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Membres prolifiques

The author reminds me of Iranian President Ahmadinejad who once declared there were no homsexuals in Iran. What a jerk. Is there really more corruption in Montreal than in Toronto or are our journalists doing a better job of uncovering the whole thing? I bet Macleans would never have written such junk if Toronto was the object of this attention. Jerks. Macleans should do their job by putting their energies at uncovering the corruption in Toronto rather than blaming Montreal for having the courage to uncover and attack the problem.

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Bon, je viens d'écouter l'entrevue. Le journaliste fait valoir que son article ne fait que reprendre des faits déjà largement étalés dans les médias francophones du Québec: infrastructures déficientes, corruption, etc. Vrai que la page couverture est trash, mais Patriquin fait remarquer que Toronto a aussi passé au bat cet été...


La preuve:



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Obviously this issue has yet to be released, but has anyone seen this yet? This seems like a Montreal bashing field day.




Calling Montreal a disgrace is a very strong statement, as while they sit in their Toronto office buildings, their city is suffering from many more homicides as well as a massive polarization of wealth, as the middle class drains itself to the far reaches of the GTA.


I'm not saying that Montreal doesn't have its problems, but this seems to be utterly gratuitous, on the part of those who seem to love to see us fail.


Oh dear, I don't think this is a reflection on the part of Torontonians who to tell you the truth are too self involved and only give a passing thought to Montreal, or Halifax for that matter. Like you said they have their own problems or things to do and deal with so I doubt they even care.


If anything this article will sell tons of copies in Quebec and maybe the schadenfreude-prone West but that's about it. Maclean's is like Time magazine, nobody really reads it unless they're in waiting room somewhere.


And like GDS said, Torontonians have been the subject of these sorts of articles (and films) for years. And all it does is make them develop a thicker skin.


Remember this is Canada where 70 murders a year in a metropolitan area of 3 or 4 million is considered high. Montreal is not turning into Chicago or New Orleans for that matter but those sensationalistic parallels sell magazines.

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This is not at all a reflection on Toronto. My point is that every city in Canada has its share of problems. Vancouver has the poorest neighborhood, Calgary is becoming a victim of its own success as it continues to sprawl, and the current (possibly former) administration of Montreal is allegedly corrupt.


What I am saying, is that branding a city as a disgrace in order to sell a few extra copies with a cover page like that is over the top. By all means, attack the administration, but to generalize a city of millions like that is irresponsible, and might give people who don't actually read the article and just see the coverpage the wrong idea.

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The author reminds me of Iranian President Ahmadinejad who once declared there were no homsexuals in Iran. What a jerk. Is there really more corruption in Montreal than in Toronto or are our journalists doing a better job of uncovering the whole thing? I bet Macleans would never have written such junk if Toronto was the object of this attention. Jerks. Macleans should do their job by putting their energies at uncovering the corruption in Toronto rather than blaming Montreal for having the courage to uncover and attack the problem.


Well said Peluche, well said.

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Toronto stinks




Montreal is a disaster, a total disgrace.



"Stinks"? That's a very mild word, isn't it. The Montreal cover is 3x harsher than the Toronto one. The Montreal cover paddles its way into "inappropriate" territory.


Bottom line : The article may have truth to it, but the sensationalism is terribly gross and we can do without it. The cover page is totally inappropriate and shameful.

Modifié par Cataclaw
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Let's post naked pictures of Rosey in the Gazette. Is it right? who cares other than Rosey. Will it sell more copies? Yes. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED:silly:


If naked pictures of me help sell more copies of the Gazette I'll take that as a compliment :thumbsup:


My main point is yes it is outright wrong, but I don't think it should be taken too personally as some people are. If Winnipeg or Calgary or any other city were having similar issues I think the cover would have been just about the same thing.

Modifié par rosey12387
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So what?? The same stories have been written in french for weeks now. Suddenly you come out and say its Quebec bashing by those that supposedly loved us. Nice double standard.


None of them generalised like Maclean's does with this cover page. Plus, like Cataclaw said, saying toronot stinks and comparing that to Montreal is a disaster and a disgrace is not the same at all. There are levels of attacks that are not on the same level...then again, we should expect this kind of thing from Macleans. they have a well documented history of bashing anything from Québec!

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