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Uhm... if that is what they are building... it's quite nice. I know a lot of people would rather 1 building fill the block, this hotel is in a PRIME PRIME location. The design from what I can tell, is quite sophisticated in that it looks more modern (much needed in this sector, compared to, Roc Fleuri for example) AND, constructing more than one building on a city block is what we used to do in the old days. It will result in a far more interesting urban fabric in the long run. Frankly, 16 floors is a good height here. I don't mind it. The area is dense and it is part of the Golden Square Mile historic district.

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Membres prolifiques

  • 3 semaines plus tard...
La grue est bien montée, je vais essayer d'aller prendre une photo plus tard aujourd'hui


Petite suggestion : tu pourrais aussi faire une photo de la réflexion de la grue dans l'édifice qui est en face sur de Maisonneuve.

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