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Il y a une sur estimation de la capacité du REM, et de DM jusqu'à bois franc il a un gros réduction de capacité 

Et le temps de parcours n'est pas vraiment moins long vs le train de dm

Modifié par seb851
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Il y a 1 heure, amaist a dit :

Can you show where the capacity of REM is overestimated?

Shortening of travel time is not at all the point, it is the frequency and accessibility at almost all times. REM will serve more than just office plankton. The city of Montreal becomes accessible to anyone living close enough to a REM station without a car. People will be able to do things without a car that they could not do before. Like doing cultural activities, events, restaurants, etc. Teenagers not yet eligible to drive will have access to the city. Visiting downtown will become cost effective when you consider the cost of parking and the general expense of driving a car. The loss of comfortable seats might be annoying but many of the users of the existing line will continue sitting all day at their desks. A bit of standing will not harm them. Not being a slave to the train schedule will actually improve office workers' work conditions. Schedules can become much more flexible and spending an extra 10-15 minutes to finish something will not result in missing a train and losing 2 hours or paying a fortune to get home some other way.

Congrats for bringing arguments that really matter!

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5 hours ago, amaist said:

Can you show where the capacity of REM is overestimated?

Shortening of travel time is not at all the point, it is the frequency and accessibility at almost all times. REM will serve more than just office plankton. The city of Montreal becomes accessible to anyone living close enough to a REM station without a car. People will be able to do things without a car that they could not do before. Like doing cultural activities, events, restaurants, etc. Teenagers not yet eligible to drive will have access to the city. Visiting downtown will become cost effective when you consider the cost of parking and the general expense of driving a car. The loss of comfortable seats might be annoying but many of the users of the existing line will continue sitting all day at their desks. A bit of standing will not harm them. Not being a slave to the train schedule will actually improve office workers' work conditions. Schedules can become much more flexible and spending an extra 10-15 minutes to finish something will not result in missing a train and losing 2 hours or paying a fortune to get home some other way.

Terrific response. Thank you.

Gonna steal “office plankton” btw.

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Gawd I remember just how often we’d sit and swelter in the tunnel just after/before Portal Heights for who-knows-what reason… setting switches? Another train? Power failure? After the line’s conversion in 1995, it still stopped inside the mouth of the tunnel on a regular basis, even in spite of all the line’s improvements (but at least the MR’s ventilation and heating were good). If REM can get even close to their projected transit times (and why wouldn’t they? It’s an automated metro!), it will be a much shorter ride for anyone on the original DM line. The CN-operated trains took 36-50 minutes from Central to Roxboro — EMUs quicker than loco-hauled — and the Bombardier-operated AMT trains took marginally less, around 33 minutes at rush hour on the few days it wasn’t delayed. 24 minutes? This will be incredible.

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9 hours ago, SameGuy said:

Gawd I remember just how often we’d sit and swelter in the tunnel just after/before Portal Heights for who-knows-what reason… setting switches? Another train? Power failure? After the line’s conversion in 1995, it still stopped inside the mouth of the tunnel on a regular basis, even in spite of all the line’s improvements (but at least the MR’s ventilation and heating were good). If REM can get even close to their projected transit times (and why wouldn’t they? It’s an automated metro!), it will be a much shorter ride for anyone on the original DM line. The CN-operated trains took 36-50 minutes from Central to Roxboro — EMUs quicker than loco-hauled — and the Bombardier-operated AMT trains took marginally less, around 33 minutes at rush hour on the few days it wasn’t delayed. 24 minutes? This will be incredible.

the AMT train took 26 minutes from Roxboro , unless there was delays, but for the most part there wasn't that many , i was a regular commuter on rush hour for a few years and used it often off peak as well, the punctuality of that train line was as good as it could get , especially off peak. The new REM will only be 2 minutes faster but they added 3 stops  (A40, edouard montpetit and mcgill). without those stops it would have been about 18-20 minutes (Roxboro to central) comparing apples with apples (number of stops)

The real benefit of the REM is the off peak frequency , especially on sundays where AMT ony had 4 trains all day.

I believe the REM will really see its utility on trips that dont involve daily commute to work... especially post pandemic. A ridership analysis in 2028 of the REM will look nothing like a ridership analysis of the AMT in 2018.

Also the REM DM and WEST branch is not being built for existing residents of the west island , its being built for new residents coming in over the next 10 years, who will be condo dwellers living near the stations. Most current west islanders will continue to use their cars and the benefit of the REM for them will be that although population will increase, cars on the road will increase at a much lower rate. Traffic has become hell because population exploded off island with no significant public transport in place. this has increased travel time for west islanders by 200 even 300%. Most bottlenecks on the 13/40 are because of Laval and North Shore commuters and most bottle necks on the 40 and 20 are because of the increase in population in Vaudreuil.

Montreal is finally catching up with Toronto and Vancouver when it comes to developing its inner suburbs properly with mixed use and higher density, we are about 3 decades behind.


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9 hours ago, LexD said:

The real benefit of the REM is the off peak frequency , especially on sundays where AMT ony had 4 trains all day.

I believe the REM will really see its utility on trips that dont involve daily commutes to work... especially post pandemic.

Agree completely. Evolving from an unsynchronized, radial-pattern, rush-hour-commuting collection of train lines and bus routes to an interconnected network of show-up-and-go transit systems will be a game-changer for this metropolis.

Disclaimer: I stopped taking the DM daily in 1996 (after nearly 20 years!) and stopped taking it altogether around 2000. We moved to western Pierrefonds in 1996 and my wife drove 15 minutes to the Beaconsfield station for a 40-minute daily train ride downtown. She even kept doing it after changing jobs and moving from IBM Marathon down to 10 Duke (de la Commune) until the train became too unreliable in the early-aughts, and she availed of Discreet’s free parking and became yet another West Island sheep on the highway.

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Vous fait rire les gens de Montréal ... vous est aveuglé par les fausse chiffre que CPDQi vous donne

MR90 aurais une capacité  de 1800 place  et les Metropolis aurais une capacité de 780, chiffre qui est ULTRA surestimé ...

Selon les datasheet de Alstom, c'est une capacité de 150 personne par voiture (300 par rame hors point et 600 par rame en RushHour), j'ai la misère a croire que CDPI a trouve de la place pour 45 personne par voiture par magie ... c'est clairement classe sardine +++   

Et les MR 90 c'est pas 1800 place mais 2000 voir 2100 au total. 

Je suis pas contre le REM, mais c'est un GRAVE erreur de CDPQi d'avoir choisi des rame de 4 voiture et non de 6 voiture ... 

Modifié par seb851
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