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It would be my honour.


That's a little extreme coming from the same family but she was right. In times of war, a patriotic American stands by his/her President and armed forces. I don't know these people, so there is a good chance that there are many more problems between them than just the political question.


All of this sounds like its straight out of a Michael Moore movie.


. Bush did not invade Iraq on a lie, but rather on a CIA error.



Republicans and conservatives like you really have a fixation with Michael Moore. As he was the leader of the liberal world. It's ridiculous and you should get over it. It's as if liberals cited Sarah Palin everytime the conservative movement was discussed.


Calling people who love their country ( as my three american friends ) unpatriotic is not only unhelpful and false, but eventually it backlashes as it did against the Bush administration. Republicans like to believe they are the only ones who are patriotic. Hogwash. They are not.


You say people are unpatriotic because they do not support their military? Again. More republicain rubbish. They had friends in the military. In fact, one of them lost a cousin in Iraq. They believed the boys and girls were sent there on a lie. Oh....sorry..... I meant a CIA went to war on a CIA error. Do you actually believe this? Millions of americans do not. And they are not unpatriotic for thinking it either

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Patriotic means love of one's country.


It has nothing to do with not loving your president and supporting a war you feel was based on a lie.


That being said, if republicans thought they could label millions of liberals ( and some consevatives as well ) antipatriotic and even traitors based on their interpretation of the word patriotic and get away with it, they were wrong. Those personal attacks on millions of americans backlashed and transformed itself into a "I hate Bush" movement. But the republicans still have not learned the lesson from this. You still have them waving the patriotic flag like it belonged to them, and now have patriotism defined as excluding hating Bush.

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I can't believe people actually think George W. Bush is a war criminal.


But he is, what's so hard to believe about it?


And with regards to "winning the war on terror", please.

If you believe such "wars" can be won, you'd better sit down in a comfortable chair and think about that one.

By the way, how's the war on drugs going? Any progress? I hear Mexico just made it legal to posses small amounts of drugs. Canada will be next, and then the US will eventually cave in and North America will be a giant drug sandwich, with all the money going to... You guessed it, terrorists. Yay!

Your vast knowledge of GOP rhetoric is commendable. If only Lincoln was alive today to see what his Republican Party has become. I wonder if he would have voted for George W Bush. I'm thinking no.

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But he is, what's so hard to believe about it?


And with regards to "winning the war on terror", please.

If you believe such "wars" can be won, you'd better sit down in a comfortable chair and think about that one.

By the way, how's the war on drugs going? Any progress? I hear Mexico just made it legal to posses small amounts of drugs. Canada will be next, and then the US will eventually cave in and North America will be a giant drug sandwich, with all the money going to... You guessed it, terrorists. Yay!

Your vast knowledge of GOP rhetoric is commendable. If only Lincoln was alive today to see what his Republican Party has become. I wonder if he would have voted for George W Bush. I'm thinking no.


War on terror : agreed. It's totally naive to think you can completely eliminate terrorism. This is why the term 'war on terror' is no longer used.



Bush a war criminal : i disagree with this idea. I strongly believe Bush was not an evil man, as many like to suggest. I simply believe Bush was acting in the way he thought was best for his country. Unfortunately, i also think Bush is extremely unintelligent. To be blunt, the man is stupid. As a result, we ended up with what i believe was a terribly awful administration, far from the best the Republican party has ever offered.


Dumb? Unquestionably. Ignorant? Possibly. Malicious or deceitful at times, could well be. A war criminal? Nope.

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Republicans and conservatives like you really have a fixation with Michael Moore. As he was the leader of the liberal world. It's ridiculous and you should get over it. It's as if liberals cited Sarah Palin everytime the conservative movement was discussed.

A lot of Liberals seem to think that Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, etc. speak for the conservative movement. Michael Moore is a perfect example of your uninformed Liberal. I could also be speaking about any protester, left-wing documentary maker, or Air America Radio host.


Calling people who love their country ( as my three american friends ) unpatriotic is not only unhelpful and false, but eventually it backlashes as it did against the Bush administration. Republicans like to believe they are the only ones who are patriotic. Hogwash. They are not.

Hmm, seems very hypocritical to me that you call Republicans unpatriotic. Seems to me that they have not been throwing personal insults at Obama the way many on the left did to Bush. And they always stand by their armed forces. I never called Democrats unpatriotic (I have some relatives in Virginia who are Democrats and they are very patriotic). I'm calling people who don't support the military, and hate the Bush administration with a passion unpatriotic. Not all Democrats are Bush-hating, army-hating flag burners. Take Cataclaw for instance, while he does not agree with Bushes policies, and even questions his intelligence, he does not hate Bush, nor did he want Bush to fail. He is part of what you call the silent majority.


You say people are unpatriotic because they do not support their military? Again. More republicain rubbish.

How so? I think supporting your country's military is CRUCIAL to being patriotic.


They had friends in the military. In fact, one of them lost a cousin in Iraq. They believed the boys and girls were sent there on a lie. Oh....sorry..... I meant a CIA went to war on a CIA error. Do you actually believe this? Millions of americans do not. And they are not unpatriotic for thinking it either

My condolences go to your friend and his family. His cousin was a true patriot. However, you still have not acknowledged the fact that the ultimate result of the invasion was positive. Your friend should realize that his cousin did not die in vain, but died making the world a safer place. Iraq is now a functioning democracy, and Saddam Hussein was executed for the war crimes he committed on his own people. None of this would have happened if George W. didn't order the invasion of Iraq (and John McCain proposing the troop surge).

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But he is, what's so hard to believe about it?[/Quote]

Prove it. When did he demand that innocent civilians be slaughtered? What weapons of mass destruction were used? Your definition is faulty.

And with regards to "winning the war on terror", please.

If you believe such "wars" can be won, you'd better sit down in a comfortable chair and think about that one.

Wars of this type can be almost entirely won. Terrorism will exist on a much smaller scale as long as any given country is a democracy. Two democracies have rarely ever been at war with each other. Read up on this:


By the way, how's the war on drugs going? Any progress? I hear Mexico just made it legal to posses small amounts of drugs. Canada will be next, and then the US will eventually cave in and North America will be a giant drug sandwich, with all the money going to... You guessed it, terrorists. Yay!

If you want to ruin your life and end up in prison than by all means use drugs. If you don't want your government to protect you from drugs then you'll see what the consequences are. Such laws are in place not to punish you but to protect you. As for Mexico's legalization of small quantities of drugs it is a mistake. That bad drug situation in Mexico is about to get a whole lot worse.


Your vast knowledge of GOP rhetoric is commendable. If only Lincoln was alive today to see what his Republican Party has become. I wonder if he would have voted for George W Bush. I'm thinking no.

99% sure he would have voted for the GOP. The GOP supports the traditional values of America. Do you honestly think that Abraham Lincoln would be pro gay marriage, pro abortion and against the death penalty? Would he be for legalizing drugs? Do you think that Abraham Lincoln would want the US to negotiate with terrorists rather than eliminating them? You're way out in left field on this one.

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If you want to ruin your life and end up in prison than by all means use drugs.


I don't even use drugs, but please. People who take marijuana rarely, if ever, end up ruining their life or in prison. That's just silly.

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I don't even use drugs, but please. People who take marijuana rarely, if ever, end up ruining their life or in prison. That's just silly.

Depends on the situation. Smoking a joint and driving is becoming increasingly common and is just as bad as drinking and driving.


If you abuse Marijuana there is a strong chance that you'll become schizophrenic. I know a guy who this happened to. he's now on medication and on welfare.


A recent study from New Zealand stated that one joint has the equivalent effect on your health as smoking 20 cigarettes.,2933,326309,00.html


Although these are of course the extreme cases. I have no problem with legalization for those who are suffering with a debilitating illness if for whatever reason it makes them feel better.

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