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Tout ce qui a été posté par swansongtoo

  1. I haven't looked at the other projects in the area but I'd assume 332 sq. ft. has to be among the smallest units to be built.
  2. Dans mon cas, ce serait plutôt un élément négatif, trouvant l'association avec les Canadiens parfaitement quétaine. **** D'accord avec toi -- la imagine si t'as l'option de reveter tes armoires de cuisine avec le CH LOL
  3. CFurtado very cool. Looking at the vid and stills remind you of black and white Notmans. This is what's so cool about the Internet in general and sites like this in particular. If Mtlurb can live for 100 years (or some form of it!) imagine the evolution of our city that can be stored on here for our children.
  4. This is such an awesome location to be in. Close to the downtown core, Chinawtown 2, Westmount Park, SAQ, Alexis Nihon, the Metro, a Japanese grocery store, laundromat and a sex shop ... diverse really. Sure the old Canadian Tire looks worn out, the old Blockbusters is looking for a new lease on life and that disastrous looking building next to the Shell that used to be a Wendy's needs to be reinvented. But overall the area is awesome. Mix of edgy and grungy that meets new life (including the bar and entertainment empire being built at the corner of Fort). I love it.
  5. So what happens next? And how long before the lot across the street sees a project?
  6. Casse toi pas la tête Gilbert Tante Pauline et le PQ s'envient et vont corriger tout ça
  7. Annonce dans La Gazette pour L'Avenue. 50 étages a partir de 249k.
  8. Bin la au moins ca semble comme l'avancement va reprendre.
  9. I think he's insinuating, tongue in cheek, it won't get built.
  10. Sweet thanks. Personally think a better location than L'Univers. You're on the square -- one of the most beautiful in the city!
  11. That URL is dead might want to pull it.
  12. Walking by today hoping sales office is indicative of the project! Not much detail on their website. Projet au coin St. Patrick et Thomas Keefer juste au sud du Marche Atwater.
  13. So -- what I heard this evening, after a couple pints, from someone who visits Wanda's once in a while is that the Wanda owners have bought the Thursdays TM and will open a Thursdays at the previous Hard Rock on Crescent. Had a hard time figuring out if this had merit or not ... but it wouldn't be far fetched to have Thursdays move to the old Hard Rock. Could makes sense actually.
  14. Mtlmtl, Con U is about 15 minutes away on foot. If you think the Old Port is close (say St. Laurent and De La Commune) I'd say the Con U is even closer. And let's not forget the underground city is at your feet through The Bay, malls, PVM so cold lousy wether not such big deal if you want to head out to the indoors. Overall awesome location to be in.
  15. Tout le monde s'en sort bien dans des villes comme NY et Toronto I'm sure we'll manage. Ce coin la va etre super cool.
  16. swansongtoo

    Le William (2013)

    The view when turning onto Des Seigneurs from Lionel Groulx...
  17. Autre petite article The Gazaoo sur l'effet possible du PQ sur le marche immobilier .... nothing controversial here.
  18. Ils parlent de Stéphane Laporte qui est outré et a dit qu'il refuse que sa brique se retrouve dans le hall d'entrée d'une tour à condo... **** Juste ici...
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