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Il y a 1 heure, SkahHigh a dit :

De toute façon, c’est carrément un non-sens de penser que la pandémie et l’avènement du télétravail vont bouleverser les besoins de mobilité à ce point. À la base, le télétravail est possible pour une tranche spécifique de la population (estimée à 30%).

À terme, il est prévu que la réduction du traffic automobile atteigne 5% avec le télétravail accru lorsque tout sera revenu à la normale. La différence avec avant sera à peine perceptible.

Oui, mais le transport en commun est utilisé par 20-30% des gens dans la région métropolitaine et c'est principalement du trafic vers le centre-ville. Pour faire bien les choses, ceux qui peuvent faire du télétravail c'est justement ceux qui travaillent au centre-ville puisque c'est juste du travail de bureau ou presque. Donc la baisse d'achalandage sera plus prononcée dans le transport en commun à la fin de la pandémie, selon moi.

Mais je maintiens quand même mon point initial, sur 10 ans, on aura récupéré sur l'achalandage.

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14 minutes ago, champdemars said:

Oui, mais le transport en commun est utilisé par 20-30% des gens dans la région métropolitaine et c'est principalement du trafic vers le centre-ville. Pour faire bien les choses, ceux qui peuvent faire du télétravail c'est justement ceux qui travaillent au centre-ville puisque c'est juste du travail de bureau ou presque. Donc la baisse d'achalandage sera plus prononcée dans le transport en commun à la fin de la pandémie, selon moi.

Mais je maintiens quand même mon point initial, sur 10 ans, on aura récupéré sur l'achalandage.

Selon l'ARTM c'est sur 5 ans max. Je trouve que 10 ans c'est énorme. L'OMS prévoit un vaccin distribué à tous à la fin 2021 et quand tout le monde sera vacciné, il n'y aura plus de réelle raison de ne pas retourner dans le TC. Surtout si la congestion est aussi pire qu'avant.

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5 hours ago, Decel said:

Why stop now? Which areas should it stop?

It's already in a really advanced state, rolling smoothly, and I don't really see any segment they can abandon.

If there's a project that can be revisited (re-confirm, re-ajust, or re-evaluate), it's the blue-line extension that still only exists only on paper.

Focus on Phase I only since it is most advanced and will be most widely used. Delay or cancel the rest. It seems like the only logical thing to do now. I was really excited about this project but I can see long term, it just won't be profitable or used much at all. They need to think long term. Businesses see the advantage of remote work both in terms of productivity going up and work-life balance since you no longer commute. But especially bottom line. Right now, businesses are absorbing the loss in revenue but they cannot continue for much longer. Universities will close because a large proportion of their revenue is foreign students, especially the english ones. They will shift to remote learning because they at least need some form of revenue recouperation. 

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il y a 24 minutes, peekay a dit :

Focus on Phase I only since it is most advanced and will be most widely used. Delay or cancel the rest. It seems like the only logical thing to do now. I was really excited about this project but I can see long term, it just won't be profitable or used much at all. They need to think long term. Businesses see the advantage of remote work both in terms of productivity going up and work-life balance since you no longer commute. But especially bottom line. Right now, businesses are absorbing the loss in revenue but they cannot continue for much longer. Universities will close because a large proportion of their revenue is foreign students, especially the english ones. They will shift to remote learning because they at least need some form of revenue recouperation. 

We're in the mire of exceptional sanitary measures, and you might be overestimating the importance and permanence of some phenomena that we're observing right now, that are most likely transient. Tuition count for around 10% of universities revenues in Quebec (it's more in other provinces), domestic student count for the majority of the student body. Remote learning actually is more expensive in education because of the decentralization of services, technological infrastructure cost, and technological support to staff and special aid students. Not to forget the benefits of proximity and socialization in education. 

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1 hour ago, mk.ndrsn said:

We're in the mire of exceptional sanitary measures, and you might be overestimating the importance and permanence of some phenomena that we're observing right now, that are most likely transient. Tuition count for around 10% of universities revenues in Quebec (it's more in other provinces), domestic student count for the majority of the student body. Remote learning actually is more expensive in education because of the decentralization of services, technological infrastructure cost, and technological support to staff and special aid students. Not to forget the benefits of proximity and socialization in education. 

There is no denying that even before this pandemic, businesses were more opt to explore remote work and remote learning, especially workplace training. All was on an uptrend. The events of this year just accelaerated the inevitable. Billions are being invested in networks to facilitate the transition.

We have yet to see the true power of 5G and Elon Musk's Neuralink, which will radically change the world especially health and education. A huge amount of transit movement is students and the workforce which has been affected most likely permanantly. My work which was ademently opposed to remote work, has now said that physical presence at work will now be the exception permanantly. This will definatley affect public transit use since we are not the only comapany to do such changes. I think it is economically irresponsible to not forsee such societal shifts that are coming before the end of the decade.


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il y a 36 minutes, peekay a dit :

There is no denying that even before this pandemic, businesses were more opt to explore remote work and remote learning, especially workplace training. All was on an uptrend. The events of this year just accelaerated the inevitable. Billions are being invested in networks to facilitate the transition.

We have yet to see the true power of 5G and Elon Musk's Neuralink, which will radically change the world especially health and education. A huge amount of transit movement is students and the workforce which has been affected most likely permanantly. My work which was ademently opposed to remote work, has now said that physical presence at work will now be the exception permanantly. This will definatley affect public transit use since we are not the only comapany to do such changes. I think it is economically irresponsible to not forsee such societal shifts that are coming before the end of the decade.


The Futurist, folks! The Futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what you need whether you know it or not.

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On parle d'étalement urbain, mais sérieux, y a tu des gens qui aiment habiter dans 300pi2?!  (970$ par mois pour 178pi2 à Ottawa en 2014 que je payais) Arrêtez l'immigration et le prix des logements va baisser avec la décroissance.  Quoi vous voulez comme société?   Je crois qu'une baisse mondiale de population sera beaucoup plus gagnante que d'essayer de freiner l'étalement urbain.

Arrêtez de jouer à Sim City. Les gens veulent leur espace, alors planifions en ce sens.  Les planificateurs semblent en disconnect total avec les intérêts de la population.  Vancouver et Toronto sont des arnaques pyramidales, vous voulez aller là?

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