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Je crois qu'ils ont des installations à Contrecoeur et qu'il y a de la place là-bas pour de l'expansion. Cependant, je crois que le Port préfère garder ses installations à Montréal même.

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Pendant ce temps, à Auckland, NZ...




A contemporary working waterfront to engage the senses

Contemporary waterfront redevelopments are often characterised by the removal of these qualities that attract us to these places. At Auckland’s Wynyard Point redevelopment these conventions are challenged in a development that transforms a forlorn industrial and maritime precinct into a layered, mixed-use precinct.


The first catalytic project of this redevelopment are public spaces centred on Jellicoe Harbour and Silo Park. These spaces promote an alternative design approach to the typical erasure of waterfront memory. Here, friction is encouraged, smelly fish are the attraction, rust, grit and patina are embraced and derelict artefacts are reprogrammed. Jellicoe Harbour has an engaging diversity of use, including large industrial container shipping, ferry services and a viable fishing industry.


This overlay of waterfront activities, previously removed from the public gaze, is now central to the public realm experience. Here in Jellicoe Harbour it is integrated as attraction via fishing fleet premises, wholesale and retail fish and seafood markets. The design weaves public realm experiences around these ‘as found’ conditions. The harbour edge, North Wharf Promenade, is now a site of negotiation, a pedestrian and cycle promenade from which to witness and experience the coexisting waterfront industry.



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C'est malade, mais il a des visions que je n'accepte pas, tel que le télépherique et la tour sur l'ile st-helene, je pense que le stationnement de La ronde appartient a six flags et le telepherique ne pourra pas passer car elle passe sur une zone de montagne russe. bref, je ne veux pas voir une nouvelle tour dans les prochaine decennie qui remplacera le Stade olympique, jaime bien le bon vieux elephant blanc a la bouche ouverte :D


A bas l'Administration Trembley, jespere que sa va se realiser!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i think this is a project that montreal can achieve...first priority is to intensify downtown montreal and consolidate residential and commercial activity in griffintown...but as these projects conclude the natural path of expansion is to follow the water east and revitalize this no mans land.

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Ridicule... Y a rien qui colle à Montréal dans ce projet.. Si c'était un projet de fin d'étude, ce serait un gros échec... Rien de moins


Et tu t'appuies sur quoi pour faire une telle affirmation ? Tu es urbaniste ? Historien ? Si oui, il nous fera tous plaisir de lire un argument plus étoffé. Merci d'avance.

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