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Why Google built its first Canadian cloud computing facility in Montreal

Quebec’s competitive electricity rates and proximity to Montreal’s burgeoning tech scene have made the city a cloud-computing destination

Don’t look now, but Montreal is quickly becoming a cloud computing hotspot. Google has pegged the city to host a new data centre, making it the company’s first “Cloud Region” in Canada.


The move follows a similar announcement by Amazon, which recently opened a cluster of data centres around Montreal. IBM and French cloud computing company OVH have also set up centres in Quebec, as have several Canadian companies including Bell and Cogeco.


Amazon cited Quebec’s lower electricity prices, compared to Ontario, as a major reason for its decision to location in the province.


Google says its decision stems from Montreal’s large and growing pool of science and engineering talent.


“There’s a groundswell in artificial intelligence and machine learning happening,” says James Lambe, country manager for Google Cloud in Canada.


The company did not specify how much it is investing or when the Cloud Region will be up and running, citing contract terms. Google has nearly 100 employees in Montreal already, as well as offices in Toronto and Ottawa and an engineering hub in Kitchener, Ont.


The company has six other Cloud Regions currently operating around the world – Oregon, Iowa, South Carolina, Belgium, Taiwan and Tokyo – and plans to open at least another eight this year in addition to Montreal.


Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard says the new data centre will help businesses in the province become more globally competitive.


“With an ever-changing business environment, our economic plan aims to help our businesses adapt to the new technological reality and foster the competitiveness of Quebec to attract investment for leading players,” he said in a statement.


“We are happy to welcome the addition of the Google Cloud Region in Montreal with which Quebec-based business and Canada will take another step into a 21st century economy.”


Lambe says the new Montreal Cloud Region, which will provide traditional data centre information hosting and also offer Google’s various services and customer support, will deliver both technical and regulatory benefits to Canadian businesses.


Customers who store their data in Google’s cloud will get faster access to it simply by virtue of being closer to it.


Perhaps more importantly, a growing list of countries – including Canada – are considering enacting regulations that would prevent businesses and organizations from storing their data abroad for security and privacy reasons.


By locating within Canada, Google says it can obviate such potential data sovereignty issues, especially for companies or organizations that are already prevented from hosting abroad because they deal with sensitive information.



“It allows organizations that have traditionally not been able to play in this particular space to take advantage of the real value and innovation this can bring,” Lambe says.


Some Canadian customers are fans of the move. Oakville, Ont.-based Geotab, which makes vehicle fleet-tracking systems, says that being able to house data in Cloud Regions outside the United States will help it expand to other countries, particularly in Europe.





Why Google built its first Canadian cloud computing facility in Montreal

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Google confirms the buzz around Montreal: City selected as one of its new cloud regions


ONTRÉAL, March 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ - Hydro-Québec welcomes with great pleasure Google's announcement that Montréal is selected as one of its new Cloud Regions. Google made the announcement today as part of Next, an annual event aimed at building the future of the cloud. After Microsoft and Amazon, this decision by Google again confirms the enormous benefits the data center industry will enjoy by choosing Québec.


"Hydro-Québec is open for business, says Éric Martel, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hydro-Québec. Data centers in Montréal are clean data centers. We have the best electricity rates in North America, plenty of energy available and a very competitive business environment. It's a no-brainer."


Clean energy

More than 99% of the electricity produced by Hydro-Québec comes from renewable resources, the vast majority of which are hydraulic. Québec hydropower is a clean energy source with very low greenhouse gas emissions, representing only a fiftieth of thermal energy derived from natural gas, a fifth of photovoltaic solar power, and about the same as wind power.


Cheap energy

At the same time, the electricity rates available to data centers in Montréal are extremely competitive. For instance, they are about 4 times lower than those in California and 30% lower than those in Virginia. Not only are Hydro-Québec's electricity rates exceptionally low, Montréal's climate favors the optimized use of cooling systems, which cuts operating costs.


Highly qualified workforce in information technology (IT)

Montréal is well known in the international arena for its diversity of businesses, its innovative environment, its concentration of expertise and high-quality infrastructure, and its highly skilled workforce. The information and communications technology (ITC) industry in Montréal is a global pole of excellence and a pillar of economic development in the region.


The Montréal ITC sector has several leading companies in key niche markets, including computer science, telecommunications, special motion picture software, artificial intelligence / deep learning and technology entertainment (Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Eidos, A2M, Cyanide, EA Mobile). Data centers in Montréal therefore have access to a pool of highly skilled labor. Add to that one of world's most advanced telecommunications networks and the choice is clear.



The Québec legislative environment pays particular attention to privacy laws under both federal and provincial legislation. For a company committed to this issue, the province of Québec is therefore one of the most ideal locations in the world to set up a data center.

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Who cares for Cloud computing? Apart from internet geeks and angryphones yelling that Montreal is loosing its competitive edge since Bill 101... Where's the 3rd big new office tower???

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Interesting to note that the Fed has nothing to do with the Buzz in Montreal for the cloud, except for some subsidies that were granted to MTL but across the country as well for AI, data centres. It's strictly business decisions.If Ottawa was in the decision i bet we would be hearing a lot about Toronto's "supremacy"in Finance, number of Head Offices, demography, and on and on as we do with the BIC.

All the strengths of Montreal, even low power rates would discounted by endless arguments in favor of Ontario, not essential to the decision. Montreal is a leader for the BIC, just as much as it is for technologies but this is a political decision in favor of Ontario, not a business decision as opposed to google, Amazon, Microsoft.

My opinion. Let's have our own BIC and create another strong business of our own, like the Caisse. Our future must be in our hands not in the hands of our neighbours.

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Who cares for Cloud computing? Apart from internet geeks and angryphones yelling that Montreal is loosing its competitive edge since Bill 101... Where's the 3rd big new office tower???


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Google confirms the buzz around Montreal: City selected as one of its new cloud regions
Plus Montréal devient un incoutarnable en TI, plus on attire les entreprises et ça fait que l'étudiant au doctorat en génie électrique diplômé de McGill pourra rester à Montréal au lieu de s'exiler à San Francisco. C'est très important et même la directrice de Google Canada a dit que Google est fière du développement de Montréal et des annonces de la dernière année. Montréal est entrain de devenir tranquillement la capitale mondiale du jeu vidéo, de l'intelligence artificielle est des fintech. Le dernier parait moins dû à l'ombrage de Toronto en finances, mais je rappelle que Montréal est dans le top 20 en finances au monde et continue de grimper.
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Toronto est fort en finance parceque les banques Canadiennes on fait beaucoup d'acquisition au USA. Si je ne me trompe pas la BMO a une plus grande presence aux USA qu'au Canada. La banque Scotia est tres presente en amerique du sud. Quand je vais en amerique du sud c'est etonant le nombre de sucursale un peu partout de la Scotia au Perou et au Chili. La Caisse populaire Desjardins devrait acheter ou faire un partenariat avec La Caixa (Caisse populaire originaire de Catalunia mais qui est aussi a travers l'Espagne)Deja les membres de Caixa peuvent faire affaire avec la Societé General en France et vice versa pourquoi pas la meme chose avec la Caisse populaire au Canada. .La Caixa — Wikipedia

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Plus Montréal devient un incoutarnable en TI, plus on attire les entreprises et ça fait que l'étudiant au doctorat en génie électrique diplômé de McGill pourra rester à Montréal au lieu de s'exiler à San Francisco. C'est très important et même la directrice de Google Canada a dit que Google est fière du développement de Montréal et des annonces de la dernière année. Montréal est entrain de devenir tranquillement la capitale mondiale du jeu vidéo, de l'intelligence artificielle est des fintech. Le dernier parait moins dû à l'ombrage de Toronto en finances, mais je rappelle que Montréal est dans le top 20 en finances au monde et continue de grimper.

Modifié par andre md
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La plus grande banque Canadienne hors Canada est la Scotia, avec des opérations dans presque tous les pays d'amérique centrale et du sud. Cependant c'est la TD qui affiche la plus grande croissance à l'international, avec des acquisitions par sa filiale TD Bank au États-Unis, qui est une des plus grandes banques de l'est américain avec une présence très forte dans le nord-est.


La BMO, via sa filiale BMO Harris est présente principalement dans le Midwest américain. CIBC vient tout juste de revenir aux États-Unis, avec l'acquisition de Private Bancorp. C'est les déboires de sa filiale américaine à la fin des années 90 qui avait relégué la CIBC au 5e rang du Big Five. Après avoir vendu sa filiale américaine RBC Bank dans les années 2000, la banque Royale a récemment conclu l'acquisition de City national Bank dans le sud ouest des États-Unis.


Fait intéressant: La Banque Nationale a pris beaucoup d'expansion en Afrique dans les dernières années. Pour ce qui est de Desjardins, ils ont une entente de réciprocité avec le Crédit Mutuel en France, ce qui permet de faire des retraits aux guichets des partenaires sans frais, et assure une bonne coopération à l'international.

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