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J'espère vraiment que le gouvernement ne va pas "choker" ! Pour une fois que le gouvernement Charest fait de quoi de bien la ! "In Rambo we trust" J'espère que son règne va s'achever au plus sacrant ! C'est une mafia cte gang la ! Terrible !


Bien d'accord! Une honte nationale. Il est temps de les remettre à leur place.

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Membres prolifiques

Une autre belle preuve de ce que les syndicats apportent de mieux à notre société. :rolleyes: Une belle gang de gorilles qui ne veulent qu'intimider les gens. C'est déjà commencer. Ils ont menacé de casser les deux jambes à la ministre et maintenant ils ont aggréssés une madame en lui cassant des côtes. Bravo, vraiment, bravo. Ils faut leurs casser le dos à ces osties de barbares là!

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voici un bon article d'André Pratte sur cyberpresse


La preuve


En paralysant illégalement hier la plupart des chantiers importants du Québec, parfois en ayant recours à l'intimidation, la FTQ-Construction et le Conseil provincial du Québec des métiers de la construction (International) ont fait la preuve que le gouvernement a raison de vouloir abolir le placement syndical dans cette industrie.

Depuis la commission Cliche il y a 35 ans, les gouvernements qui se sont succédé ont rêvé de mettre un terme à ce système malsain. Aucun n'a osé prendre le taureau par les cornes. Ce qui fait qu'aujourd'hui, les employeurs sont à la merci des deux principales centrales syndicales de l'industrie, celles-ci ayant le contrôle total de la main-d'oeuvre sur les grands chantiers. Le patron ou le petit syndicat qui ose contester ce contrôle verra vite les gros bras débarquer.


Le projet de loi 33 déposé par la ministre du Travail, Lise Thériault, propose de remplacer le placement syndical par un système de référence géré par la Commission de la construction du Québec. L'employeur qui a besoin d'ouvriers consultera le fichier informatique détaillé que tiendra désormais la CCQ. Les syndicats pourront continuer de suggérer leurs membres mais n'auront plus le monopole de l'information qui, à l'heure actuelle, leur permet d'en imposer l'embauche.


On comprend que la FTQ-Construction et le Conseil provincial soient mécontents. Ils seront entendus cette semaine par la commission parlementaire qui étudie le projet de loi. Ils ont publié des annonces dans les journaux. Ils auraient pu organiser des manifestations pacifiques. Mais la démocratie, ce n'est pas le fort de ces deux centrales syndicales. Elles ont donc choisi la voie de l'illégalité, de l'intimidation et du mensonge. Illégalité: ces grèves sont interdites par la loi R-20 sur les relations du travail dans la construction. Intimidation: les faits recueillis hier par les médias à cet égard sont incontestables, les ouvriers ont été sortis des chantiers par des taupins envoyés par les centrales. Mensonges, parce que les rares représentants syndicaux qui ont parlé aux médias ont prétendu que ces débrayages survenus simultanément dans toutes les régions du Québec étaient «spontanés».



Le président de la FTQ, Michel Arsenault, a même osé déclarer qu'«à sa connaissance», il n'y avait pas eu de mot d'ordre. Quelle farce! Par leur silence complice, les hautes instances de la FTQ cautionnent ce débrayage illégal.


Les Québécois ont beaucoup reproché au gouvernement libéral, avec raison, son refus de mettre sur pied une enquête publique sur l'industrie de la construction. Il lui faut reconnaître que, dans le dossier du placement syndical, également crucial pour que le ménage soit fait dans cette industrie, le gouvernement fait ce qu'il faut faire.


On le voit cette semaine, cette bataille-là sera rude. Pour la gagner, le gouvernement Charest a besoin de l'appui de la population et de celui des partis d'opposition.

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The explosive feud over job placements in the Quebec construction industry became nastier Tuesday as the Liberal presiding over the hearings on a proposed bill to limit union powers reported feces was spread on his office door overnight.


Allegations of intimidation also continued to swirl Tuesday as the Quebec Construction Commission reported it had received more than 60 complaints from contractors, workers, and project managers about intimidation and illegal union activities following Monday's wildcat strikes.


"And the phone lines just keep on ringing," said Quebec Labour Minister Lise Theriault.


She noted that more than 150 construction sites across the province were closed or paralyzed by the sudden work stoppage by members of two major unions — the Quebec Federation of Labour (QFL) and the Conseil provincial du Quebec des metiers de la construction, known as l'International.


Both unions are against the proposed bill that would see them lose power over who may work on construction sites in the province.


A day after Theriault reported receiving a threat of broken legs if she didn't drop her proposed bill, the president of the economic and labour committee hearings on Bill 33, Liberal Guy Ouellette, said Tuesday his riding office in Laval was vandalized overnight.


A mix of "mud and feces" was thrown at the door, along with a sign that said "(premier Jean) Charest you bastard. The people will get your skin."


A similar treatment was given to the riding office of Treasury Board president Michelle Courchesne, also located in Laval.


Ouellette, a former provincial police investigator who specialized in organized crime, couldn't say whether this was connected to the ongoing hearings on Bill 33 but he pointed out that the riding office of another Liberal national assembly member sitting on the committee, Stephanie Vallee, also was vandalized last Friday.


"Really, it's an interesting coincidence this happened overnight after the hearings started Monday. In five years, I've never had anything happen at my riding office," Ouellette said. "I don't know if anyone is trying to intimidate me. I come from a milieu where there is no place for intimidation and as I told people who appeared before us today at the hearings, physical integrity is of the utmost importance," he said.


The Conseil provincial du Quebec des metiers de la construction, also called l'International, lambasted the government Tuesday for tabling "in a hurry" an "ill-advised" bill to end job placement.


Donald Fortin, the union general manager, stressed this will hurt the province's economy and amounts to a "demolition job" of labour relations in Quebec.


Theriault told Fortin she has no intention of backing down and criticized him for failing to come up with any proposals to improve the bill.


"We're not stupid, we know there are problems with the current job placement program," Fortin said, adding that he didn't offer any solution because the minister is adamant she'll adopt the bill.


L'International president Gerard Cyr also told hearings into Bill 33 that he has asked his members to go back to work on construction sites Wednesday.


Meanwhile Tuesday, two groups of entrepreneurs pressed the government to stay its course to abolish job placement on construction sites.


The Federation of chambers of commerce told the hearings many of its members — 62,000 businesses and entrepreneurs — often bend to unions demands simply to "buy peace."


"They'll accept the fact that some workers don't work, they'll accept that because it's cheaper to buy peace with the unions rather that than deal with the problem," said the federation strategy and business director Jean-Guy Cote.


His colleague Denis Hamel also pointed to a system of "candles" that force entrepreneurs to maintain jobs for workers even if they buy new equipment to reduce manpower.


Also Tuesday, the QFL denied allegations made by a women's group that violence, harassment and discrimination are common on construction work sites.


The committee for the defence of women's rights in the construction industry said Monday one woman was set to testify at the legislature but had to stay home because she was "beaten up" by a colleague on a work site about 10 days ago.


The QFL has ordered an internal investigation but noted it does not believe the allegation stands.


"I will condemn any reprehensible acts. The QFL and the QFL-Construction don't tolerate the unbearable and the unacceptable within our ranks as well as outside of our ranks," QFL president Michel Arsenault said in a statement.


According to the information gathered by the QFL, the assault is not connected to its union and was not perpetrated by one of its members.


In an interview with Quebec City newspaper Le Soleil, the alleged victim said the purported assault is related to a problem between her husband, who is an entrepreneur, and another contractor.


Deraspe also said Monday at least two women working on a major construction site, La Romaine in northern Quebec, left their workplace in an ambulance in the past two weeks after they were assaulted. The QFL also denied that allegation and stressed that Hydro-Quebec has told them they are not aware of such incidents.


Isn't this getting pleasant :/

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T'as dit ça? Maintenant, c'est une blague ou pas?


Comme j'ai souvent mentionné sur ce forum, quand les syndicats sont apparus il y a quelques décennies, c'était un nécéssitée, car le propri.taire abusaient les employés, mais aujourd'hui c'est le contraire qui se produit. Les sydicats sont rendus trop puissants, et dans le cas des syndicats dans le domaine de la construction, plus souvent qu'autrement, ils agissent comme des brutes ou même comme la mafia! J'espère que le gouv va les casser! Ils ne méritent que ça!

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