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Raccordement du boulevard Cavendish


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Cavendish extension on ice

The municipality of Cote-St-Luc responded with anger on Friday after Mayor Anthony Housefather learned that the City of Montreal cancelled plans to extend Cavendish Blvd. towards the 40 highway.

“[This] is a complete reversal of commitments made only months ago and is completely unacceptable to those living and working in the west end and West Island,” said Housefather in a statement.

Under an agreement signed with the province in March, Montreal promised to build the extension with money from the development of a subdivision on the grounds of the shuttered Blue Bonnets race track.

Money earmarked for the extension now has been dropped from the city’s next budget.

“This omission is in total violation of the Blue Bonnets agreement and the unanimous vote of Montreal City Council,” said borough councillor Dida Berku in a statement.


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:biting: I want someones head for this. It goes to show, that city doesn't care about traffic. They like everything packed up (i.e causing pollution and wasting gas). These people are completely useless.


It be beautiful if CSL, VSL and others can sue Montreal for screwing them over.

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City of Montreal 'pulls plug' on Cavendish extension, Côte St. Luc councillor Dida Berku says


The long-awaited Cavendish extension, which was part of a deal between the city of Montreal and the province, has suddenly disappeared from the three-year capital budget with no explanation, charges a Côte St. Luc city councillor.



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City of Montreal 'pulls plug' on Cavendish extension, Côte St. Luc councillor Dida Berku says


The long-awaited Cavendish extension, which was part of a deal between the city of Montreal and the province, has suddenly disappeared from the three-year capital budget with no explanation, charges a Côte St. Luc city councillor.




Interesting to see this project would only start in 2017, when the condo developments would be erected. I wonder how hard would it be for CSL to try and get the project to be PPP, if the City of Montreal doesn't want to fund it.

Modifié par jesseps
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1) The City of Montreal's boroughs of NDG and Saint-Laurent are equally affected by this decision. How many of their citizens will still vote for Tremblay's administration next time? Unless they do not care!


2) Is it not amazing that CSL, which initially opposed the Cavendish Extension Project, now seems to crave for it, while Montreal shows that it is not really interested?


3) Unless this is a reflection of Montreal's utter lack of capacity to fund even this rather modest but oh so important roadway project.


4) Unfortunately, the lack of this Cavendish Extension is also a bad news for the users of the Décarie interchange (used to be called "Décarie circle", but it would more appropriately be called "Décarie circus", albeit a slow motion one...)


5) CSL should not spend a single penny on this if others do not contribute. After all, the benefits would be shared on a wide basis.


6) There remains (...) only one hope for the Cavendish Extension Project, but ...I do not count on it. --That would be the Government of Québec stepping in and imposing it, as they did for the A-25 extension and bridge!

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Il y a beaucoup de mesquinerie dans tout ça. Longtemps CSL a résisté au raccordement des parties nord et sud, sous prétexte qu'elle y perdrait sa tranquillité et qu'elle n'avait rien à y gagner. Maintenant c'est Montréal qui s'objecte en ne réservant plus de budget pour les travaux.


Que fait-on des intérêts supérieurs de la population montréalaise, toutes villes confondues? Il est aberrant qu'une voie de circulation qui pourrait désengorger l'autoroute Décarie ne soit pas complétée à cause de caprices de villes à la vision bien étroite. C'est pourtant un dossier de transport qui allègerait tout le trafic du secteur et qui à mon sens serait rentable à tous les points de vue, pollution incluse. C'est ça la petite politique, et elle se fait sur le dos des payeurs de taxes, des automobilistes et de l'ensemble des montréalais, qui ne profitent pas au maximum du potentiel routier déjà en place.


Vite des élections (encore un an) pour changer d'administration et redonner à la Ville tout le dynamisme qu'elle a besoin pour relever ses nombreux défis.

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J’ajouterai aussi que l’extension de Cavendish aurait pu avoir une belle piste cyclable, ainsi qu’une voie réservé pour autobus, taxi et covoiturage. Il est dommage car ceci aurait aidé énormément la fluidité de Décarie.

Je connais des gens qui ont refusé un emploi à VSL car il fallait traverser l’autoroute pour se rendre.

Je réitère que les défussions sont les principales raisons pourquoi on n’a pas aujourd’hui une Cavendish qui traverse l’ile nord - sud.

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