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Tout ce qui a été posté par WestAust

  1. 24/10/2012 La démolition va bon train!
  2. Le problème n'était pas le parc, mais bien l'autouroute en dessous EXCLUSIVE: City removing weight from park over Ville-Marie Expressway The City of Montreal has begun work to alleviate pressure above the Ville-Marie Expressway, directly in front of the Palais des congres, by clearing it of extra weight, a move one engineer calls “scary.” CTV Montreal has learned that in the last week trees, soil, concrete and granite have been removed from Place Jean-Riopelle, a small city park that sits across Bleury St. from the Palais des Congres. It is also on top of the Ville-Marie Expressway. The move comes after Quebec’s Transport Department received a report this July about the structure. “At the request of the Ministère des Transports du Québec, the Ville Marie borough is dismantling two giant planters as well as the stairs in between them,” said Anik de Repentigny, a representative for the Ville-Marie Borough. The plan is to remove 250 tonnes – 10 per cent of the weight on top of the road that hides the overpass. “We needed to take some action to alleviate some weight from the structure to prevent and preserve this structure that was built in 1972,” said MTQ spokesperson Caroline Larose. Trucks with heavy loads have also been restricted from driving on Bleury St. “We made the analysis, we trust the results that we've got and we're taking some actions,” said Larose. “It's not like we don't know the state of this overpass.” Repair work is scheduled for 2013, after a winter that is bound to bring heavy ice and snow. Concordia engineering professor Adel Hanna said waiting months to repair the overpass is a troubling move. “When I hear they have to remove 10 per cent, it's really very scary because we design the bridge to carry twice as much of the load, which means 100 per cent, so 10 per cent is too little,” he said, adding that a report from this summer could already be outdated, especially after last week's earthquake. “We can't afford to wait until a bridge collapses under its own weight as the Laval bridge, which collapsed just by itself, without any loads or any external effects,” he said. Still, the MTQ insists the area is safe, claiming that if it were not, they would have closed the Ville-Marie and the road on top. “All the merchants, hotels and business owners around Place Jean-Riopelle have been informed of the work being done by the city,” said de Repentigny. The city, however, appears to have missed merchant Anthony Musto, who runs the Java U coffee shop that faces Place Jean-Riopelle. Musto said he wants the MTQ to fix the overpass as soon as possible. “If it's 24 hours, if it's two shifts, three shifts, let's take care of it,” he said. In the meantime, both the MTQ and the city are focusing on continuing the delicate work of removing the sidewalks and stairs along the park. “It’s not really a reasonable solution,” said Hanna. “It's not a final solution for the problem. Instead of postponing the repair to next year, they should go immediately and start the repair.” The MTQ and the Ville-Marie Borough have a special meeting on Thursday to discuss how to proceed with the work as safely as possible. Read more:
  3. LA ville vient de déposer un nouveau PPU pour Griffintown, avec les amenagements, revisions des hauteurs, parcs... Le document
  4. J'ai eu le meme appel hier, avant le souper, ma date est le 25 octobre, je vais aller voir ce qu'ils offrent!
  5. Decarel est une compagnie avec une très bonne feuille de route en matière de projets (édifice de la caisse de dépot, planétarium en construction, dernière phase des résidences ETS) donc effectivement, si les informations sont exactes, il y a peut être un problème avec la qualité du travail du sous-contractant. Par contre, le chantier ne semble pas complètement arreté, en ce moment, je voie les grues bouger, et une grue mobile sur la sur Peel qui fait un travail quelquonque.
  6. WestAust

    BÔME - 4 étages

    Projet approuvé et maintenant en vente par Mondev
  7. Effectivement, présentation du bureau aux médias demain Invitation exclusive aux médias - Ouverture du pavillon des ventes de L'Avenue MONTRÉAL, le 9 oct. 2012 /CNW Telbec/ - M. Anthony Broccolini, directeur principal chez Broccolini et responsable du projet L'Avenue, convie, en exclusivité, les représentants des médias à l'ouverture du pavillon des ventes de la plus haute tour résidentielle du centre-ville de Montréal. En compagnie de M. Broccolini, les médias auront l'occasion de visiter en primeur un condo modèle de 2 chambres d'une superficie de 950 pieds carrés situé dans un pavillon des ventes à l'architecture audacieuse. M. Broccolini accordera des entrevues et du contenu visuel pourra être capté lors de la visite. Les représentants des médias intéressés sont priés de prendre rendez-vous. Jour : Jeudi le 11 octobre 2012 Heure : Sur rendez-vous, entre 9h00 et 17h00 Où : Pavillon des ventes de L'Avenue Angle rue De la Montagne et avenue des Canadiens-de-Montréal
  8. Ils ont ajouté les pancartes du contracteur sur leur affiche au coin Rene-Levesque/Drummond, il s'agit de Magil Construction
  9. Le reste du site du preview, incluant les plans d'unités, un video promotionnel (pas mal mieux que celui du Tom) les rendus affichés plus haut dans ce fil
  10. CP accounting department used to be there, hence the name of that building
  11. WestAust

    NASCAR Montréal

    NASCAR’s roar won’t return to Montreal in 2013 MONTREAL - After a six-year fender-bending, sheet-metal-crunching, crowd-pleasing run on Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, the checkered flag has dropped on NASCAR racing in Montreal. And not because NASCAR wanted to leave. The stock-car sanctioning body told The Gazette Friday that despite its strong desire to return to the historic island racetrack, the NASCAR Nationwide Series NAPA 200 will not return to Montreal in 2013. Octane Management head François Dumontier, whose Montreal-based company promotes the NASCAR event and Formula One’s Canadian Grand Prix, confirmed NASCAR’s departure a few hours later during an afternoon news conference at the Île Notre-Dame facility. There was published speculation on Friday that the German-based DTM series, featuring heavily modified Audis, BMWs and Mercedes, might be coming to Montreal. If it does, DTM would replace NASCAR to join Formula One as the second summertime race on the Villeneuve circuit, two motorsport weekends allowed annually on the civic-owned Jean Drapeau Park layout. Steve O’Donnell, NASCAR’s senior vice-president of racing operations, said in an interview that the door is never closed to his sport’s return to Montreal. But consider the odds of NASCAR’s comeback to this city about as good as the repatriation of baseball’s Expos, which moved to Washington, D.C., eight years ago. “I can tell you it’s a bit of a surprise to us,” O’Donnell said of NASCAR’s exit from Montreal, speaking from his office in Daytona Beach, Calif. “We certainly feel like we’ve had a great run in Montreal and certainly anticipated being back next year, if not many years beyond that. That was our intention.” In the end, it seems that Dumontier made NASCAR an offer the governing body couldn’t accept. O’Donnell said that Dumontier suggested he couldn’t make a financial go of a race in Montreal unless his Nationwide Series event was twinned with an elite-series Sprint Cup race, or was switched to a Cup race. Furthermore, O’Donnell said, Dumontier told NASCAR he wanted a Sunday event, not a Saturday on which Nationwide Series normally runs. “We had a sanctioning call (for a 2013 date) about a month prior to this summer’s event,” O’Donnell said. “Everything was great.” By that time, after lengthy efforts, Dumontier had been able to secure $800,000 in funding support for the race from the governments of Canada, Quebec and Montreal, as well as Tourisme Montréal. “That was tremendous,” O’Donnell said. “We’d planned to do a big promotional event before the race with our drivers to embrace the governments for their support. But that was cancelled last minute by the promoter. That was a surprise but again, we didn’t think too much of it and went into the event feeling good.” By then, Dumontier was speaking publicly about needing a Sprint Cup event to make his ends meet. “We never discussed that during our sanctioning call,” O’Donnell said. “But we got through the race weekend, then had a call the following week.” It was then, two days after the sixth annual NAPA 200, O’Donnell said, that Dumontier told him he was struggling with organizing the NASCAR race. “He told us: ‘I need to think about it, it didn’t really work financially for me this year. I’m going to need some help from you guys to pull this off,’ ” O’Donnell said. “Up until then everything was going well. We’d fully intended and wanted to be back in 2013 and well beyond, but then François asked for the a Sunday date at a time that made no sense to us to promote a race or get it on TV.” NASCAR told Dumontier it couldn’t meet his demands and about a week ago, nearing the release of its 2013 Nationwide Series schedule, got an email from its Montreal promoter. “It said: ‘Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to want to be in the sanctioning business with you for next year,’ ” O’Donnell said. “So we agreed to part ways.” NASCAR, which with much fanfare replaced the Champ Car World Series on Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in 2007, is now gone, possibly replaced by DTM touring cars. Even with the 2013 Nationwide Series schedule within weeks or less of official release, Canada might yet welcome a race. Look no further than Canadian Tire Motorsport Park, formerly Mosport Park, in Bowmanville, Ont., north of Toronto as a likely site. Track co-owner and occasional NASCAR road-course racer Ron Fellows, the hugely popular veteran who won Montreal’s NAPA 200 in 2008, was coy when asked Friday noon about the possibility, preferring to wait until later in the day to comment. Said O’Donnell: “Canadian fans are huge supporters of NASCAR and it’s very important for us from a national-series perspective to be there. So we’ll certainly explore all avenues to do that. Who knows what the future brings? But it’s unfortunate it didn’t work out in Montreal.” Fellows did express disappointment as a race driver and student of his sport that the Montreal date is off the calendar. Fellows often wore a Gilles Villeneuve T-shirt under his firesuit here, a tribute to the late Ferrari F1 legend he idolized and for whom the track is named. Loyal NASCAR fans who flocked to this city’s race will be devastated by the departure. Nationwide Series drivers and teams will be no less unhappy; they loved coming to Montreal, enamoured by the city’s cosmopolitan flavour and amazed by fans who endured torrential rains without leaving the grandstands, hanging in for wheel-banging action that never failed to materialize, six different drivers winning the six races. Read more:
  12. Le promoteur établi un budget de copropriété pour la première année, avec un montant de frais pour couvrir les dépenses, et ce établi selon les minimums requis par la loi.
  13. Shaughnessy condo craze continues Looks like the condo craze expected to revitalize the stretch of Ste. Catherine St. just west of Fort St. is spreading. Gabriel Azouz, a major Quebec car dealer, is behind a plan to transform a former art store at the corner of Ste. Catherine and Chomedey Sts., into a 15-storey mixed-use building with 142 condos and ground floor retailing. The project, which is now seeking permits from the city of Montreal, is across the street from the first phase of the sold out Seville condo project. As I wrote in June, Metro Inc. is expected to open a new urban-format Adonis store as part of the Seville project. Buyers – many of whom are investors - lined up for hours to buy a unit at the Seville in 2010, as the low-interest rate fueled housing boom soared in Montreal, ushering in record levels of condo construction. But with Montreal shifting to a buyer’s market, as condo inventory piles up and sales soften, Azouz and his company Commerce D’Automobiles GPA Inc., which owns the site, may not get such an extensive line-up of buyers.
  14. Les promoteurs de la tour des canadiens ont quelque peu modifié leur message pour: La plus haute tour résidentielle de Montréal, avec accès direct au Montréal sous-terrain
  15. Le bateau passe… Pendant qu’au Québec on « enterre » les gaz de schiste, aux États-Unis cette ressource est en train de sauver l’économie. L’impact qu’exerce le développement de l’industrie énergétique au sud est hallucinant. Mark Perry, professeur d’économie à l’université du Michigan, a réuni quelques chiffres pour son blogue : — Les emplois directs liés au secteur énergétique ont augmenté de plus de 27 % depuis 2008. — Dans la dernière année, les entreprises de pétrole et de gaz américaines ont embauché en moyenne 100 nouveaux travailleurs chaque jour ouvrable, pour des activités liées à l’exploration de pétrole et gaz de schiste. — Depuis 2002, plus d’un million d’emplois ont été créés grâce à l’exploration pétrolière et gazière, selon le USA Today, cité par le professeur. — Les industries qui gravitent autour du secteur énergétique créent également des milliers d’emplois indirects chaque mois. De la construction jusqu’aux services financiers, en passant par l’extraction et le traitement de sable bitumineux. Et on ne parle pas de McJobs. Toujours selon le USA Today, six des huit emplois les plus en demande de l’industrie sont liés de près ou de loin à l’ingénierie. Bouée de sauvetage Sans le « stimulus » économique de ce boum énergétique, l’état de l’emploi et de l’économie en général serait bien pire qu’en ce moment chez nos amis yankees, comme le souligne M. Perry. Encore mieux : la production de gaz de schiste fait chuter le prix du gaz naturel, entre autres. Ce qui dope la compétitivité de l’économie américaine, en abaissant la facture énergétique de plusieurs entreprises. Ces bas prix attirent aussi des milliards de dollars d’investissements, qui auraient abouti dans d’autres pays sinon. En 2010, l’industrie du gaz de schiste à elle seule soutenait plus de 600 000 emplois aux États-Unis, selon la firme de consultants IHS. En 2015, ce sera 870 000. Et en 2035, plus de 1,6 million… Mais ici, on peut se passer de tout ça, semble-t-il. On a dit niet aux gaz de schiste. Moratoire complet! Les préoccupations environnementales sont certes légitimes, et il faut avancer avec prudence. Mais d’autres le font sans que ce soit la fin du monde. Et dans ce dossier hautement émotif, il faut aussi regarder les chiffres. Imaginez ce qu’un tel boum économique aurait comme impact sur notre économie. Et surtout sur nos finances publiques, qui ne vont nulle part. Au lieu de simplement fermer la porte, par dogmatisme ou calcul politique, nos élus devraient au moins en débattre. Et essayer de trouver un compromis. Avant de manquer le bateau pour de bon.
  16. There's already some Hydro-Quebec charging stations, they are installed in Rona, St-Hubert, AMT Train station, montreal airport...
  17. On devrait avoir des nouvelles bientôt sur ce projet! Allison Lampert ‏@RealDealMtl The Mt Stephen Club is being reinvented as part of an 80-room, 11 storey hotel. Story to come. My blog post from 12/11
  18. Ce sont les structures pour les pompes à ciment
  19. La piste cyclable le long du canal qui passe du coté du projet sera fermée bientôt (si ce n'est déjà fait) pour la construction des têtes de bassin pour ce projet selon le bulletin du Canal Extrait:
  20. La piste cyclable le long du canal qui passe du coté du projet sera fermée bientôt (si ce n'est déjà fait) pour la construction des têtes de bassin pour ce projet selon le bulletin du Canal Extrait:
  21. Ils sont en train de bâtir une nouvelle pancarte le long de l'avenue du CH, pour entourer ce qui semble être une installation électrique pour alimenter le bureau des ventes.
  22. Au bout du compte, il s'agit beaucoup d'une question d'habitudes, la majorité du traffic qui entre/circule à l'ile des soeur est habituée au secteur, et depuis le temps, ils savent comment fonctionne un carrefour giratoire. J'ai vu la meme chose en abitibi les dernières fois ou je suis allé, les gens sont rendu habitués, meme si la densité de circulation est moindre, pas de gestes brusques ou stupide de personne
  23. Dans la boite à rumeurs: Michael Fortier Raymond Bachand (plus incertain vu sa victoire aux dernières élections + course chefferie PLQ)
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