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Coopérative de solidarité du Bois Ellen - 6, 13 étages


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Le projet est presque terminé, si ce n'est pas déjà fait à présent.

Vraiment désolé pour vos yeux, mais j'ai trouvé quelques photos récentes de la chose.



Pas croyable comme projet. C'est tellement absurde que j'aime un peu ça.








( Source : )


looks cool.


skymtl: you're an idiot. first of all, this is a home for old people and those with disabilities, those are never "ghettos." second of all, that part of laval is as far distant from london as any place in quebec. it's practically rural. third, the superblock ghettos of the 1960s-70s were the product of an entire ecosystem of political and socio-economic relationships that no longer exists. if this were truly in the esprit of that era, it'd involve a much more generous welfare state, different architecture/planning, and a host of race/class issues that are alien to us today.


there's this moronic idea that putting lower income people in high rise buildings means crime and anarchy, but it's just not true. those were different people acting in different times with difference motivations and incentives. and plus, these are elderly and disabled people!


basically, your comment is "a clunky building commissioned by the government = failure." n'importe quoi

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looks cool.


skymtl: you're an idiot. first of all, this is a home for old people and those with disabilities, those are never "ghettos." second of all, that part of laval is as far distant from london as any place in quebec. it's practically rural. third, the superblock ghettos of the 1960s-70s were the product of an entire ecosystem of political and socio-economic relationships that no longer exists. if this were truly in the esprit of that era, it'd involve a much more generous welfare state, different architecture/planning, and a host of race/class issues that are alien to us today.


there's this moronic idea that putting lower income people in high rise buildings means crime and anarchy, but it's just not true. those were different people acting in different times with difference motivations and incentives. and plus, these are elderly and disabled people!


basically, your comment is "a clunky building commissioned by the government = failure." n'importe quoi


Really, so all of those factors make this kind of abomination OK? Really?


These designs would like a word with you:


It seems like far too often we simply GIVE UP on the architectural / human component of these projects just because they are geared towards a certain demographic. It shouldn't be about "well, it's good enough for seniors". Design should be thinking about "how do we do it better?". The design of this building is more about surrender rather than thinking about innovation through an affordable yet forward-looking design. It doesn't matter if a building is for seniors, children, business people....or whether it is downtown or in the backwoods of L'Estrie. Design matters and this thing is an insult to anyone living there.

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