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Whatever the pitch/business plan might be I find it highly implausible that a group of billionaire investors have it as their end goal to own a part of an MLB team. To me it's highly improbable that they, a group of highly successful and wealthy individual would embark in all of this without a pathway/plan for full ownership. Sure it might start off as a shared teamed but down the line whether it be 5-10-15 years the plan surely has to be full ownership. I can't remember in recent memory any minority investment into a sports team in NA or elsewhere that didn't include some buyout clause or plan for full takeover. 

If what's been said about a full-time team requiring a roof/domed stadium is correct then I would certainly expect a future stadium at peel bassin would include that from the start or the possibility for the addition of a roof in the design. The idea that 15-20 years from now Montreal and Tampa would still be sharing a team is one the most unlikely of all the scenarios, only second to Montreal getting a team full-time (after sharing it with TB) and embarking on an even newer stadium so they can have full-seasons here. 

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il y a 3 minutes, Spiter_01 a dit :

Whatever the pitch/business plan might be I find it highly implausible that a group of billionaire investors have it as their end goal to own a part of an MLB team. To me it's highly improbable that they, a group of highly successful and wealthy individual would embark in all of this without a pathway/plan for full ownership. Sure it might start off as a shared teamed but down the line whether it be 5-10-15 years the plan surely has to be full ownership. I can't remember in recent memory any minority investment into a sports team in NA or elsewhere that didn't include some buyout clause or plan for full takeover. 

If what's been said about a full-time team requiring a roof/domed stadium is correct then I would certainly expect a future stadium at peel bassin would include that from the start or the possibility for the addition of a roof in the design. The idea that 15-20 years from now Montreal and Tampa would still be sharing a team is one the most unlikely of all the scenarios, only second to Montreal getting a team full-time (after sharing it with TB) and embarking on an even newer stadium so they can have full-seasons here. 

100% agree with you... I can't see a new stadium in Montreal without some sort of roof. Even in Miami they have a retractable roof and their weather is way better than ours.

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il y a 51 minutes, Rocco a dit :

Tout est crucial depuis 10 ans... On va respirer par le nez et attendre encore...

C'est ce que je pense aussi.  Pas de décision du gouvernement du Québec avant les prochaines élections. Entretemps, les promoteurs privés peuvent "progresser" dans leurs analyses et peaufiner leur proposition, mais celle-ci devrait rester sans réponse définitive avant la fin de l'année 2022 au plus tôt.  

Les discussions impliquant directement la Ville de Montréal et les promoteurs ont leur importance, mais je ne crois pas que les ententes de principe qui pourraient en découler, même dans le meilleur des cas, suffiraient pour convaincre les promoteurs privés d'aller de l'avant sans savoir ce que Québec déciderait.   

Le titre de la nouvelle dont on parle  -- "Rencontre cruciale avec la mairesse mardi 14 décembre" laisse entendre que c'est maintenant ou jamais.  J'aurais été plus modeste et dit: "Rencontre importante ..."  

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9 hours ago, Spiter_01 said:

Whatever the pitch/business plan might be I find it highly implausible that a group of billionaire investors have it as their end goal to own a part of an MLB team. To me it's highly improbable that they, a group of highly successful and wealthy individual would embark in all of this without a pathway/plan for full ownership. Sure it might start off as a shared teamed but down the line whether it be 5-10-15 years the plan surely has to be full ownership. I can't remember in recent memory any minority investment into a sports team in NA or elsewhere that didn't include some buyout clause or plan for full takeover. 

If what's been said about a full-time team requiring a roof/domed stadium is correct then I would certainly expect a future stadium at peel bassin would include that from the start or the possibility for the addition of a roof in the design. The idea that 15-20 years from now Montreal and Tampa would still be sharing a team is one the most unlikely of all the scenarios, only second to Montreal getting a team full-time (after sharing it with TB) and embarking on an even newer stadium so they can have full-seasons here. 

Agreed. The design certainly will include the adaptability and expansion for a future roof. Bronfman doesn't have enough $ to finance a roof at the moment since it would add another ~$300M to the price tag. The roof would also be unused for 95% of the time since the team would only play here in summer so it's not much of a priority at the moment and cuts costs by a big bunch. This is actually somewhat the reason why we're splitting seasons and not relocating altogether, it comes down to financing the roof. If our investors were able to finance a full stadium witn roof, they'd be asking for full relocation. It wouldn't make sense otherwise, from an investment perspective. 

So as a transition, no roof is okay because the weather will allow for play outdoors during the split season and it also allows the investors to bring a team to town. Good compromise.

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Il y a 4 heures, Né entre les rapides a dit :

Le titre de la nouvelle dont on parle  -- "Rencontre cruciale avec la mairesse mardi 14 décembre" laisse entendre que c'est maintenant ou jamais.  J'aurais été plus modeste et dit: "Rencontre importante ..."  

Ce serait plus véridique mais ça attirerait moins de clics…

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