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Here we go again education.. education... please every parents don't stop pushing your kids to study.

I was at the future technologies convention in San Francisco this month , Silicon Valley and Montréal will become twin sisters , Montréal is on a high , nothing will stop it on the short run because it has been planned by many on a long period of time . 5 to 6 billion within the next two years in IT technololgy for Montréal Universities must keep up the pace . Montréal est sur ca relance . croire et voire ces notre devoir a tous . L'education et tenir la cadence ces notre chance de faire notre place parmi les grandes villes du monde . Faut surtout pas manquée cette relance qui ferais de nous tous et ca a tout les niveaux les gagnants de demain.
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Do yourself a favor and move to Toronto. You will be in the best city in thaa world!!!!!

Happy New Year Mtlurb!


The article is actually pretty indicative, despite the propaganda, the prophecy and the kumbaya - here are the real facts;


-We've lost head offices Bell (Toronto), Alcan (London), Astral (Toronto), Rona (Charlotte), St.Hubert (Toronto), Molson (Toronto), Cossette (Toronto) and so many others


-Our GDP growth is forecasted at 2%, with Toronto at almost 3% (much of our growth is public infrastructure related)


-Demographic growth in Montreal is essentially too low for any meaningful growth.


My hope in 2017 is that one of Greenlobster's prediction come true. :begging:

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Andy Riga drew up a summary of the Montreal positives and negatives here, towards the end of the article.


Montreal’s 375th Anniversary: the party — and the problems | Montreal Gazette





Just cannot explain why anglo newspapers do not use the latest figures available to do articles about Montréal or Québec . Either there lazy or biais . Unemployment rate latest figures December , per city Montréal 7.0 %, Toronto 6.9%, Calgary 10.5% , Vancouver 5.2% Toronto has almost double the unemployment rate among the 18 to 25 as per Montréal. Each city has it's good points and bad points. I am not saying the article is 100% bad , just put the updated figures . I do not care about figures from 4 or5 years ago, what is going on NOW. As for the rest the statistics or so out dated , no comment . Keep up the doom and gloom THE Gazette , understand more where the negative is coming from. Happy New Years to all on this forum , nice to participate and share views , great to see that most have seen changes in Montréal in the last two years . Would have enjoyed seeing the Gazette show the more positive things that are going on, especially what is going on in this city with all the new technologies. 2017 will be an incredible cru for this city and it's region.

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Just cannot explain why anglo newspapers do not use the latest figures available to do articles about Montréal or Québec . Either there lazy or biais . Unemployment rate latest figures December , per city Montréal 7.0 %, Toronto 6.9%, Calgary 10.5% , Vancouver 5.2% Toronto has almost double the unemployment rate among the 18 to 25 as per Montréal. Each city has it's good points and bad points. I am not saying the article is 100% bad , just put the updated figures . I do not care about figures from 4 or5 years ago, what is going on NOW. As for the rest the statistics or so out dated , no comment . Keep up the doom and gloom THE Gazette , understand more where the negative is coming from. Happy New Years to all on this forum , nice to participate and share views , great to see that most have seen changes in Montréal in the last two years . Would have enjoyed seeing the Gazette show the more positive things that are going on, especially what is going on in this city with all the new technologies. 2017 will be an incredible cru for this city and it's region.




Yes, well it's not so much about The Gazette and more to do with the ownership of it in my view. The National articles are often gleaned from the flagship paper: the National Post.*


Conrad Black's origami style shows through both papers and the other affiliates across Canada. Their agenda is to push for Conservative views as aggressively as possible. Conrad Black, a native son of Quebec has become bitterer than ever and one of his pet projects is the constant undermining of Quebec's progress in any way shape or form. That is part of his origami flypaper style. He swishes at anything seen as Nationalist brutishness and makes little to no fuss about the progressive qualities in our midst. Trump is seen as a positive game changer for him and most of his editorial staff.

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Yes, well it's not so much about The Gazette and more to do with the ownership of it in my view. The National articles are often gleaned from the flagship paper: the National Post.*


Conrad Black's origami style shows through both papers and the other affiliates across Canada. Their agenda is to push for Conservative views as aggressively as possible. Conrad Black, a native son of Quebec has become bitterer than ever and one of his pet projects is the constant undermining of Quebec's progress in any way shape or form. That is part of his origami flypaper style. He swishes at anything seen as Nationalist brutishness and makes little to no fuss about the progressive qualities in our midst. Trump is seen as a positive game changer for him and most of his editorial staff.


Yeah, marc is probably his alias here. :sarcastic: Always the same propaganda, driven by one objective : convincing everybody that francos should not have taken their place at the top of the province, and that they are fundamentally inferior to anglos. So, Mtl was so much better when the superior race was in power.


And incidentally proving their own stupidity doing just that because they always seem to resort to gross exagerations, bad faith arguments, lies, and so on.



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Yeah, marc is probably his alias here. :sarcastic: Always the same propaganda, driven by one objective : convincing everybody that francos should not have taken their place at the top of the province, and that they are fundamentally inferior to anglos. So, Mtl was so much better when the superior race was in power.


And incidentally proving their own stupidity doing just that because they always seem to resort to gross exagerations, bad faith arguments, lies, and so on.




J'ajouterai que tant que cet esprit biaisé subsistera, il nourrira le ressentiment québécois et favorisera l'idée de séparation. Mais ces gens sont trop stupides pour comprendre cette simple relation de cause à effet. Ce qui me fait dire que la souveraineté a encore de beaux jours devant elle et n'a peut-être pas dit son dernier mot? Pour paraphraser une expression bien connue je dirais même que: les voies de la souveraineté sont impénétrables...


En ce qui me concerne, je considère le Canada comme un français considère l'Union Européenne. C'est-à-dire une entité pour partager certains services supra-nationaux, mais certainement pas mon identité nationale. Nous avons d'ailleurs prouvé plus d'une fois notre capacité à concurrencer sérieusement les meilleurs dans le monde, dans une foule de domaines. Et ce n'est certainement pas le Canada qui nous a permis de réaliser ces importants défis.


Nous continuerons d'ailleurs à nous distinguer, en poursuivant sur notre lancée, afin de nous donner les meilleurs outils possibles, incluant l'éducation. Tout cela afin de prendre toute la place qui nous revient, en tant que peuple moderne et créatif dans le concert des nations.

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En ce qui me concerne, je considère le Canada comme un français considère l'Union Européenne. C'est-à-dire une entité pour partager certains services supra-nationaux, mais certainement pas mon identité nationale. Nous avons d'ailleurs prouvé plus d'une fois notre capacité à concurrencer sérieusement les meilleurs dans le monde, dans une foule de domaines. Et ce n'est certainement pas le Canada qui nous a permis de réaliser ces importants défis.



C'est exactement la vision que j'ai du Canada. Un marché commun, un passeport, une image positive dans le monde. La Fédération canadienne n'est pas un mariage, c'est une entente de colocation. Cependant, le ROC ne sont pas nos amis mais nos concurrents. Ce n'est pas une mauvaise chose, la compétition nous force à être meilleur. Les succès de Toronto sont un bon coup de pied dans le derrière pour nous forcer à devenir meilleur (à notre façon, pas en les imitant). Ce que j'apprécie moins de nos colocs fédéraux, c'est quand ils nous accusent de manquer de loyauté quand on ne fait pas ce qu'ils veulent (même si ce qu'ils veulent est contraire à nos intérêts), alors qu'ils ne se gêneraient pas pour nous poignarder dans le dos si ça les avantageait. Je ne veut pas de mal au ROC, mais je préfère me concentrer à faire progresser Montréal qu'à faire du nation building qui, pas vraiment par hasard, favorise Toronto.

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