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  1. hockey19

    Montréal du futur

    Article in Gazette
  2. Concrete building on crescent = photobomb successful
  3. hockey19

    Montréal du futur

    Oui TDC2. Si tu zoom un peu plus, tu vois le symbole CH sur le top.
  4. hockey19

    Montréal du futur

    "La plus importante jamais présentée" Ce mois-ci, l'activité immobilière continue de plus belle dans la région de Montréal, avec le lancement de nouveaux projets résidentiels en copropriété et locatifs. Y aura-t-il un essoufflement*? Ce n'est pas ce que laisse entrevoir l'exposition*Le Montréal du futur. Expo Vision de l'avenir Tous les deux ans, depuis 2006, l'exposition*Le Montréal du futur*rassemble dans la Grande-Place du complexe Desjardins les illustrations et les maquettes des projets résidentiels, commerciaux, industriels et institutionnels appelés à transformer la ville et ses environs. Or, l'édition 2016, qui aura lieu du 20 au 25 avril, sera la plus importante jamais présentée, révèle Robert J. Vézina, fondateur et organisateur en chef de l'événement. «*Il y a encore du rattrapage à faire, constate-t-il. Il y a plein de sites à remodeler et de terrains vagues à occuper.*» À découvrir, bien sûr, une grande variété d'immeubles aux vocations diverses. Pour la première fois, Images Montréal montrera à l'aide de photos hyper récentes où en est rendu le*top*30 des édifices en hauteur en construction à Montréal. La maquette mariant des tours en construction et des gratte-ciel montréalais, en blocs de type «*Mega Bloks*» sera de retour, enrichie de nouvelles tours (Tom Condos, Holiday Inn, Tour des Canadiens 2, etc.). Les visiteurs pourront aussi en apprendre davantage sur des projets en transports et infrastructures. Sera dévoilée*:*la maquette du nouveau pont Champlain, de 4,6 m (15*pi) de longueur. À voir, également, les places publiques, parcs et la plage prévus pour améliorer la vie des Montréalais. Une section spéciale sera consacrée aux projets du 375e anniversaire de Montréal.
  5. Wonder if this means expansion for Montreal? Sell your expensive real estate in Vancouver. And buy relatively cheaper in Montreal. Hope so.
  6. I post this shot only to drive you crazy
  7. hockey19

    Expos de Montréal

    St-Leonard sees surge in popularity for youth baseball 'We are growing at a tremendous capacity," says Baseball St-Leonard co-president Gerry Dupuis
  8. We need something to plug that hole between tour de la bourse and Le V. Ça presse!
  9. Dismantling of Mount Stephen Club facade to begin The Ville-Marie borough has issued a permit to dismantle and rebuild the facade of the Mount Stephen Club, which suffered structural damage during construction of an 11-storey hotel annex. In a statement issued Wednesday evening, Mayor Denis Coderre said the wall will be taken down “stone by stone” and rebuilt exactly as it was. The Renaissance Revival mansion at 1400 Drummond St. is classified as a provincial heritage monument and National Historic Site of Canada. “The restoration of this heritage jewel dear to Montrealers is the priority in our actions to preserve and enhance the built heritage of our city,” Coderre said. Preservation experts have said that dismantling the facade should only be a last resort since past examples of buildings that have been dismantled and rebuilt in Montreal never look exactly as they did before. The Montreal Gazette first reported in January that the magnificent Victorian mansion built from 1880 to 1883 for Lord Mount Stephen, founding president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, had suffered severe structural damage during the project to redevelop the site. The statement said that the borough has mandated a firm specialized in heritage architecture to oversee repair work and make weekly reports. An overview of inspection reports made public last month revealed that building inspectors with the borough didn’t visit the Mount Stephen Club for 15 months during the construction project. When an inspector went to the site last November, severe structural damage had already occurred.
  10. 'High-frequency' hybrid trains planned for Toronto-Montreal corridor OTTAWA -- Via Rail will ask the federal government by year's end to climb aboard a plan to run new "high-frequency," electric-hybrid trains in the busy Windsor-Quebec City corridor, says the head of the Crown corporation. With any luck, the $4-billion project will be "shovel ready" a year from now, with the first of the new fleet carrying passengers by 2019, says Via president and CEO Yves Desjardins-Siciliano. "The fall of 2019, the dedicated corridor would exist between Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto at a minimum and even possibly all the way to Quebec City at that point," he predicted in an interview with The Canadian Press. Via has been promoting its plan to build tracks dedicated to passenger rail service since 2014, just five years after its proposal for a high-speed service withered under the weight of the recession. But the proposal was recently refined to focus on building electrified tracks after Justin Trudeau was elected with a Liberal government committed to spend massively on infrastructure projects. The plan, which would involve private funding, falls in line with the federal Liberal government's stated desire to construct "green" infrastructure, said Desjardins-Siciliano. "There's a perfect alignment between this government's desire to have generational, transformative projects that are a step-change in Canada's modernization, with this project," he said. It also fits with a report to Parliament in February which called for "private-sector approaches" to improving both passenger and freight rail services in Canada. Via has been openly courting public-sector pension funds eager to invest in long-term, stable projects, to gauge interest in its plan, until it gets the green light from Ottawa to formally solicit partners. Private-sector investment could come in the form of a public-private partnership to help offset the costs of construction, or an equity investment. Desjardins-Siciliano said he has had discussions with the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan and the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System among others. The "high-frequency" aspect of Via's proposal appears out of sync with the Ontario government's appetite for faster train service. In October, the province appointed former federal cabinet minister David Collenette as a special adviser on "high-speed" rail, with a mandate to make a business case for building a rail link from Windsor through communities in southwestern Ontario to Toronto. Desjardins-Siciliano's plan envisions the construction of dedicated passenger rail lines for trains that would travel at an average speed of 110 kilometres an hour, initially along a corridor from Toronto to Montreal, with stops in several communities along the way. Until 2009, Via had promoted a lofty plan to construct a high-speed rail service for the Windsor-Quebec City corridor. But that plan no longer makes either economical or practical sense, said Desjardins-Siciliano, who sees Via competing with passenger cars rather than airlines to get people from city to city. He cites Europe as an example of where high-speed trains are readily available, but not in high use, because they are not as economical as flying and don't make frequent stops. "Less than 10 per cent of rail travellers (in Europe) travel by high-speed train," Desjardins-Siciliano explained. "Why? Because conventional speed rail stops every 50 to 100 kilometres and therefore is an alternative to the car," he said. "(And) a high-speed train ticket is more expensive than a plane ticket because of low-cost airlines." CN Rail, which owns much of the tracks currently carrying Via passengers, said it is ready to discuss any plan that would open its rail lines to more freight traffic. Last month's federal budget set aside $3.3 million over three years to study the viability of Via's dedicated rail line proposal, but made no commitments to pay for the construction itself. The Railway Association of Canada predicted the plan would relieve congestion on highways in the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal corridor, and reduce passenger travel times between the cities.
  11. Je pense qu'il parle aussi de Saint-Jacques près du place Bonaventure
  12. La Tour des Canadiens 2 passe à 49 étages Après des mois de spéculation, les promoteurs de la Tour des Canadiens 2 (TDC 2) ont décidé d'aller de l'avant et d'ajouter 12 étages à leur tour résidentielle du centre-ville, qui en comptera désormais 49. Au moins deux courtiers immobiliers de statut « platine » ont amorcé la prévente officielle des appartements situés au-delà du 37e étage, plus tôt cette semaine.* « On a déjà plusieurs réservations, il y a beaucoup d'intérêt », a affirmé à La Presse Affaires Carlos Ghazal, du Groupe Sutton Excellence. s.t. Changement règlementaire  Le rehaussement de la TDC 2 viendra densifier encore davantage les environs du Centre Bell, où une demi-douzaine d'immeubles résidentiels de 40 à 50 étages sont en prévente ou en construction. La mise en marché de la TDC 2 avait connu un vif succès l'automne dernier, alors qu'une bonne partie des 438 appartements avaient trouvé preneur en quelques mois, notamment auprès d'investisseurs. Les promoteurs souhaitaient depuis longtemps ajouter des étages, mais il a fallu attendre un changement de zonage pour pouvoir mettre ce plan à exécution. L'arrondissement de Ville-Marie -où se trouve le projet- a autorisé en janvier dernier l'augmentation de la hauteur maximale permise sur la parcelle où se trouvera la TDC 2. La limite est ainsi passée de 120 à 170 mètres. Il aura toutefois fallu plusieurs mois d'études et d'analyses avant que les promoteurs du projet du projet -qui incluent Cadillac Fairview, Canderel et le Fonds de solidarité immobilier FTQ- décident d'aller de l'avant avec le rehaussement de la hauteur. Carlos Ghazal souligne que l'ancien étage des « penthouses » se retrouvera tout au sommet de l'immeuble, soit au 49e étage. Les acheteurs des autres condos ne verront pas de changement. « Si, par exemple, tu as acheté au 36e étage, la vue pour laquelle tu as payé restera la même. » Au total, le changement au projet ajoutera environ 150 nouvelles unités, estime M. Ghazal. Le courtier Alexandre Tazi, du Groupe Londono, a lui aussi commencé la mise en marché des nouveaux condos cette semaine, en publiant notamment une annonce sur le site Kijiji Les promoteurs de la TDC 2 n'ont pas été en mesure de répondre aux questions de La Presse Affaires, mercredi matin.
  13. Apparently a pompier pumped his gf #sorryinadvance
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