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Tout ce qui a été posté par Cataclaw

  1. Ok enough about my neighbor, i've seen him do this a million times, it isn't new. RE: lights - i'm talking about leaving all the lights on in the house during the day, for 8 hours, just because you forgot to turn them off. My examples may seem trivial, and perhaps individually they are, but the broader message here is this: we must, as a society, reevaluate our energy consumption, question the sustainability of certain lifestyle choices and make improvements in conservation and efficiency. I'm not advocating a return to the stone age here, far from it, i'm just encouraging a little common sense consideration. Here's a good video on peak oil, suburban sprawl, new urbanism and sustainability in general:
  2. Non. Il s'est acheté un sac de chips. Il est en forme c'est ça le pire, il va à mon gym. Au contraire, OursNoir. Il faut critiquer les attitudes. On dépense un montant de resources incroyable par personne et ce n'est pas durable. Je suis ne pas un écolo-hippy qui veut conserver tout et revenir à l'age de pierre, mais quand même, au lieu de laisser toutes les lumières allumées, fermes-en dont quelques unes, hein? Au lieu de jetter ton déchet à terre, gardes-le dans ta main pour un autre 100m et jettes le au vidanges (ou mieux encore, le recyclage). Au lieu de prendre ton char pour franchir une distance de 75m, prend de l'air à place.
  3. My idea for the Champlain bridge accounts for the fact that only light (taxis and maybe buses) and very light (pedestrians, cyclists) would use it. I don't think you'd have to do a whole of lot of repairing if you're only going to use it for such light uses. Then again, i'm not an engineer.. the important thing is that a new bridge gets built ASAP. Everything else is secondary. As for lanes, the problem is the A-15/20 north of the bridge is a measly 2-lanes in each direction. There is no point having many lanes on the bridge if it bottlenecks on the A-15/20. Now, i'm not car-obsessed like you or Malek <3 but even i have to admit that this is an absolutely ridiculous situation. There ought to be 3 lanes minimum and ideally 4 in each direction along that stretch of highway. You've got the busiest bridge in Canada and it leads to that?!
  4. The Minneapolis bridge had frequent safety inspections as well, and it collapsed into the Mississippi... I know it's unlikely to happen, but why play with fire? 1. A new bridge needs to be built now 2. Afterward, the Champlain needs to undergo repairs 3. Then, the Champlain can serve taxis, buses, pedestrians, cyclists and perhaps some form of transit (metro? tram? light rail?) whereas the new bridge carries 8-10 lanes of vehicular traffic. Do this. Do it now!
  5. Person A is lazy and doesn't feel like putting a piece of garbage in a garbage can, so he just drops it on the floor. He is polluting. He is compromising the quality of life of others. Person B is lazy and doesn't feel like walking 65 seconds to the dep, so he just gets in his car and drives there and back. He is creating noise pollution and air pollution as well as wasting a finite resource. Is that finite resource person B's to waste? Perhaps, but that doesn't mean it's a considerate thing to do. Is anyone really going to care that much? No, not more so than littering... but ultimately this is a thought experiment and a dramatization to emphasize a point. Yes person A can theoretically litter if he wants, and yes person B has every right to drive their car as much as they want, but that doesn't mean it's a smart thing to do ecologically or socioeconomically. If we got our acts together and gave a second thought to conservation and sustainability, we could do a world of good that would have cascading benefits for society as a whole. It's called being considerate. Nobody is going to yell at you because you drove to the depanneur which is 75 meters away, but why not do a good thing instead? Nobody is going to yell at you because you tossed your cigarette bud outside the window onto a public square, but why not do the right thing and just throw it into a designated receptacle? Anyway, i'm ranting here, but society as a whole would benefit greatly from a little common sense and consideration.
  6. C'est justement pour ça que les augmentations entrainent des changements de mentalité et de style de vie. We don't want to eliminate car use from public life, that would be silly. We just want to prioritize transit and other forms of sustainable transportation. In so doing, we also favor densification and reduce sprawl. In my opinion, the ideal scenario would be steady increases of roughly 10-15 cents per year over the next 20 years. A slow and manageable increase that makes adaptation feasible. I don't like it when prices spike up 20 cents in a week.. i do think peak oil has occurred and that increases are inevitable, but i do hope they come about smoothly to allow for a good transition. I think dramatic increases to 2$/L or 3$/L in a very very short time span might be too chaotic and damaging, even though I'm in favor of such price increases in the very long term. My neighbor takes his car to go to the dep which is about 75 meters away. 75 meters. He takes his car. Seriously? Yesterday I went to the dep at the same time as him. We both left at the same time and i arrived there before he did. A guy was parking, people were crossing intersections, and kids were playing hockey in the street. All in all, my walk to the dep took roughly 65 seconds, he got there 5 seconds after me. I'm not saying cut cars out of the equation totally.. i love a drive in the country as much as anyone, but there's a serious lifestyle problem / mentality issue when people take their cars to go to the dep that is 1 block away when it's 15C outside and they could just walk. That's what needs to change. People will think twice about doing silly things like that and polluting needlessly.
  7. Gilbert: quoique je suis entièrement d'accord avec toi et j'aurais aimé un appuis du fédéral, ce n'est quand même pas si surprenant. La philosophie des conservateurs c'est réduire la taille du gouvernement et cela comporte des coupures dans les dépenses. Taking tax dollars from elsewhere to help Montreal would constitute a form of "spreading the wealth" and conservatives are poignantly against this. But this.. this is a matter of safety. If that bridge falls the blood of its victims will be on the hands of those who refused to act when there was still time.
  8. Ca m'agace les hausses mais en même temps si on veut combattre l'étalement et densifier nos villes, les hausses ça aide beaucoup pour ça. Ma copine et moi nous envisageons quitter la banlieue pour aller partir notre vie ensemble en ville, avoir nos enfants, etc. Mais pour l'instant, en banlieue, c'est certain que les hausses me font mal, mais pas pour longtemps!
  9. Belle série, merci! C'est le fun, on a plusieurs chantiers à l'étape des fondations en ce moment (Altitude, Lowney, Marriott, etc.) ça va être interessant à suivre cet été!
  10. 18 Avril 2011 Le 5ème étage se solidifie.. Avec la Maison du Développement Durable
  11. 18 Avril 2011 Ca travaillait fort aujourd'hui. Très bruyant aussi! Est-ce qu'ils se préparent pour la prochaine étape? Il y a des lignes rouges sur le sol! Le trou me semble assez "propre" pour débuter les fondations.
  12. Oh it still has its charms, but that isn't the point. It's a point where it would be easier to destroy the house and rebuild it exactly as it was. Have you seen the back side as Gilbert mentions? Structurally the building is not sound.
  13. Unfortunately people don't realize the extent of the damage. People should really go look at the site for themselves. I'm convinced that anybody that actually visits the building up close, as it is today, will see just how beyond-repair it is. The owner did screw us over, but now it's too late. We may as well do something with the land.
  14. Mauvais fil, Memphis_22. Les photos de Dubai devraient aller dans le forum "autres photos"
  15. Ca m'agace qu'il y a déjà une belle trace de terre creusé dans le gazon entre le coin Maisonneuve/Saint-Urbain et Montigny/Clark. Les gens coupent à travers la place pour sauver du temps, je ne peux pas trop les blâmer. Personnellement je trouve que c'est la faute des gens qui ont pensé à ce design. Il faut toujours prendre en considération les déplacements et les habitudes des gens. Il aurait fallu mettre un chemin en diagonale d'un coin à l'autre. Mais bon, je ne veux pas être trop négatif non plus, en gros je crois que les travaux sont réussis, ce n'est qu'un détail.
  16. Un service express = des tunnels supplémentaires, des trains supplémentaires et des platformes supplémentaires. Ce n'est pas pour demain
  17. Memphis_22 et chammpdesmars: Vos arguments sont logiques, mais je crois avoir des solutions potentielles. 1. De Snowdown jusqu'au bout de N-D-G/C-S-L/Montréal-Ouest (bref, une station à Concordia-Loyola, idéalement) : métro standard 2. Du point précédent jusqu'à l'aéroport : transition vers un métro "de surface" comme à New York jusqu'à l'aéroport en suivant vaguement l'autoroute 20. (toutefois, ce segment serait enveloppé et protégé des éléments) 3. Finalement, au prix que ça coute un métro, pourquoi ne pas investir 20% un coup parti et simplement creuser les tunnels plus large et faire rouler deux lignes comme à New York (local/express) La ligne express pourrait même biffurquer à partir de Loyola et suivre le corridor de l'A-720 en surface pour rejoindre la station Lionel-Groulx pour simplifier les transferts pour les voyageurs venant de l'aéroport!
  18. Et en plus, il y a un bon bassin de population entre le centre-ville et l'aéroport!
  19. I live in Longueuil and would find myself with a metro station 5 mins away from me... yet I would still rather see the metro extended in Montreal first. I would rather the blue line be extended in both directions, the green in both directions, a new red line created along a north-south axis along parc or pie-ix until griffintown and maybe even brossard. Then once that's done.. extend the yellow. That being said, i still think a yellow-line extension is justified, it's just not the biggest priority.
  20. En effet. Bien dit Yarabundi! Il y a peut-être eu manque de tact mais on aimerait certainement que tu restes avec nous! Les différences font la force sur mtlurb et tes opinions sont certainement les bienvenues.
  21. Heiiin? Cette tour est magnifique! T'as le droit à ton opinion, mais t'es dans la minorité et pas à peu prêt!
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