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Très d'accord avec Yara. Aujourd'hui tout ce qui date d'avant les années soixante est devenu apprécié par le mainstream. D'ici une quarantaine d'année le modernisme deviendra probablement apprécié par monsieur-madame-tout-le-monde et qui sait, dans une soixantaine d'année le post-modernisme!

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this is very likely true. poured concrete is back in a huge way, when just 10 years ago it was impossible to find someone out of the field of architecture who loved brutalism as we love it now. the international style is as beloved as deco in some quarters. as we further distance ourselves from the post-modern era, people will come to appreciate great post-modern buildings (like the mba safdie pavilion or even concordia's library building). but like any era, some of these buildings will stand out more than others. the qds buildings are in a class of their own. the maison du jazz, the osm hall, the wilson building, the wonderful louis boheme, onf, the mdd, and hopefully the qds towers, they all join the post-modern MAC and nouveau monde theatre buildings, the international style salle W-P, the brutalism maisonneuve theatre, and uqam's amazing science complex that blends strong architecture from several eras. it's a showcase for quebec starchitecture. the bell center buildings? i don't think we'll look on them as fondly.

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