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Autoroute 10 (Bonaventure - portion au nord du canal (boul. urbain))


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Very nice, acpnc ! Nos urbanistes ont sûrement pensé ou proposé quelque chose de semblable, mais est-ce que nos décideurs sont prêts pour ce genre de vision ? Ça n'a pas l'air d'être le cas quand on jette un coup d'oeil sur les croquis de la ville dans sa Vision 2025 ; les buildings dans le milieu du boulevard, si c'est vraiment ce qui va se passer, ne rendraient pas l'endroit tellement plus convivial. No matter what, ça va être une amélioration sur l'autoroute actuelle, mais il ne faudrait pas aboutir avec un autre genre René-Lévesque avec un peu plus d'arbres... quel gaspillage ça serait !

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Any tall building at the south end would kind of ruin the «coming into Montreal» experience of the large boulevard. There is so much vacant space all around to build for years and years, we don't need that new space to be build up. But we do need green spaces badly in that part of town.


Understandable. It would be nice if they make it more tree-lined similar to Andrassy Ave, in Budapest. Also keep the green space in the middle.



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J'aimerais bien que Décarie soit recouverte.

Ça serait toute une revalorisation urbaine pour les quartiers qu'elle traverse!

Il faudrait commencer par le sud, là où c'est le plus résidentiel et aller progressivement vers le nord.

Plus loin, les commerces et les industries souffrent moins de la présence de l'autoroute.

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The replacement of the Metropolitaine Blvd. has already started.

1) The l'Acadie circle...finished almost 10 years ago

2) The Decarie interchange is now being replaced

3) The Autoroute 15 interchange replacement is going on right now!!

4) The Côte de Liesse interchange is about to be started


Once these 4 major interchanges are completed then, only straight aways have to be replaced.


A) The West-end is in very good shape .......(Cote de Liesse to Morgan)

B) The east-end is in fair shape ...... (Viau to Pte aux Trembles

C) Côte de Liesse to Decarie has to be redone, but it is a short span and there is some room to work on a replacement.

D) The elevated portion from St. Laurent to Pie-IX....this is the major project and the biggest piece in the puzzle.

With all the engineering know-how (SNC, Genivar, Axor, Dessau etc) we should be able to have our own Big Dig (Boston) done. What is it, about $200 million to tunnel 1 kilometer for the Metro tunnels?...So let's multiply by 3 because of the size and configuration. Approx $600million per kilometer x 6 kilometers and voila $3.6 Billion later and you have the ugliest scar in the city gone forever.


Imagine the developemnet of tramways parks and urban boulevards.....I guess I can dream on!!



So let's hope that one day all these road projects and urban renewal projects will make Montreal the great city that it truly deserves to be not only in what it offers in terms of life style but also in appearance and functionality.

Modifié par MARTY
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