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C'est une belle réussite ce bâtiment. Bravo! Yaccarini disait en entrevue qu'il prévoit arriver avec un plan détaillé du nouveau projet pour le côté ouest de St-L, avec un début des travaux en 2013 et une livraison en 2015. Croisons les doigts.

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Moment Factory's technological and artistic innovation on permanent display in Montreal with its new installation: La Vitrine Culturelle

Canada NewsWire




TORONTO/MONTREAL, Feb. 6, 2012 /CNW/ - Moment Factory, the new media and entertainment studio that produces some of the world's most engaging interactive environments unveiled its newest permanent installation on February 6, 2012. After winning several awards for its interactive LED façade at Place Des Arts, 'La Vitrine' has once again asked Moment Factory to push the boundaries of multimedia environments for its new high traffic location at the corner of St. Laurent Street and St. Catherine Street in Montreal, Quebec. Moment Factory created an artistic installation representative of the city's effervescent culture, while doubling as an informative and interactive hub for cultural event information. The highly anticipated exhibition of the new 'La Vitrine Culturelle' was celebrated during the inauguration of Building 2-22, the most recent addition to Montreal's bustling Quartier des Spectacles.


"We wanted to imagine a unique design that would not only represent a convergence of all of the city's cultural institutions but was also technological, fun and accessible," said Dominic Audet, Partner and Co-Founder, Moment Factory "We sought to translate this idea and message of the metropolis' dynamism through the creative shapes of the installation, the various light movements, content for the 3D projections and public interaction."


Moment Factory's mandate was to create something that was beautiful, dynamic and artistically explained the role of 'La Vitrine' as a hub for all of the city's cultural happenings. The new installation is housed in the open concept lobby of Building 2-22, visible to passersby through the impressive main floor windows. The technologically-powered sculpture is comprised of a six-meter column covered in prismatic Lexan, which was used to add dimension and give the pixels an organic feel. Swirling around the column 24/7 is a series of custom-made LED panels that display Montreal's robust cultural offerings as well as engaging ambient visual content. Three interactive touch screens complement the structure and allow users to interact with a map of Montreal so they may research cultural events by date, location or category. The kiosk allows the user to share detailed information of the event by email or SMS.


"Thanks to the creative genius of Moment Factory, La Vitrine is sure to dazzle visitors and cultural consumers with its state-of-the-art multimedia installations entirely dedicated to the promotion of cultural activities. In addition to creating, at the heart of the Quartier des Spectacles, an animated, central and strategic site where culture prevails, La Vitrine continues its mandate of attracting and retaining new cultural consumers, thus promoting increased ticket sales for the 1,345 venues of the Greater Montréal area," explained Nadine Gelly, General Director of La Vitrine.


The entire multimedia installation is powered by X-Agora, Moment Factory's proprietary experience management software that controls each distinct media component. The use of X-Agora ensures a seamless integration of all media and allows for real time interactivity between data coming from both the on-site visitor and users from the Web.


"Our goal for this new installation is to illustrate the dynamic cultural offerings of Montreal and marry this with technological innovations," said Eric Fournier, Partner and Executive Producer, Moment Factory. "We wanted the main pillar to enhance the energy of the space and the horizontal strips of Lexan that whirl around it to envelop the visitor with a sense of exhilaration and wonder. The Quartier des Spectacles is all about evoking emotion through arts and so that's what we tried to do with La Vitrine."


Moment Factory is a group of multimedia artists that have come together to up the ante in technology and entertainment. Its most recent work debuted during Madonna's performance at the 2012 Bridgestone XLVI Super Bowl Halftime Show, an NFL Network Production aired to over 160 million viewers on NBC and internationally on February 5th, 2012.


Founded in 2001, Moment Factory is comprised of a team of 60 artists, technologists and visionaries at its headquarters in Montreal. The company has completed over 300 projects in the field of creative multimedia environments for clients such as Celine Dion, Arcade Fire, Nine Inch Nails, Cirque du Soleil, Microsoft and Disney. Moment Factory has completed permanent interactive installations such cities as Dubai, Montreal and Las Vegas.




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architecture | 09.02.12

Le 2-22, un édifice culturel Leed




Le 2-22 vise la certification Leed-NC.1

Le bâtiment à vocation culturelle 2-22 a été inauguré cette semaine dans le Quartier des spectacles de Montréal.


Situé à l’angle des rues Sainte-Catherine et Saint-Laurent, le bâtiment de six étages, d’une superficie de près de 5500 m2, a été construit selon la norme Leed NC (Nouvelle construction).


"Le 2-22, c'était pour nous bien plus qu'un nouvel immeuble à notre actif; c'était avant tout un rêve, celui de faire revivre ce coin de rue qui a bercé l'imaginaire des Montréalais", dit Christian Yaccarini, président de la Société de développement Angus (SDA), en charge de ce projet.


L’édifice héberge principalement des organisations à vocation culturelle puisque 75% des espaces ont été vendus à des organismes tels que la radio communautaire CIBL, Vox et le Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec.


"Le projet du 2-22 illustre une fois de plus la capacité de la SDA à réaliser des projets de revitalisation ancrés dans leur milieu, socialement utiles et respectueux de l'environnement", dit Léopold Beaulieu, président de Fondaction CSN, l’un des partenaires financiers du projet.

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Petite tournée du 10 février.

Le 2.22 est vraiment bien en vrai! l'animation à l'intérieur peut être apercevoir de l'extérieur facilement.... et ça va très bien avec les lumières du Club Soda!











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