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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. Especially since they're using that promo everywhere.
  2. Great aerial shot. So much wasted potential around the Bonaventure.
  3. please no useless bumps. if we had news we would post them.
  4. Nothing special, just some bad cellphone pics. ------------------ As a bonus, I noticed there are still some tramway tracks corner Lambert-Closse and Sainte-Catherine. I know there are still tracks on Sainte-Catherine at McGill College and also Stanley (though those might be gone by now) so I might make a separate thread soon. Here's a great set of pictures showing tracks being extracted between Atwater and St-Mathieu. This stuff fascinates me.
  5. Maybe once the glass is in? Ah who am I fucking kidding. Butt ugly. At least there's a tiny bit of street-level integration.
  6. This is the same building as Angela Pizza. Walked by today, noticed some heavy renovations going on at "ground" floor level. All graffitis cleaned up. Peeked inside and saw plenty of ladders and fresh new walls. I think this is a handsome rugged building that deserves a facelift. Gives me NYC vibes. It's been abandoned for as long as I can remember though I think there was a dental clinic in there at some point. Googled a bit for 1668 Maisonneuve and found this listing as well as this Altus profile. [sTREETVIEW],+montreal&hl=en&ll=45.494924,-73.580168&spn=0.001765,0.004106&sll=45.55097,-73.702207&sspn=0.225754,0.525627&hnear=Maisonneuve+Blvd+W+%26+St+Mathieu+St,+Montreal,+Quebec,+Canada&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=45.495001,-73.58008&panoid=-CcEf2QVZaTxF67hFVvEag&cbp=12,152.08,,0,-17.9[/sTREETVIEW]
  7. Beaver Hall at Viger... not that great.
  8. Up to the second floor now. Is it just me or does this chantier look kinda ... bric-a-brac?
  9. getting somewhere. Redoing the building's back left wall now. Too bad Bishop Court Apartments aren't getting the same treatment. Perhaps they're next?
  10. Will believe it when I see it. That said, I was wondering today about how Ilot Voyageur could be a platform promise for a municipal party this November, or if this is somehow strictly a Provincial matter?
  11. Office component is "topped out". From my vantage point, it is about as tall as Hotel W, slightly shorter than CDP. First floor of condo tower component is complete. This thing is going to go up twice as fast from now on!
  12. "démoli après la fermeture du cinéma en 1995." What else used to be on the St-Laurent / Milton / Clark / Prince-Arthur lot? Seems nearly half of it was torn down in the mid-nineties to make way for Ex-Centris and this nondescript office (?) space.
  13. Well, how about one of us calls the number? That'd straighten everything out.
  14. In fact the only thing that really bothers me is how much of the awesome little stone wall will be discarded. Could have been reused for the first floor, or somehow at penthouse-level. As for the red brick it is kinda similar to the 1903-built Trafalgar School across the street so not too bad.
  15. by René Beauchamp 1970 1982 1982 (intruder alert!!!)
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