sent déjà à l'étroit.


Le président exécutif de l'empire du dépanneur voulait me rencontrer pour faire le bilan de la relation de mentorat qu'il a entreprise il y a cinq mois avec l'entrepreneure Judith Fetzer, PDG et fondatrice de la jeune entreprise Cook It.


Cook It est une entreprise qui a développé une plateforme de plats à préparer qui sont livrés et prêts à préparer en 30 minutes pour les ménages qui cherchent à se simplifier la vie. Je vous présenterai la semaine prochaine Judith Fetzer dans le cadre de la grande entrevue.



Devant la forte activité qui se déroule du côté nord de l'édifice de Couche-Tard, où se déploie un cortège de camions, de grues et de tracteurs, je demande à Alain Bouchard ce qui se passe exactement.


« On ajoute 40 % de surface à notre siège social. Une fois les travaux terminés, on prévoit embaucher 200 personnes, des emplois de professionnels, de contrôleurs, d'informaticiens... Les effectifs du siège social vont passer de 300 à 500 personnes. » - Alain Bouchard


Mis à part l'acquisition l'an dernier de 279 magasins d'accommodation et de stations Esso au Québec et en Ontario, depuis près de 15 ans maintenant, l'essentiel de l'expansion du groupe Couche-Tard se poursuit sans relâche grâce à son déploiement sur la scène internationale : aux États-Unis, en Europe et plus récemment en Irlande.


Un petit rappel : Couche-Tard exploite un réseau de 8080 dépanneurs en Amérique du Nord qui emploient 80 000 personnes et de 2766 stations-service en Europe qui totalisent des effectifs de 25 000 personnes ; Couche-Tard a également 1700 magasins Circle K qui opèrent sous licence dans 13 pays, dont la Chine, le Mexique, l'Égypte et le Mexique.


Le groupe a enregistré l'an dernier des revenus de 34 milliards US et a dégagé un bénéfice net de près de 1,2 milliard US.




L'importance d'avoir un siège social fort, efficace et en mesure de bien coordonner l'immense et complexe activité que représente aujourd'hui Couche-Tard oblige l'entreprise à investir pour bien se structurer et recruter les compétences indispensables à la poursuite de sa croissance.


L'expansion internationale de Couche-Tard a donc des répercussions fort importantes au Québec puisqu'elle permet la création d'emplois très bien rémunérés.


Alain Bouchard explique qu'on rapatrie au siège social de Laval certaines activités qui étaient réalisées dans certains centres administratifs de ses entités américaines et européennes.


On rationalise et on optimise les ressources, mais c'est le Québec qui, au bout du compte, en bénéficie.


C'est à partir du siège social de Laval que Couche-Tard étudie et planifie les nouvelles tendances qui se dessinent dans le monde du détail et qui vont permettre à l'entreprise d'optimiser encore davantage la force incroyable de son immense réseau.


« Avec le développement du commerce en ligne, on est perçus aux États-Unis et en Europe comme un last stop, un point de chute ultime où les consommateurs pourraient récupérer la marchandise qui leur était destinée, mais qui ne leur a pas été livrée en raison de leur absence », évoque Alain Bouchard.


Il ne se passe pas une semaine sans que Couche-Tard reçoive des appels des Amazon, Purolator ou FedEx de ce monde qui veulent utiliser l'immense réseau de 6000 dépanneurs que Couche-Tard exploite dans plus de 40 États américains.


Le même phénomène prévaut en Europe, en Suède notamment, où certains dépanneurs Circle K acceptent de garder dans leurs réfrigérateurs les plats cuisinés de résidants qui habitent dans des tours d'habitation où les livreurs n'ont pas accès à la porte de leur logis pour y déposer leurs paquets.


Des points de chute multiples dans une même municipalité, ouverts 24 heures sur 24, cela a une valeur considérable que le groupe cherchera à exploiter prochainement. Du travail en perspective pour le siège social québécois de Couche-Tard.






Nombre de dépanneurs ou stations-service


2000 au Canada


6080 aux États-Unis


2766 en Europe


1700 (sous licence) dans 13 pays


Réseau : 12 500 dépanneurs


Chiffre d'affaires en 2016 : 34 milliards US


Bénéfice net : 1,2 milliard US

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Montreal's fledgling AI community foresees billion dollar industry on horizon

Quebec injects seed money, aiming to become worldwide hub of artificial intelligence

Modifié par _mtler_
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‘Exciting time’ in Montreal: Developments worth billions

Danny Kucharsky | Property Biz Canada | 2017-04-04


The orange cones that have been bedeviling Montreal motorists appear to be paying off. Montreal’s real estate community is decidedly buoyant about the high number of construction projects in the city.


“This is an exciting time to be a Montrealer,”Montoni Group director of business development Mike Jager said at the recent Montreal Real Estate Forum. “For the last 40 years, we saw the rest of Canada grow while we stood still.”


But for the first time in decades, people are moving back to the city, he says.


Jager should know: He moved back to Montreal after a stint in Toronto. “I missed the city. Success without happiness had no meaning.”


Bernard Poliquin, senior vice-president, office-Quebec at Ivanhoe Cambridge, notes there are a number of developments underway in the city that are worth billions of dollars. “We’re living through something in Montreal that hasn’t been seen since the 1960s,” he says.


Major developments underway in Montreal


Here’s a look at some of the developments on the island of Montreal that have the real estate community so optimistic:


* Champlain Bridge – The new bridge connecting the island of Montreal to the South Shore is expected to cost $4.23 billion and is slated for completion by December 2018. More than 50 million vehicles use the existing bridge annually, making it one of North America’s busiest. The bridge will include three lanes of traffic in each direction, a cycling and pedestrian path and will house a new electric train to the South Shore;


* The réseau électrique métropolitain (REM) or Metropolitan Electric Network – The $6-billion light rail electric train system will link the airport, West Island, South Shore and North Shore to downtown. It’s being built by the Caisse de depot’s infrastructure division CDPQ Infra. The Caisse estimates it will bring $5 billion in real estate investments in its wake;


* Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport – An additional $1.07 billion in investments is planned for the airport between 2017 and 2021, adding to the $1 billion invested since 2012. Renovations will include new airport parking terminals and a recladding of the main terminal building, says Charles Gratton, vice-president, real estate and commercial services, Aeroports de Montreal.


With 16.6 million passengers in 2016, the Trudeau Airport saw a seven per cent increase over 2015. It should soon reach the symbolic 20-million passenger level – which would transform its designation from a medium-sized to a major airport, Gratton says. “Air Canada wants to make Montreal a small hub,” he says, which will boost traffic further.


City of Montreal concentrating on infrastructure


After decades of neglect and crumbling roads, water mains and potholes, the city is taking infrastructure seriously. It will try to complete repairs on an average of 676 kilometres of infrastructure each year for the next 10 years.


The construction plans are expected to cost an average $702 million per year, an increase of 89 per cent from 2016.


“In 10 years, you won’t recognize the infrastructure of Montreal,” says Alain Marcoux, managing director of the City of Montreal.


* Turcot Interchange – The crumbling 50-year-old interchange, which connects Highways 15, 20 and 720 and has a traffic volume of more than 300,000 vehicles daily, is being rebuilt at a cost of $4 billion. The project includes the reconstruction of Angrignon, De La Verendrye and Montreal-Ouest interchanges, and adjacent sections of Highways 15, 20 and 720;


*Centre hospitalier de l’Universite de Montreal (CHUM) – The $3.1 billion new downtown hospital is set to open its doors by the end of the year. It will bring together the Hopital Notre-Dame, Hopital Saint-Luc and Hotel-Dieu in its downtown setting;


* Bonaventure Expressway – The elevated stretch of the expressway from the Lachine Canal to downtown is being transformed into an urban boulevard at a cost of $142 million by the City of Montreal. Green spaces will fill in much of the area freed up by the demolition of the elevated highway. The new public spaces are being touted as a link between Griffintown, Old Montreal and downtown;


* Ste. Catherine St. – A four-year plan to revamp the iconic shopping street is scheduled to begin in 2018 and last until 2022. It will include heated sidewalks on a 2.2 km. stretch of the street.


Downtown development also in works


A number of office towers and mixed use projects are underway or planned in the downtown area. Here’s a look at some of them:


* Devimco has announced plans for a $400-million project to build six highrise towers ranging from 20 to 32 storeys at the site of the former Montreal Children’s Hospital in western downtown. The six-tower site would include a hotel, office buildings, park, library, community centre and social housing for the elderly;


* Construction is well underway on the 27-storey Maison Manuvie. Developed by Ivanhoe Cambridge at a cost of about $200 million, the building will have 486,500 sq. ft. of office space;


* Ivanhoe Cambridge is also renovating Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth horwl at a cost of $140 million. The common areas and about 500 guest rooms are scheduled to open in time for Montreal’s 375th-anniversary celebrations, while the rest will be renovated by the end of the year;


* Cadillac Fairview is planning more office buildings to accompany its Tour Deloitte office building and Tour des Canadiens 1 and 2 condos in the Quad Windsor area surrounding the Bell Centre;


* Cogir and the Fonds immobilier de solidarite FTQ are developing Humaniti, a $200-million-plus, mixed-use project that will combine a hotel, office space, commercial space, rental apartments and condominiums.

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Woah calm down :P While it is true that policital stabillity is a key factor in attracting foreign investments, there are other causes to all this development...


I don't think another government would be such a threat to the city's fortunes in the short to medium term


However, so far polls have been pretty good for the PLQ, so we'll see!

Modifié par ERJ-Boy
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Woah calm down :P While it is true that policital stabillity is a key factor in attracting foreign investments, there are other causes to all this development...


I don't think another government would be such a threat to the city's fortunes in the short to medium term


However, so far polls have been pretty good for the PLQ, so we'll see!


Actually, ANY type of political stability is good for investment; be it a majority government vs minority, etc. etc.

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