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YUL - 38, 38 étages (2021)


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Wait what? The taliban? The taliban are against ALL culture, because they see cultural identity as an inevitable perversion of the word of Allah. So your analogy is incorrect. But, forgetting this part of your comment, your critique still doesnt make sense. Lafontaine was one of the most virulent defender of the 92 resolutions and of the patriots. He became pragmatic after the defeat of the rebellion and sought to establish french language right and just and fair governance that would help the survival of french canadians.


I fail to see why you think modern Québec would want to ignore or brush aside his story. Do you think anyone wants to erase René-Lévesque from our history because of the "beau risque"? The same logic applies here.

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Wait what? The taliban? The taliban are against ALL culture, because they see cultural identity as an inevitable perversion of the word of Allah. So your analogy is incorrect. But, forgetting this part of your comment, your critique still doesnt make sense. Lafontaine was one of the most virulent defender of the 92 resolutions and of the patriots. He became pragmatic after the defeat of the rebellion and sought to establish french language right and just and fair governance that would help the survival of french canadians.


I fail to see why you think modern Québec would want to ignore or brush aside his story. Do you think anyone wants to erase René-Lévesque from our history because of the "beau risque"? The same logic applies here.


Hopefully, you are right. ..but it doesn't Answer the question as to why the house has been totally abandoned and left to ruin...right in the heart of Montreal. Nor do I see any sign of municipal or provincial-level interest in taking it over.

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N'oublie pas qu'il couvre une très vaste superficie à la base Ce qui, par exemple, n'est pas le cas du Holiday Inn dont on voit déjà la tête et le thorax.

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