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Other than a couple of exceptions Montreal is still putting up mostly 15-25 floor buildings, you have the Seville, Griffintown, m9, bassin du nouveau havre and a few others all with 15-20 floor condo buildings. I guess that's what happens when you have vast amounts of undeveloped land around the downtown core, speaks volumes on what has been happening in this city the last 20-30 years...let's hope the CF project gets of the ground

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:goodvibes: Allez un peu d'optimisme, quand on parle de plus d'une dizaine d'étages on ne parle pas de maximum mais bien de minimum. Tout le monde sait aussi que normalement plus un projet est important plus il a de chance de rentabilité. Ici dans le quadrilatère, les limites de hauteurs sont intéressantes et j'imagine que la demande serait tout aussi importante que dans les autres projets du cv. Ce sera probablement une adresse de prestige qui visera le haut de gamme et le terrain est super bien situé. Quand on sait que les étages en hauteurs sont les plus profitables d'un immeuble et souvent les plus prisés, un promoteur sérieux voudra certainement en "empiler" le plus possible.
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I'm sure they're consulting with Skidmore Owings and Merill on how to erect such a towering structure, maybe Dorval might have to change the flight path of incoming planes so they avoid hitting this mind boggling tall building


You really made me laugh, thx !

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Once again, this website's obession with height makes me laugh and scratch my head. You guys are trashing a building and practically saying it isn't worth being built because it is only 10 storeys? That is so incredibly weird to me.

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Once again, this website's obession with height makes me laugh and scratch my head. You guys are trashing a building and practically saying it isn't worth being built because it is only 10 storeys? That is so incredibly weird to me.


No one is trashing anything as far as I am concerned. A lot of us love skyscrapers. We came here from another forum called Skyscraperpage a long time ago. Get over it.

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