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Marché d'édifices à bureaux de Montréal : actualités


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Habsfan, quels sont les prix du pied carré à TO et Calgary, si tu as ces données, j'aimerais bien savoir (class A)? Merci.


Cela dépends de où tu es situé. Si tu es au coin de Bay et King à Toronto, tu peux t'attendre à payer près de 70$-75$ le p².


À Calgary, les immeubles de Classe "A" peuvent aller chercher 65$ le p².

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I wonder what it looks like. I know the Rothschild and Pictet offices in Montreal are quite nice. One thing the BMO office is 9000 sq.ft larger than the Pictet office ;)



The BMO Harris Bank office is on the 2 last floors of 1250 R-L (46 and 47)


Here's a bad picture I snapped quickly the other night from their reception area



But the overall seems very nice, modern and upscale

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MONTREAL - Commercial tenants complaining about a lack of large available office spaces now have several more options in downtown Montreal.

Sublets and decisions by tenants to let leases expire have led to the availability of more than 550,000 square feet of downtown office space recently. Last year, a lack of these large contiguous blocks of space fuelled speculation over the need for additional office construction.


“The momentum in leasing … has slowed down,” said Brett Miller, the recently appointed president of the real estate services firm Jones Lang LaSalle Canada. “My concern is that the large users have been quite conservative in the way they use space. Hopefully, the mid-sized users will grow into these spaces.”


Despite the availability of these larger blocks, Montreal’s downtown vacancy rates for all building classes dropped from 7.2 per cent during the first quarter of 2011 to 6.3 per cent during the same period this year, in part because smaller spaces have been filled, a report by Jones Lang LaSalle said.


In April, landlord Jayka Investments began marketing just over 105,000 square feet of space at 1130 Sherbrooke St. W., now occupied by Canadian information technology consultants CGI Group. The IT company, eager to cut costs by reducing its office footprint, is also trying to sublease 140,155 square feet of space at 1350 René Levésque Blvd.


IBM is trying to sublet 75,000 square feet of office space at E-Commerce Place, and an estimated 30,000-square-foot block in that same building is poised to come to market, said Andrew Bissett, executive vice-president of Jones Lang LaSalle’s Montreal brokerage team. Another 70,000 square feet of office space will also become available soon, he said. And the Royal Bank of Canada is handing back almost 141,000 square feet of space at Place Ville Marie.


These new available spaces, however, should be filled up, Bissett said. In addition to these blocks, developer Kevric Real Estate Corp. is building a LEED Gold, 35-storey mixed project, Tour Viger, which would add 10 storeys and 230,000 square feet of office space.


Louis Burgos, senior managing director at Cushman & Wakefield, Montreal, said he doesn’t believe the new blocks of space will reverse the recent trend of Montreal’s emergence as a landlord’s market, after years of office tenants holding the upper hand.


“I think it’s going to open up some room for tenants who need that contiguous space. It gives you a few extra options,” he said. “All in all, it’s going to give some temporary relief, but it’s not a game changer.”


© Copyright © The Montreal Gazette


Original source article: Commercial spaces open up downtown



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According to Cushman Wakefield, Tour Viger (Altoria) will be annoucing their lead tenant "momentarily". The building is actually 239,000 square feet, and if it is a true lead tenant, I would expect that they are taking to close to 50% of that available space.

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According to Cushman Wakefield, Tour Viger (Altoria) will be annoucing their lead tenant "momentarily". The building is actually 239,000 square feet, and if it is a true lead tenant, I would expect that they are taking to close to 50% of that available space.


Bonne nouvelle ! J'ai hâte de savoir de qui il s'agit.

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Hopefully in my lifetime I will see another "real" office building go up in this city :awesome:




T'as quel age?

Il y a 4-5 projets pour sur la table pour construction dans les prochaines annees...

SNC, RioTinto Alcan, ils vont pas attendre 10 ans...

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Dans un article du 24h en rapport avec une grosse entreprise chinoise qui va investir de grosses sommes dans le plan nord il y avait un paragraphe intéressant pour Montréal.


''Le géant chinois de l'énergie Guodian United Power Technology s'installerait au Québec pour de bon. L'entreprise lorgne le marché énergétique des communautés nordiques éloignées et est à la recherche d'un bâtiment à Montréal pour y établir son siège social canadien. '' [/Quote]


Est-ce le début de quelque chose ?

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