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1 hour ago, rufus96 said:

The reasons why Toronto surpassed Montreal in size and global importance are well-documented, including on this forum. 

Toronto did not surpass Montreal because it was willing to build taller skyscrapers.

Of course Toronto did not surpass Montreal in economic and commercial size and importance because of the height of its buildings alone- and that was not what I was suggesting.  

I was only pointing out (by including the link to the article) that a major private developer with a huge 15 year project for Montreal is encountering issues/hurdles that in that developer's opinion would frustrate any efforts by the developer to adapt and be flexible as the project unfolds.

Some users on this site have opined that some of the Quad Windsor buildings might not even go up (if ever) within the 15 year construction period originally laid out.  This, realistically is possible- but the reverse is also true with the REM and other developments that could occur in the next 15 years.  Being flexible is the point.  Going with the ebbs and flows.  Riding with the supply and demand of the economy.

Having restrictions that stifle/snuff out being able to adapt will cause the biggest builders (even using their own money) to either go elsewhere or not invest in an unfriendly business climate both of which should be avoided.

Other reasons for Toronto eclipsing Montreal as the largest and most commercial city in Canada would of course be more appropriate in another forum on another subject lol

Modifié par newyorkontario
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49 minutes ago, Djentmaster001 said:

Agreed, anyone have any potential scoops or small updates about this project?

guys...the architect who works at ACDF, publicly said, on this very forum, that it will be 40. 

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Il y a 5 heures, rufus96 a dit :

The reasons why Toronto surpassed Montreal in size and global importance are well-documented, including on this forum. 

Toronto didn't surpass Montreal because it was/is willing to build taller skyscrapers.

Been walking around downtown Toronto lately? The place is a mess. I am currently working in Toronto (did not move for political/economic reasons) and can personally attest to situation on the ground, especially in the Southcore. Numerous 200+ meter skyscrapers with absolutely zero ground level interaction. Suburbs in the sky. Wind tunnels. Buildings that are a copy/paste function of one another.

I am an architect and an urbanist and a skyscraper enthusiast, but height for the sake of height (read profit) is ruining Toronto. While I would be happy to see taller skyscrapers in Montreal, I value a more methodical approach to development. 

Let Toronto play the short game and continue to stress its already overburdened system in its goal for global recognition. It may lead to its downfall.

Excellent commentaire. J'ajouterais que personne n'est contre les tours à Montréal, mais qu'il faut bien choisir où on les construit. Je ne suis pas non plus contre le fait qu'on puisse augmenter les hauteurs pour le Quad à la limite maximum permise de 210m. Cependant dès l'instant où on traverserait le plafond de verre de 210m, on ne pourra plus le limiter à un seul exemple, car d'autres voudront à leur tour le contester.

En ce qui me concerne, la course à la hauteur n'est qu'une vision urbaine à courte vue difficilement justifiable du point de vue du développement durable. Dans tout cela il faut que tout le monde y trouve son compte, pas seulement le promoteur, mais aussi la population qui aura à vivre avec des densités qui pourraient nuire à la qualité de vie des citoyens.

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Il y a 4 heures, yarabundi a dit :

J'ajoute à ton commentaire acpnc : tout le monde sait que je suis guide touristique et que je travaille avec la clientèle touristique. Les touristes ne viennent pas à Montréal parce que nous avons des tours plus hautes que telle ou telle ville. Les touristes partout dans le monde voyagent pour l'histoire, la gastronomie, la culture, les musée mais rarement vont-ils dans une ville pour voir des tours. Les villes qui attirent des touristes à cause de leurs tours, on peut les compter sur les doigts d'une main. Montréal ne fait pas partie et ne fera jamais partie de cette courte liste. 

Permettre des tours plus toujours hautes à Montréal, c'est un fantasme spécifique à deux ou trois membres de ce forum.  La grande majorité des citoyens de Montréal en ont tellement rien à foutre que Toronto ou Calgary -ou même Edmonton !!- possèdent des tours plus hautes que Montréal. 

Just got back from business in Vancouver. The view from Stanley park of the city skyline is truly impressive however things quickly go to hell when you take an actual stroll on the streets where all the glass condos are. Some parts feel like ghost towns with no interaction at the street level. It's a beautiful city but that can't help to feel soulless or generic in many areas. I was glad to be back in Montreal with our old school street/facade interactions that actually have a logic to them (narrow shops on the first floor, clinics/dance schools etc on the second floor, apartments on the higher ones) and which maximize the liveliness at street level.

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