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TOM Condos - 42 étages (2019)


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I actually feel sorry for the developer they're really in a tough position, the bottom half of the project has sold extremely well while the top half has been a sales disaster, what the hell do they do next?


As someone who bought a unit on one of those lower floors and whose deposit is now stuck in limbo, I don't. There has been absolutely no communication from the developer regarding progress or delays (including changes they made to the building) and extremely unprofessional attitude from the sales team. They're not going to be attracting more buyers with the reputation they've been building...


According to the developer, they're just waiting for the permit to begin construction, which permit they've been waiting for since March. I think it's quite clear that's not the real reason they haven't started the work.

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As someone who bought a unit on one of those lower floors and whose deposit is now stuck in limbo, I don't. There has been absolutely no communication from the developer regarding progress or delays (including changes they made to the building) and extremely unprofessional attitude from the sales team. They're not going to be attracting more buyers with the reputation they've been building...


According to the developer, they're just waiting for the permit to begin construction, which permit they've been waiting for since March. I think it's quite clear that's not the real reason they haven't started the work.



In the end, this is your decision, but if I were you, I'd take my deposit back asap and go find a unit in one of the buildings actually in construction somewhere downtown! This project doesn't seem to be going anywhere and your deposit not being invested somewhere is bad.


It must be really frustrating for you and I hope you get the best out of your situation. Good luck!

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Lorsque j'avais visité une unité de l'Altitude il y a quelques semaines, la vendeuse m'avait confié que le promoteur du TOM avait proposé aux promoteurs d'Altitude de racheter le terrain du Tom. Elle m'avait dit qu'il n'y avait aucune inquiétude à avoir pour les condos donnant vers l'est et que les vues seraient préservées. Pas de Tom d'après elle....Bon, en même temps, elle voulait me le vendre son condo! L'info vaut ce qu'elle vaut :-)

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wow that sucks ddsg! Hope you can get your money back. After hearing your testimony, I sure as hell wouldn't go and buy a unit there!!


Unfortunate, cause I think it has one of the best locations downtown! Way better than all the projects next to the Bell Center!

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wow that sucks ddsg! Hope you can get your money back. After hearing your testimony, I sure as hell wouldn't go and buy a unit there!!


Unfortunate, cause I think it has one of the best locations downtown! Way better than all the projects next to the Bell Center!


Bien d'accord, avoir voulu habiter le centre-ville, ce terrain m'aurait vraiment tenté. Le secteur du centre Bell sera toujours un peu plus stérile.

Dommage pour le projet, ça aurait fait une belle densité autour de la PVM, avec l'Altitude.

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Bien d'accord avec toi vince. Je crois que ce que j'aimais de ce projet c'est qu'il allait rajouter encore plus de densité dans un secteur déjà, très dense! Avec la PVM, L'altitude et le Tom, ceci aurait été un coin intéressant!


Donc si je comprends bien, près de 50% des unitées sont vendues, mais le promotteur a toujours de la difficultée à vendre ses autres unités. Il me semble qu'il y a quelque chose de louche dans cette affaire!?!

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