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None of them generalised like Maclean's does with this cover page. Plus, like Cataclaw said, saying toronot stinks and comparing that to Montreal is a disaster and a disgrace is not the same at all. There are levels of attacks that are not on the same level...then again, we should expect this kind of thing from Macleans. they have a well documented history of bashing anything from Québec!


No they don't. It's just yours (and others here) hypersensitivity. Like I said, its crybabyism that many quebeckers use as a crutch along with blaming the ROC.

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No they don't. It's just yours (and others here) hypersensitivity. Like I said, its crybabyism that many quebeckers use as a crutch along with blaming the ROC.


Okay, so you're saying that you equate "Toronto stinks" to "Montreal is a disaster and a total disgrace"


Are you saying that they're equal in severity? Really? :rolleyes:


I love ROC, i support ROC, i'm a federalist, but this is bullshit.



We're not being hypersensitive, you're being hyperlenient.

Modifié par Cataclaw
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Okay, so you're saying that you equate "Toronto stinks" to "Montreal is a disaster and a total disgrace"


Are you saying that they're equal in severity? Really? :rolleyes:


I love ROC, i support ROC, i'm a federalist, but this is bullshit.



I mean no personal offense with this. We're not being hypersensitive, you're just being hyperignorant.


First you are only comparing two headlines, so who's the one being ignorant. If you actually want to prove something, then please go and do an analysis of every headline in Macleans and study each word individually to draw a conclusion. Secondly, I specified that it was in relation not simply to the article, but to the crutch of the "us" versus "them" mentality.


There is nothing wrong with the Montreal headline, it's an editorial, its supposed to be like that. They do this all the time, and Montreal is no exception. They have had headlines like "B.C Crime Superpower" and "Israel coming to an end"


What illustrates the hypersensitivity is that articles with similar headlines have been published for weeks now in french, yet nobody said a word about it being Montreal bashing. I mean just last week, LaPresse called Montreal politics cancer and leDevoir had Mafia knocking on city's front door. The gist is the same, and if you are going to nitpick about individual words because they are more hurtful - then you are being hypersensitive.

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Un peu dans le sens de ce que GDS dit, il y a plusieurs milliers de Montréalais/Québécois qui ont dit à peu près les mêmes choses sur Montréal dernièrement.


Maclean's s'est servi d'une opinion pessimiste qui se répand, et en a fait une couverture sensationaliste.

Oui ils ont généralisé sur Montréal au complet, parce que les accusations de corruption/collusion ne se limitent pas à Union Montréal et touchent plusieurs partis / constructeurs de Montréal, Laval, Longueuil.



Pas besoin de tout lier avec le "ROC faisait du Québec-bashing".

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First you are only comparing two headlines, so who's the one being ignorant. If you actually want to prove something, then please go and do an analysis of every headline in Macleans and study each word individually to draw a conclusion. Secondly, I specified that it was in relation not simply to the article, but to the crutch of the "us" versus "them" mentality.


So you make claims about various headlines, don't provide any proof or sources, then criticize me when i compare two headlines?


It goes both ways. If you're going to claim that people trash Vancouver and other cities equally hard, kindly supply proof.



There is nothing wrong with the Montreal headline, it's an editorial, its supposed to be like that. They do this all the time, and Montreal is no exception. They have had headlines like "B.C Crime Superpower" and "Israel coming to an end"


"Crime superpower" and "A disaster and a disgrace" are not in the same ballpark, GDS. They aren't even in the same league.



What illustrates the hypersensitivity is that articles with similar headlines have been published for weeks now in french, yet nobody said a word about it being Montreal bashing. I mean just last week, LaPresse called Montreal politics cancer and leDevoir had Mafia knocking on city's front door.


Well i can only speak for myself. And i haven't read any unfavorable articles about Montreal. If you'd like to quote some that are equally harsh in their wording, kindly do so and i will be critical of them as well.


The gist is the same, and if you are going to nitpick about individual words because they are more hurtful - then you are being hypersensitive.


This gist is not the same. Words matter.


If i say "Montreal is mildly unpleasant due to problems"




There's a difference. Language and communication.


"Baby, i fell and bruised my arm. Does my arm look ugly now?"

"Naw babe, it's just a small spot, it'll go away"




"Baby, i fell and bruised my arm. Does my arm look ugly now?"

"Wow, who let the ugly squad out? Holy shit is that a bruise or is that a cross between the grand canyon and the bottom of the dead sea? It'll go away eventually, when we die, possibly from having been exposed to the ugliness that is that bruise. Why are you looking at me like that baby? Are you nitpicking about the words i'm using?"


Words matter. The gist is not the same. Period.

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I am not going to waste my and others time with your trolling and infantili.


Now now, you wouldn't happen to be "hypersensitive" by any chance, would you? Well, it does sound like you're upset. Did i upset you with my little candid dose of truth? But how could that be? Like you say, words don't matter, right?


Everything we say is.. you know, just kind of stirred around in the same pot, right? The gist is the same?

Modifié par Cataclaw
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My mother when she heard this. She broke down in laughter. She was like man it sounds like were in Sicily or something.


Don't get me wrong. Montreal does have its problems. Not sure how corrupt other world cities are but Montreal still a great place to be. Look at it. Crime is pretty much none existent (murder and so forth)


The city does really need to look into the companies they give jobs to and see who they contract, sub-contract and sub-sub contract to. I know its harder than it is. If the city willing to do it, it can be done.


Why don't they run a story on how most high ranking officials are corrupt and take money from corporations? Look into how the CRTC regulates stuff.


At least or we hope certain city officials will be caught with their hand in the "cookie jar" and lose their job or even go to prison.


Thats my 2 cents.


As for the article. I wont even read it. Its not even worth my time.

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