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Lien ferroviaire Centre ville - P.E.T. 500++ M$


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CN all the way. the chance to develop a major portion of "southern-downtown" is an opportunity we shouldn't miss.


As far a deciding if there should be stops in between the Airport and Downtown, well that's easy!


Have one train be a "real shuttle service" ie: no stops, and have one train stop at various stations on the way downtown. Alternate. One departur for each every 30 minutes! or every hour...whatever!


every 30 minutes would be better imo, but might cost more :stirthepot:

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Uh? It would actually have stops between the airport and downtown?


That I don't get; the point of a shuttle is to be fast. As some have said here; business people need comfort. But they will also need efficiency (speed) and point to point service. Otherwise, they'll always opt for the cab and that would be a shame.


The line I'm talking about using the CN rails has nothing to do with the rail link. Sorry for the confusion. It's my own idea, supplementary to the airport-downtown link, regardless of whether they use the CN or CP tracks. I agree, even if they use the CN tracks so many stops would not make sense. My idea is supplementary to an express airport-downtown train. In fact the Aeroport stop I mentioned, which I only put in because it's already on the link anyways, wouldn't even stop at the terminus built under the Marriott. It would stop just west of the airport. I'll post a picture of the line as I envisioned it soon. Sorry for the confusion.

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Here it is, a BIT of a pipe dream, but not impossible. (And I repeat, this would not be the downtown-airport shuttle train. It is supplementary to it, and just so happens to use the CN tracks)



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  • 4 semaines plus tard...

Rail shuttle to Montreal airport pushed back to fall







The June target for deciding which route a rail shuttle linking Pierre Trudeau International Airport to downtown Montreal has again been pushed back, this time to the fall, said Aéroports de Montréal chairman Pierre Martin Thursday.


“It’s better to take a few extra weeks so that we address better the needs of (future) users and of citizens,” said Martin after ADM’s annual meeting.


“That’s just common sense.”


Martin said there never was a firm date, but that the general target of June, mentioned last month by Joël Gauthier, CEO of the Agence métropolitaine de transport, and James Cherry, president of ADM, was a bit optimistic.


The engineering work and other decisions on which route to take – the CN or CP route – will not be finalized until the fall, Martin said. The process is not a standalone decision, but is intertwined with a planned increase and upgrade of services on commuter train lines to the West Island in general, Cherry said.


The airport authority also reported passenger traffic fell five per cent in the first quarter of this year in the wake of the global economic crisis.


Cherry added that the spread of the swine flu from Mexico “will surely have an impact in April and May also, but nothing huge.”


Despite the “difficult context,” ADM traffic dipped only 0.1 per cent last year. Freight traffic suffered a steep drop, but Cherry noted that that was due “mainly to a new method of calculating cargo that is much more reliable.”


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It's always a possibility, especially given our clumsy, overlapping bureaucracies who at best, are incompetent.


That said, conditions necessitating this link exist today that did not in the YMX dossier. 1) Rapid transit links for major airports to city centers are de rigeur today simply from a point-of-view of global competitiveness. In that sense, we are less likely to take airport infrastructure for granted today. It is both a significant economic generator and a marketing tool for the city - any city. 2) For environmental reasons related to both congestion and green-house gas emissions. 3) For Montreal, it is another much-needed expansion of our mass transit network, especially from the west of the island to downtown. This need will only increase as the population does.

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