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Le Victoire - 26 étages


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The promoter might have a difficult time getting former buyers to invest, seeing as each of them lost their 250k deposit on the original purchase and are currently pursuing a class action lawsuit.


If this project is going to go up, the original developers will have to leave.

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

I've spoken with some other people very close to the project and received some positive news. I can't share yet, but it seems promising so far.

I know this contradicts what I said last week, so I'll wait to find out more before sharing.

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I've spoken with some other people very close to the project and received some positive news. I can't share yet, but it seems promising so far.

I know this contradicts what I said last week, so I'll wait to find out more before sharing.

Please let us know when the pepine is on the site, otherwise its just random rambling that only brings high expectations and low delivery.

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Please let us know when the pepine is on the site, otherwise its just random rambling that only brings high expectations and low delivery.


I'll stand by waiting for a pepine when you start contributing valuable thoughts to this forum. And on that note, my rambling isn't any more random than the thousands of replies you have posted on every single thread remarking how nothing can meet your architectural standard. So for everyone else interested in this project who is happy to receive some positive news, I'll continue providing updates as I receive them.

Modifié par mcgill101
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J'ai également eu des nouvelles positives, mais rien ne sert de crier Victoire avant l'heure ! Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est qu'ils espèrent pouvoir officiellement l'annoncer d'ici 2 mois... En attendant, la patience est de rigueur. ;)

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

So, earlier this week I saw a rich-looking guy next to a sports car wearing fancy pants and a sharp haircut. He was talking very loud into his cellphone, saying things like "we have to put the banner back up, yes change that logo, no that one needs to go" etc. while pointing at the facade.


Take it for what it is.

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