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It is bad enough that we have to pay money to far-left groups like QPIRG, the Centre for Gender Advocacy, and vegan kitchens by default. .


Yeah, but we need to give tax incentives (or other kinds of money goodies) to Oil Cies? Il n'y a pas QUE les choses que tu utilises qui te serve, man. Quand tu n'iras plus à l'école, est-ce que ça voudra dire que la qualité de l'éducation dans notre société ne te sera d'aucune utilité? Me Myself and I. C'est écrit où dans le no.1 Fantasy Book of All-Time, la Bible? Pffffffffffffff.............

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Yeah, but we need to give tax incentives (or other kinds of money goodies) to Oil Cies? Il n'y a pas QUE les choses que tu utilises qui te serve, man. Quand tu n'iras plus à l'école, est-ce que ça voudra dire que la qualité de l'éducation dans notre société ne te sera d'aucune utilité? Me Myself and I. C'est écrit où dans le no.1 Fantasy Book of All-Time, la Bible? Pffffffffffffff.............


No no seriously screw those QPIRG guys and the freaking vegan kitchen... what is the education or service provided by them...


I don`t know why the CSU should be involved in owning a piece of real estate either... why not have the university own it and lease it back...

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Hey i know, screw daycare centers. Why do our tax dollars go to subsidies for services that most people don't use? I don't have a kid, i don't need a daycare center, I want my refund!


Also i'm pretty healthy and i don't get sick. Why do my tax dollars go toward health care?! What the heck is this waste of my money?


And roads.. i stay home all day. I never go out, why are my tax dollars funding things i don't use, like sidewalks and street lights?

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Hey i know, screw daycare centers. Why do our tax dollars go to subsidies for services that most people don't use? I don't have a kid, i don't need a daycare center, I want my refund!


Also i'm pretty healthy and i don't get sick. Why do my tax dollars go toward health care?! What the heck is this waste of my money?


And roads.. i stay home all day. I never go out, why are my tax dollars funding things i don't use, like sidewalks and street lights?




But on a serious note, at least those things provide some service to someone. These things Skyline and I am complaining about basically suck student money and go buy fair-trade Jaeger shots... the vegan kitchen at least provides some kind of food to rich kids who dress like homeless people but they too suck money (like they pay the cooks over $14 an hour, WTF?!). Or like that same kitchen asked for, and recieved $3000 for a new dishwasher, from the "sustainability fund"... another scam operation. If anything like that was going on in the private world, the company would go bankrupt - if anything like that was going on in the public sphere, people would go to jail. Here? Everything permitted...


Even on the subject of the vote for the "student centre", the whole area has been bombarded by the CSU with marketing for "yes" side, all the posters and such paid for by CSU... could you imagine if, say, the '95 referendum had the "yes" side getting support from the Government of Quebec?!

Modifié par Cyrus
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The people's potato gets a lot of business. I've never been there myself, but i've seen the lineups... they're extremely long. So i'd say at least some of these services are being used.


Your analogy is cool but not quite accurate though. The CSU putting up posters in favor of the student centre isn't the same as the Quebec Gov't supporting the "yes" in a referendum... if Concordia Administration were putting up those posters, then it would be like that. CSU != Concordia HQ.


I just don't bother much with Concordia politics and the CSU and all that.

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Hey i know, screw daycare centers. Why do our tax dollars go to subsidies for services that most people don't use? I don't have a kid, i don't need a daycare center, I want my refund!


Also i'm pretty healthy and i don't get sick. Why do my tax dollars go toward health care?! What the heck is this waste of my money?


And roads.. i stay home all day. I never go out, why are my tax dollars funding things i don't use, like sidewalks and street lights?


For daycare centres, I don't think taxpayer money should be funding them! I don't understand why having a kid means using daycare. A lot of people choose to raise kids themselves, yet they get NO financial help! Why not just give ALL parents a tax-break for that amount instead (regardless of whether they let strangers raise their babies/toddlers or not)? I was raised in a single-income household myself, with my mom staying at home! (If both my parents worked each earning half of what my dad did, and I was in daycare, we would have saved a LOT of money!) But how is that fair???

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For daycare centres, I don't think taxpayer money should be funding them! I don't understand why having a kid means using daycare. A lot of people choose to raise kids themselves, yet they get NO financial help! Why not just give ALL parents a tax-break for that amount instead (regardless of whether they let strangers raise their babies/toddlers or not)? I was raised in a single-income household myself, with my mom staying at home! (If both my parents worked each earning half of what my dad did, and I was in daycare, we would have saved a LOT of money!) But how is that fair???


Because when a parent decides to work instead of staying at home, that parent earns more money and pays more taxes and is being productive (GDP-wise, I am not saying that a stay-at-home parent doesn't do anything!!!!!). With a stay-at-home parents, you have one parent using its time to watch one child (or more if they have more kids). With daycare, each daycare worker takes care of many kids, while the parents are at their job. More effective that way.

Modifié par ToxiK
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Because when a parent decides to work instead of staying at home, that parent earns more money and pays more taxes and is being productive (GDP-wise, I am not saying that a stay-at-home parent doesn't do anything!!!!!). With a stay-at-home parents, you have one parent using its time to watch one child (or more if they have more kids). With daycare, each daycare worker takes care of many kids, while the parents are at their job. More effective that way.

The $7 a day daycare system is a drain on resources. I am willing to bet that the lost income of a few stay-at-home parents is not nearly enough to cover the expenses of this social program with all its waste and excess.


I personally know of people who live in Westmount (above Sherbrooke) who put their kids in $7/day daycare (proof that the system is a joke). Could they afford a more expensive private daycare? Could they afford to have one parent stay-at-home?. But they choose to suck money out of the system.


Besides, wouldn't almost everyone prefer to raise their own children themselves?? I find it very sad that people are so willing to let a complete stranger take care of their newborns/babies for most of the day. Yet people who choose to raise their own kids (something which should be promoted) do not get any financial help.


(don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying that women should stay home their whole lives. I didn't mention any gender (either mother or father staying home - doesn't really matter), and second, I think it is most important for parents to stay home until their kids start pre-school).

Modifié par MTLskyline
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well yes, but the daycare person isn't the child's mother. they're a daycare employee.


this modern efficiency has a price.


I was only talking about economics here, not about the social aspect (I'll leave that to psychologists).

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