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Échangeur Dorval


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It will take twice as long and cost $126 million more than planned to complete the reconstruction of the Dorval interchange in front of Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport, The Gazette has learned.


The price tag to untangle the concrete snarl that serves as the entry point to the city for travellers arriving by air has jumped by 55 per cent to $350 million from $224 million and the completion date is now scheduled for 2017 instead of 2013, Transport Quebec spokesperson Réal Grégoire confirmed Tuesday.


The provincial transportation department, which is overseeing the project, blames the delay on "the enormous complexity" of having 10 partners involved in the scheme, including railway companies, the federal transportation department, the cities of Montreal and Dorval and airport and public-transit authorities.


"We're doing our best in the shortest time possible," Grégoire said. "But there's enormous complexity when you have 10 partners. The tasks become complex because you have spread out the work, you have to move railway tracks."


The project has not changed, he added. Transport Quebec blames the price leap on worldwide increases in the cost of construction materials.


"The largest factor is the rise in the cost of materials, petroleum products and metals," Grégoire said. "There's an increased demand from emerging nations, like China and India, and that increased the cost of materials a lot."


Pressed for details to explain why the project, which was launched in 2009 and was supposed to be completed in four years, is now expected to take eight years, Grégoire said Transport Quebec is too busy with the aftermath of Sunday's collapse of part of the Ville Marie Expressway tunnel to provide answers.


The transport department did not make any announcement of the delay and the cost overrun because, Grégoire added, "we inform the media when they ask us."


However, at least part of the holdup involves four parcels of land that Transport Quebec says it needs to acquire around a hotel in the Dorval Circle to build the new interchange. Talks broke down with the hotel, Fairfield Inn & Suites, which operates under the Marriott banner on Michel Jasmin Ave., around 2009.


The province sent an expropriation notice, and the matter has gone before the Tribunal administratif du Québec. Legal proceedings are continuing, Grégoire said, so Transport Quebec won't comment.


The project isn't blocked, he added. Transport Quebec has already invested $100 million, completing nine of 22 phases, he said. Another $34 million is being invested this year to complete an overpass over Highway 520, to build roadways providing access to ramps that will connect the highway to the airport, and to do water and sewer work in the southern portion of the interchange. Work planned for this year includes construction of a new overpass at Michel Jasmin Ave.


Transport Quebec has promised to eliminate the circular Dorval interchange since the decision was made to transfer international flights back to the airport from Mirabel airport in 1997.


When it was announced in 1999, it was supposed to take two years and cost $36 million to build three new overpasses to eliminate the circle.


By 2005, the price tag was announced as $150 million. It went up to $224 million in 2009, officials at the time said, because of inflation and because an access link to an eventual high-speed rail service between downtown and the airport was added to the plan.


Some of Transport Quebec's partners are shaking their heads at the delay and the price tag.


"The impact is that access to the airport is terrible. People have a hard time finding their way because it's a bit of a spaghetti right now," said Christiane Beaulieu, vice-president of public affairs and communications for Aéroports de Montréal, which manages and operates the airport.


"It's a real problem right now for the people coming to the airport and for tourists, of course, because they're not familiar with the area."


A monument to the project delay is an incomplete elevated road structure that sits in front of the airport.


That was built by ADM to connect to the future road that's to be built by Transport Quebec as part of the Dorval interchange overhaul, Beaulieu said.


ADM contributed $20 million to Transport Quebec for the project and is spending $90 million to rebuild roads on its territory to connect to the new Dorval interchange, she said. The ADM will finish its work this fall, she added.


"Everybody has seen the (overpass) going nowhere, but it's because we've done our part with our $90 million and until Transport Quebec comes with the road to attach to it, well, it's going to be in a vacuum," Beaulieu said.


"Access to the airport is so important. We understand there are problems, but we feel there is a need for that road to be completed as quickly as possible."


ADM has voiced its concerns to Transport Quebec, she added. Access is already a problem because Highway 20 is so often congested, Beaulieu said.


"And now it's just worse because of the interchange that is not finished. So I think it's a very sad situation for the people who have to come to the airport, and especially for the tourists."


About 13 million passengers use the airport each year, she said. "These people have to somehow come in and get out."


Robert Bourbeau, the director general of the city of Dorval, which has no financial investment in the project, said the interchange seems to be indicative of broader problems within Transport Quebec.


"There just doesn't seem to be any control at the MTQ," he said. "No control whatsoever in Quebec. It's a shame.


"It's just another saga in the MTQ's problems."


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The equivalent of less-thanhalf a city block of land appears to be holding up Transport Quebec's $350-million project to rebuild the Dorval interchange, and questions are being raised whether that's because the transportation department neglected to put a hold on the property when it had the chance.


Transport Quebec is in a legal dispute with Fairfield Inn & Suites, which operates a hotel under the Marriott banner on Michel Jasmin Ave., over the land coveted by Transport Quebec.


The transportation department says it needs to acquire the 6,494 square metres of land around the hotel to create a right-of-way for an eventual rail line that will run Aéroports de Montréal's planned shuttle service between downtown and Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport.


The Quebec government passed a decree in June 2008 to acquire the land, while Transport Quebec placed a notice of expropriation on the property in July 2009, provincial land registry records show.


But that was three years after ADM presented Transport Quebec its pre-project plans for the rail shuttle showing where the railway would run. And in the meantime, the hotel was built - in 2008.


"I think a lot of people were surprised to see that hotel built in that small piece of land," said Christiane Beaulieu, ADM's vice-president of public affairs and communications, noting that "everyone knew the rail shuttle was planned."


The city of Dorval gave the hotel a construction permit; however, Dorval Director General Robert Bourbeau said this week the hotel's placement fit with Transport Quebec's plan for the Dorval interchange at the time.


Dorval even sold land to build the hotel to a numbered company in November 2006 for $105,234, land registry records show.


The hotel's owners did not return calls. They are on vacation and unavailable to comment, a hotel employee said this week.


ADM's pre-project plan hasn't changed since it was presented to Transport Quebec five years ago, Beaulieu said. The plan shows the airport authority's final decision to build the shuttle-end station under the U.S. departures terminal, and shows the line would run to the Dorval train station and then downtown, she added.


"Once we decided to have the train station under the U.S. departures (terminal) ... we knew then how we would be connected to the Dorval station," Beaulieu said, referring to the railway corridor.


The decision to build the rail shuttle necessarily meant that an additional passenger rail line would need to be built in the Dorval interchange, she added.


The ADM decided to increase its contribution to Transport Quebec's Dorval interchange project to $20 million from $10 million after it chose the rail shuttle trajectory through the interchange, Beaulieu said.


Transport Quebec can't comment on the land expropriation because of the legal proceedings, department spokesperson Réal Grégoire said.


A ruling by the Tribunal administratif du Québec related to the expropriation shows Transport Quebec previously offered $1 million for the land in dispute in 2010.


The Quebec government initially announced the Dorval interchange project would cost $150 million in 2005. The price tag went to $224 million when it was re-announced in 2009 to take into account inflation and the rail shuttle.


The project has since ballooned to $350 million and will be delivered four years later than planned, in 2017, The Gazette revealed this week.


Grégoire said earlier this week that the airport rail shuttle line has moved from where it was originally planned, which explains why Transport Quebec began proceedings to acquire the hotel land only recently.


"At the beginning, it didn't pass through where the construction site is now," he said.


However, Beaulieu said the ADM's pre-project plan shows the trajectory was clear to Transport Quebec in 2006.


Meanwhile, work is continuing on the interchange, Grégoire has said. Transport Quebec has already invested $100 million.


Another $34 million is being invested this year to complete an overpass over Highway 520, to build roadways that will provide access to ramps that will connect Highway 520 to the airport and to do water and sewer work in the southern portion of the interchange.


Work planned for this year also includes construction of a new overpass at Michel Jasmin Ave.


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  • 1 mois plus tard...
  • 2 mois plus tard...

Nouvel appel d'offres pour la construction de deux ponts d'étagements :


appel d'offres pour travaux de construction (iso)


(structures considérées complexes)


dans le cadre d’une qualification




réception et ouverture des soumissions à montréal






DOSSIER NO: 8503-11-1112 Construction de la partie sud (culées et piles) de deux ponts d’étagement, construction et complétion de murs de soutènement, construction de la voie D (futur accès à l’aéroport) et son raccordement à l’autoroute 20 ouest, remplacement d’une conduite d’aqueduc et divers travaux connexes, ces derniers sont délimités par l’avenue Michel – Jasmin au nord, par la 55e Avenue à l’est, par l’autoroute 20 au sud, et par le boulevard Bouchard à l’ouest, dans les limites de la Cité de Dorval, hors MRC, circonscription électorale de Marquette.




Le montant estimé du contrat se situe entre 15 000 000 $ et 20 000 000 $.|228

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  • 6 mois plus tard...
  • 4 semaines plus tard...

The overpass is not too low, nor did they run out of money, as I have heard other people say. Construction is being held up by the hotel, because it does not want to cede land needed to complete the rest of the road. Every road on the airport property, and over the 520 has been completed for a while. It is now just necessary to connect the two.

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