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Bloom Urges Montreal As United Nations Seat

$4.95 - New York Times - Jan 24, 1945 The New Yorker recommended, in an interview, that Montreal be considered The New "Geneva" of The United Nations. The idea, he said, had these advantages

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C'est pas la première fois que j'entends parler de l'ONU déménager de New York parceque les USA ne paient pas leur part, et ce n'est pas la première fois que j'entends le nom de Montréal être proposé... mais les noms de Toronto et de quelques autres villes en Europe ont déjà étés proposés aussi.


NY est très/trop chère pour les nations unis, ils sont à l'écarts dans leur bureaux et en plus les USA sont de plus en plus chiants avec leur politiques des frontières et ce sans parler de leur politiques étrangère.


On a le droit de rêver, mais ce n'est pas totalement irréaliste.


One thing is for sure. Montreal, is the cheapest out of any European city (choice) and even Toronto.


Only time will tell.


Also if the UN, did move here. How will it help Montreal, Quebec and even Canada, in the long run?

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the UN HQ is composed of about 3000 professionals plus a shitload of other workers supporting them.


-More travel in and out of Montreal

-More NGOs and other Org installing in Montreal to be closer to the UN

-Much More exposure worldwide, (think about everytime the words New York next to the UN are heard)

-More foreign money being spent/invested here


thats from the top of my head... I am sure some of you have more positive things in mind.

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One big thing that also has to be kept in mind is unlike other "dream" mega projects like Labatt Stadium and the Technodome, this one isn't revolved around turning a profit. There is a lot less risk involved, and since the UN has concrete plans to renovate its current headquarters but hasn't started, this old idea has never been more relevant.


This city needs more wealthy people pumped into it in order to better sustain all the great development that is going on. The project is right near old Montreal, the Faubourg des Recollets, and what will be a revamped Griffintown. It would surely help local businesses, a lot of which are new or will be relatively new, and many of which are seasonal. It's also near a plethora of great brand new hotels and a new and growing business district. The city will need more hotel guests and more foreign business in order to better sustain this development. An influx of prominent foreigners would surely bring both.

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Lets imagine here, all these presidents attending the UN will have to be lodged somwhere!!! We need alot of luxury hotels to accomodate them!


Imagine also all the ambassadors that will have to buy homes in the GMA!! Thats alot of money!

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La question m'agace mais je vais la demander pareil.

quel est les chances d'attaques sur le siège social des Nations Unies?


aussi grandes que pour n'importe qu'elle institution internationale. C'est difficile à calculer. Mais ce qui me fait peur, c'est que la présence de l'ONU si près du Vieux-Port pourrait limiter l'accès de ce site pour des raisons de sécurité.

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La question m'agace mais je vais la demander pareil.

quel est les chances d'attaques sur le siège social des Nations Unies?


How often, has anything happened in NYC at the UN? Probably not that much. So I do not see a big difference, but anything possible.


From what I see. The only way you can acess the site, is from one bridge or from the water.


Also who will be responsible for the security in and around. Seeing the SPVM has like a fraction of the operating budget of the NYPD. If it did happen, I wonder how much the government will give to the SPVM or will they just turn it into a military ground, so the military protects it.


My only concern is the security of the city.

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