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  1. 1. Devront-on séparer le terrain

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    • Non, on construit dans le jardin sans séparation

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The family of a 13-year-old Canadian girl with autism who learned to communicate through her laptop has been overwhelmed by the public response to her story -- and insists she is doing it without any help.


CTV News first aired the story of Carly Fleishmann, a non-verbal girl who communicates through instant messaging software, on Sunday. The Toronto family's story was picked up Tuesday night on ABC News in the United States.


Carly is unable to verbally communicate, but since finding a way to "talk" she has been providing long-sought-after insight into what it feels like to have autism. She said it feels like "being in a room with the stereo on full blast" or like her legs are on fire and she is covered with ants.


Since Sunday, people living with the condition and media outlets around the world have taken notice of what Carly's story could indicate for the future of autism treatment.


"Thank you Carly for being so brave and letting us read some of your thoughts!!!" wrote one woman named Gretchen, one of many to email CTV in response to

Carly's amazing breakthrough. "I have a 2 1/2 year old autistic daughter but she is verbal. She still can't tell us what is wrong or how she is feeling. I love this story!!


As a mom it gave me a better insight to this disorder!"

"This girl and what she has to say absolutely breaks my heart," said another reader named "T". "I can understand how she feels, not because I have an autistic child, but I can feel from her writing how she desperately wants just to be like everybody else, but can't."


"As a mother of an autistic child myself, my hope is that some of our political leaders will see stories like this one and be moved to take meaningful action to ensure that all children with autism have access to the services they need to reach their full potential," wrote a mother named Laura.


An interview with Carly's father Arthur continued to spread her story, reaching millions of viewers in the U.S. "We realized inside was an intelligent, articulate, emotive person," he said. "We were stunned."


Alongside the well-wishers, there have been a handful of those who are skeptical about Carly's achievements, some wondering Carly is being cued -- either consciously or unconsciously -- about what to write.


Carly's mother Tammy says that is simply not the case. She says Carly often writes email by herself, with no one else in the room, and when there is someone there to help here, they are there primarily to help Carly focus.


Tammy says she knows that Carly is not simply repeating phrases she's been taught because Carly has demonstrated she's learning things on her own.


"My daughter knows about all kinds of things we have not told her about and she writes spontaneously about them," Tammy wrote, responding to a comment left by a viewer on ABC's website. "For instance, we told her we were taking her to New York to see a doctor there and she wrote she wanted to see Ground Zero and the lady with the torch. We had no idea she knew these things.


"I have no incentive for making this up or embellishing her accomplishments and neither do the huge team of doctors and other professionals who have seen Carly over the years."


Carly's speech pathologist confirms the words are indeed her own.

"All of a sudden these words started to pour out of her," says Barbara Nash-Fenton. "It was an exciting moment because we didn't realize she had all these words. It was one of those moments in my career that I'll never forget."


Experts in the specialized form of autism therapy Carly has undergone, called Applied Behaviour Analysis, say they're not sure whether her unusual language abilities make her a rare case or whether her new writing skills are the result of her intensive training.


But as people touched by her story from around the world can attest, Carly Fleishman has at the very least provided a window of hope for thousands who want to know what living with autism is really like.


(Courtesy of CTV)

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Odomètres en folie









La Gendarmerie royale du Canada a démantelé un réseau de fraudeurs oeuvrant dans le domaine des véhicules d'occasion.


Les cinq présumés fraudeurs écoulaient dans trois commerces des Basses-Laurentides des voitures dont l'odomètre avait été trafiqué en moyenne de 100 000 km. Dans les pires cas, il avait été reculé sur certains véhicules de 300 000 km, voire 400 000 km.:yikes: :yikes: La fraude totale est estimée à 6 115 000 $.


La GRC a déposé ce matin au Palais de justice de Saint-Jérôme 332 chefs d'accusation pour fraude contre les quatre hommes et une femme, soit autant que le nombre de victimes alléguées, ainsi que d'autres accusations pour tentative de fraude et complot en vue de commettre une fraude.


Les commerces incriminés sont fermés depuis octobre 2007. Il s'agit de Qualité-Prix Auto Plus et Liquidation de saisies DS, de Saint-Eustache, ainsi que des véhicules Danmar, de Lachute.


L'enquête effectuée par le détachement de la GRC des Laurentides-Lanaudière-Outaouais a été menée en collaboration avec les corps policiers fédéraux des autres provinces. La majorité des véhicules provenaient de l'Ontario, mais aussi de l'Alberta, du Nouveau-Brunswick, de la Nouvelle-Écosse et des États-Unis.


L'enquête avait été amorcée à la suite d'une plainte d'un client s'estimant lésé.


LA GRC rappelle qu'il est possible de s'assurer de la validité de la distance parcourue affichée à l'odomètre de tout véhicule d'occasion auprès de la SAAQ, au Québec, où des différents bureaux des véhicules des différentes provinces.

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Source: Fangstein

Il y a de bon photographe ici ?


Montréalité, the folks behind the Retro t-shirts, among others, are sponsoring a photo contest, apparently just for fun. They want photos of the city, and the winner gets a free Montréalité t-shirt.

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