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Tout ce qui a été posté par denpanosekai

  1. No pictures to share, but there's a huge construction zone next to the current Nuns Island bridge. Quite impressive. The replacement bridge is going to pop up anytime now! Didn't expect it so soon. Nuns’ Island bridge work underway
  2. Nope. 31 octobre 2012 à 05h00 Un nouveau théâtre dans le Vieux-Montréal
  3. denpanosekai

    Expos de Montréal

    High five, that's exactly what I want out of this new stadium. Downtown view is a big bonus.
  4. > la ville avait finalement abandonnée l'idée I thought this was a done deal with the Seville people. Build your bunker here and we'll clean up the needles.
  5. New fancy-pantsy resto-bar directly across from YUL, in the old Ford Hotel. "Chicago Bar & Pizzeria"
  6. I was told 12 sales and as many reservations (out of 41 condos). What really blew my mind is that buyers have been guaranteed an April 2014 move-in date. I had to double-check with the rep. It's true that all units come completely unfinished, but still, hell of a deadline. She couldn't tell me when the crane was going up, but it was "definitely happening". We'll see! And Gramercy got a new neighbor.... not really! I think this is fake frontage for the English language version of 19-2 which was shot in the area recently.
  7. I would file this under "Completed"! No more machinery on site. Backyard isn't complete but they probably won't bother with it until Spring 2014.
  8. Nothing new except this fence to keep the homeless folks out. To be fair they've gotten pretty aggressive these days.
  9. I am impressed by this project. Lots of great videos on the developer's blog. I couldn't get the streetview to work in my post but it's a great use of a small lot. No need for a backyard, the kids can play in the park just a block away and enjoy the wonderfuly skating rink all winter long. Walking distance to the metro, couple of groceries nearby, large units, attractive Verdun-style architecture... very few negatives.
  10. Prepare to be blown away. I am now considering employment downtown Chicago. As a software engineer my options are limitless. I recommend you take the Blue train to Damen and walk down Milwaukee for a while. Just as charming as Mont-Royal on a hot summer day. Unless you're into drug dealing and gang banging, you're as likely to get shot in the city core as you are in the Galeries D'Anjou parking lot.
  11. Architecturally-speaking, the entire planet should be looking to Chicago for inspiration. I take it you never visited the downtown core. No need to go off-topic.
  12. Has anyone here walked through Northwestern Memorial Hospital in downtown Chicago (streeterville), just off the Mag Mile? What a beautiful campus with a mindblowing collection of beautiful pavilions, old and new. Yesterday we walked through the Viger warzone and we're so far off it's not even funny. I've seen airport hangars with more flair than this shed surrounded by highway ramps. The Glen won't be much better. Very disappointing and quite frankly depressing.
  13. 40% sold as of September 2013. Delivery April 2014. [sTREETVIEW],+Rue+Willibrord,&layer=c&sll=45.459327,-73.568588&cbp=13,11.16,,0,-2.5&cbll=45.459308,-73.56844&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=311+Rue+Willibrord,+Verdun,+Communaut%C3%A9-Urbaine-de-Montr%C3%A9al,+Qu%C3%A9bec+H4G+1W5&ll=45.459325,-73.569142&spn=0.001817,0.004128&t=m&z=14&panoid=rnwR3j0HuipiiB7rNXPXxw&source=embed&output=svembed[/sTREETVIEW]
  14. Sorry man, I walked in to check out the maquette but walked out pretty fast. Lots of security guys, taking pics would have looked weird. Wasn't really dressed for the occasion.
  15. This is a bad ass project. I want this to happen!
  16. BanK in 1974. Will the Giants of St-James ever come back or will they stay inside?
  17. Montreal Gazette | Page Not Found
  18. I saw that at 1PM, and it was gone at 6PM.
  19. Good stuff overall > La venue du YUL va allonger le centre-ville de Montréal un peu plus vers l'ouest I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Talk about cringe-worthy marketing speak.
  20. Sorry for the low quality, it was a gray and rainy day.
  21. Very nice dark red brick being put in on both De Longueuil and St-Henri. Looks much better than the Phenix. This is a major difference from the render at the top of this thread (and indeed, from the current website).
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